Exam 1 Specific Flashcards
Democrats vs. Republicans (1854-present) *****
modern republican part was founded in 1854 to OPPOSe the spread of slavery (and by 1860 the institution itself) KNOW THIS
13th Amendment **
ratified in 1865; officially ended “involuntary servitude” aka slavery
14th Amendment
ratified in 1867; confers US citizenship to non white males
15th Amendment *****
ratified in 1870; gave suffrage (right to vote) to non-whites
Election of Black Senators *****
nominations for congress positions were backed by military enforcement (and ballot control); first black US senator was Hiram Rhodes Revels (R-MS)
Carpet Baggers *****
northern whites who moved to the south; supported enfranchisement of freedmen and gain republican support; they were hated by the south and thought to only be there to exploit people and gain money
white southern democrats who ardently opposed Reconstruction, rights for black people, the radical republicans and the sacalawags
original term for white southeners who supported Union efforts for reconstruction (even helping blacks); many had always opposed slavery but some were “reformed” slave owners who had different views
Reconstruction and the Southern Economy ****
new cotton mills were built everyhwere; towns were built around them; Birmingham was founded for metal works and Atlanta becomes the new face of the south; Depression of 1873 affected the south the worst; the south will be the poorest region of the US until the 1970s**
Election of 1876 **
Republican Rutherford B Hayes wins election; Redeemers make a deal with Hayes and tell him that they will give him the votes he needs as long as the first thing he does as president is end reconstruction and pull out miliatry aka Bargain of 1877**
Also know african americans before and after the civil war
The Credit Mobilier Scandal *****
construction company created BY Union Pacific; real purpose was to embezzle federal loans and use some for bribery; they asked for 94 mil and only needed 50; pocketed 44 mil and used 9 mil to bribe 9 politicians (one being the VP) (became stock holders)
Who was the leader of Tammany Hall? ****
William “Boss” Tweed; former congressman and used jobs and favors to solicit votes for the democratic party
Rutherford B Hayes **
so corrupt he only ran 1 term *; Bargain of 1877 ended reconstruction;
support patronage; lead by Sen Roscoe Conkling; radical republicans (grantists); made careers by supporting R. Republicans; “waving the blood shirt” tied their actions to the deaths of union soldiers in war; favored spoils system; believed devotion to republican ideals entitled officials to higher positions in fed gov