Exam 1: Introductory Neuroanatomy Flashcards
•Be able to diagram the directional terms as they relate to brain anatomy. •Be able to name the lobes, gyri, sulci, and fissures on a picture or diagram of a brain. •Be able to locate the important functional regions of the cerebral cortex and describe what those regions do.
What does grey matter contain?
What are some examples of grey matter?
neuron cell bodies, dendrites, initial unmylinated portons of axons, etc…
Cerebral cortex, Cerebellar cortex, Nuclei, Ganglia, Inside of spinal cord
What does white matter contain?
What are some examples of white matter?
mylinated axons, plus oligodendrocytes, astrocytes, microglia
Tract, Fascicle, Lemniscus, Bundle, Commissure
Identify the landmark

Lateral sulcus (fissure)
Identify the landmark

Central sulcus (lateral view)
Identify the landmark

Central sulcus (medial view)
Identify the landmark

Longitudinal fissure
Identify the landmark

Frontal lobe (lateral view)
Identify the landmark

Parietal lobe (lateral view)
Identify the landmark

Temporal lobe (lateral view)
Identify the landmark

Occipital lobe (lateral view)
Identify the landmark

Parietal-Occipital sulcus (lateral view)
Identify the landmark

Pre-occipital notch (lateral view)
Identify the landmark

Frontal lobe (medial view)
Identify the landmark

Parietal lobe (medial view)
Identify the landmark

Temporal lobe (medial view)
Identify the landmark

Occipital lobe (medial view)
Identify the landmark

Limbic lobe (medial view)
aka Cingulate gyrus
Identify the landmark

Parietal-Occipital sulcus (medial view)
Identify the landmark

Identify the landmark

Precentral gyrus
Identify the landmark

Precentral sylcus
Identify the landmark

Superior Frontal gyrus (lateral view)
Identify the landmark

Surperior Frontal sulcus
Identify the landmark

Middle Frontal gyrus
Identify the landmark

Inferior Frontal sulcus
Identify the landmark

Inferior Frontal gyrus
Identify the landmark

Superior frontal gyrus (medial view)
Identify the landmark

Paracentral lobule
Identify the landmark

Marginal sulcus
Identify the landmark

Cingulate sulcus
Identify the landmark

Cingulate gyrus
Identify the landmark

Postcentral gyrus
Identify the landmark

Postcentral sulcus
Identify the landmark

Intraparietal sulcus
Identify the landmark

Superior parietal lobule
Identify the landmark

Inferior parietal lobule
Identify the landmark

Supramarginal gyrus
Identify the landmark

Angular gyrus
Identify the landmark

Identify the landmark

Lateral occipital gyri
Identify the landmark

Identify the landmark

Calcarine sulcus
Identify the landmark

Lingual gyrus
Identify the landmark

Gyri breves
Identify the landmark

Gyri longi
Identify the landmark

Transverse temporal gyri (of Heschl)
Identify the landmark

Superior temporal gyrus
Identify the landmark

Superior temporal sulcus
Identify the landmark

Middle temporal gyrus
Identify the landmark

Middle temporal sulcus
Identify the landmark

Inferior temporal gyrus
Identify the landmark

Gyrus rectus
Identify the landmark

Orbital gyri
Identify the landmark

Identify the landmark

Parahippocampal gyrus
Identify the landmark

Occipitotemporal sulcus (Inferior temporal sulcus)
Identify the landmark

Occipitotemporal gyrus (fusiform gyrus)
Identify the landmark

Collateral sulcus
Which structure is directly adjacent to the postcentral gyrus?
A. Angular gyrus
B. Lingual gyrus
C. Middle frontal gyrus
D. Middle temporal gyrus
E. Supramarginal gyrus
Answer to flip side Question:
Supramarginal gyrus
Postcentral gyrus + Posterior paracentral gyrus
represent which Brodmann’s Area?
Identify the landmark representing Brodmann’s Area
3, 1, 2
Precentral gyrus + Anterior paracentral gyrus
represent which Brodmann’s Area?
Identify the landmark representing Brodmann’s Area
Pars opercularis
represents which Brodmann’s Area?
Identify the landmark representing Brodmann’s Area
Pars triangularis
represents which Brodmann’s Area?
Identify the landmark representing Brodmann’s Area
Pars orbitalis
represents which Brodmann’s Area?
Identify the landmark representing Brodmann’s Area
Supramarginal gyrus
represents which Brodmann’s Area?
Identify the landmark representing Brodmann’s Area
Angular gyrus
represents which Brodmann’s Area?
Identify the landmark representing Brodmann’s Area
represents which Brodmann’s Area?
Identify the landmark representing Brodmann’s Area
Calcarine sulcus + Lingual gyrus
represent which Brodmann’s Area?
Identify the landmark representing Brodmann’s Area
Somatotopic organization
Topographically organized according to anatomical relationships
Sensory Homunculus
What we would look like if the amount of space in our brain dedicated to each of our body parts correlated with their actual size.
Function of:
Precentral Gyrus
Primary somatomotor cortex
Function of:
Postcentral Gyrus
Primary somatosensory cortex
Identify the landmark

Premotor cortex
Function of:
Premotor cortex
Initital and sequencing of movements
Identify the landmark

Frontal eye field
Identify the landmark

Prefrontal cortex
Identify the landmark

Broca’s area
Function of:
Frontal eye field
conscious eye movements
Function of:
Prefrontal cortex
intellect, problem solving, emotional control
Function of:
Broca’s area
motor speech
right side = emotional speech
Function of:
Frontal lobe
Restraint, Initiative, Order
Function of:
Transverse temporal gyri of Heschl
Primary auditory cortex
Identify the landmark

Occipitotemporal gyrus (fusiform gyrus)
Identify the landmark

Identify the landmark

Lateral temporal lobe
Function of:
Occipitotemporal gyrus (fusiform gyrus)
Recognition of faces and expressions
Function of:
Infolding of the cortex responsible for
short-term declarative memory
Modulation of aggression
(removed in patient H.M.)
Function of:
Lateral temporal lobe
right = objects and faces
left = language
Wernicke’s area (Brodmann’s area 22)
Which of the following is the most accurate way to describe the location of the cingulate gyrus?
A. Caudal to the parieto-occipital sulcus
B. Dorsal to the superior temporal gyrus
C. Ventral to the intraparietal sulcus
D. Ventral to the superior frontal gyrus
Answer to flip side Question:
Ventral to the superior frontal gyrus
Function of:
Cingulate gyrus
Part of the limbic system
Controls emotions
Regulation of visceral processes
motor area = genuine facial expressions
Identify the regions responsible for smile of each picture

Left = Primary motor cortex
Right = Cingulate motor area
Identify the landmark

Primary visual cortex
Function of area around:
Calcarine sulcus
Primary visual cortex
Identify the landmark

Identify the landmark

Identify the landmark

Identify the landmark

Function of:
Maintains homeostasis for things such as sleep, metabolism, sexual drive, hormone secretion, autonomics, etc…
Function of:
Relay for sensory information
Function of:
Pineal body in this region regulates sleep
Identify the landmark

Identify the landmark

Identify the landmark

Identify the landmark

Function of:
Contains nuclei that regulate cranial nerve functions and regulate visceral functions
Ascending and descending tracts and decussations
Identify the landmark

Function of:
Modulates motor output (coordination)
Learned movements
Learned response to stimuli
Identify the landmark

Corpus Callosum
Identify the landmark

Identify the landmark

Anterior commissure
Identify the landmark

Posterior commissure