Exam 1: Introductory Neuroanatomy Flashcards
•Be able to diagram the directional terms as they relate to brain anatomy. •Be able to name the lobes, gyri, sulci, and fissures on a picture or diagram of a brain. •Be able to locate the important functional regions of the cerebral cortex and describe what those regions do.
What does grey matter contain?
What are some examples of grey matter?
neuron cell bodies, dendrites, initial unmylinated portons of axons, etc…
Cerebral cortex, Cerebellar cortex, Nuclei, Ganglia, Inside of spinal cord
What does white matter contain?
What are some examples of white matter?
mylinated axons, plus oligodendrocytes, astrocytes, microglia
Tract, Fascicle, Lemniscus, Bundle, Commissure
Identify the landmark
Lateral sulcus (fissure)
Identify the landmark
Central sulcus (lateral view)
Identify the landmark
Central sulcus (medial view)
Identify the landmark
Longitudinal fissure
Identify the landmark
Frontal lobe (lateral view)
Identify the landmark
Parietal lobe (lateral view)
Identify the landmark
Temporal lobe (lateral view)
Identify the landmark
Occipital lobe (lateral view)
Identify the landmark
Parietal-Occipital sulcus (lateral view)
Identify the landmark
Pre-occipital notch (lateral view)
Identify the landmark
Frontal lobe (medial view)
Identify the landmark
Parietal lobe (medial view)
Identify the landmark
Temporal lobe (medial view)
Identify the landmark
Occipital lobe (medial view)
Identify the landmark
Limbic lobe (medial view)
aka Cingulate gyrus
Identify the landmark
Parietal-Occipital sulcus (medial view)
Identify the landmark
Identify the landmark
Precentral gyrus
Identify the landmark
Precentral sylcus
Identify the landmark
Superior Frontal gyrus (lateral view)
Identify the landmark
Surperior Frontal sulcus
Identify the landmark
Middle Frontal gyrus
Identify the landmark
Inferior Frontal sulcus
Identify the landmark
Inferior Frontal gyrus
Identify the landmark
Superior frontal gyrus (medial view)
Identify the landmark
Paracentral lobule
Identify the landmark
Marginal sulcus
Identify the landmark
Cingulate sulcus
Identify the landmark
Cingulate gyrus
Identify the landmark
Postcentral gyrus
Identify the landmark
Postcentral sulcus
Identify the landmark
Intraparietal sulcus
Identify the landmark
Superior parietal lobule
Identify the landmark
Inferior parietal lobule
Identify the landmark
Supramarginal gyrus
Identify the landmark
Angular gyrus
Identify the landmark
Identify the landmark
Lateral occipital gyri
Identify the landmark
Identify the landmark
Calcarine sulcus
Identify the landmark
Lingual gyrus
Identify the landmark
Gyri breves