Exam 1: Autonomics Flashcards
The pre-ganglionic neurons of the sympathetic nervous system are located in which structure?
A. Dorsal horn
B. Intermediolateral cell column
C. Lissaur’s tract
D. Nucleus proprius
E. Substantia gelatinosa
F. Ventral horn
Intermediolateral cell column

The preganglionic axons in the glossopharyngeal nerve synapse at which ganglion?
A. Ciliary
B. Otic
C. Paravertebral
D. Prevertebral
E. Pterygopalatine
F. Submandibular

The 2 nuclei more specific for autonomic nervous system control are?
Paraventricular nucleus
Dorsomedial nucleus

Autonomic Nervous System Control
- Descending fibers initially travel though the _____ _____ bundle.
- Also contributions from _____ and _____ hypothalamus.
Autonomic Nervous System Control
- Descending fibers initially travel though the medial forebrain bundle.
- Also contributions from posterior and lateral hypothalamus.

Identify the structure or landmark

dorsolateral brainstem

Identify the structure or landmark

intermediolateral cell column
(lateral horn of spinal cord)

Identify the structure or landmark

periaqueductal gray

Identify the structure or landmark

sacral parasympathetic nuclei
Lamina VII (lamina in dorsal horn)

Be able to identify the Autonomic CNS Nuclei and their locations in the brain stem in relation to other nuclei

Be able to identify the Autonomic CNS Nuclei and their locations in the brain stem in relation to other nuclei

1) Identify the structure or landmark
2) Identify the section of the brainstem this image is located
3) What is the function of this structure?

1) Edinger-Westphal Nucleus
2) Rostral Midbrain
3) Parasympathetic pupil constriction*.
*Both a Direct response (same eye) and a Consensual response (pupil constricts in response to light shown in opposite eye)

Edinger-Westphal Nucleus
After light enters the eye, the signal travels down the_____ nerve _____ and synapses at the _____ nucleus.
The signal then travels _____ through the _____ commissure before synasping to both _____ _____ nuclei.
The _____ _____ nuclei then send the signal _____ to both _____ ganglion (parasympathetic) to _____ both pupils.
Edinger-Westphal Nucleus
After light enters the eye, the signal travels down the optic nerve contralaterally and synapses at the pretectal nucleus.
The signal then travels bilaterally through the posterior commissure before synasping to both Edinger-Westphal Nuclei.
The Edinger-Westphal Nuclei then send the signal bilaterally to both ciliary ganglion (parasympathetic) to constrict both pupils.

basic pathway for sympathetic pupil regulation:
Autonomic regulatory nuclei of _____ →
synapses at T1, T2 _____ sympathetic _____ ganglia →
synapses at the superior _____ ganglion →
travels along the _____ _____ to the _____ plexus →
synapses at _____ _____ muscle to _____ the eye
basic pathway for sympathetic pupil regulation:
Autonomic regulatory nuclei of hypothalamus →
synapses at T1, T2 paravertibral sympathetic chain ganglia →
synapses at the superior cervical ganglion →
travels along the carotid artery to the carotid plexus →
synapses at pupillary dialtor muscle to dialate the eye

What is the pupillary response if the patient’s left optic nerve is damaged and a light is shown in the left eye?
A. Both pupils constrict
B. Both pupils dilate
C. Both pupils unchanged
D. Right pupil constricts; left pupil unchanged
E. Right pupil unchanged; left pupil constricts
Both pupils unchanged

1) Identify the structure or landmark
2) Identify the section of the brainstem this image is located
3) What other structures does this structure send signals to?

1) Superior Salivatory Nucleus
2) Caudal Pons
3) Superior Salivatory Nucleus → Facial nerve (CN VII) →
Lacrimal gland, Nasal mucosa, Submandibular gland, and Sublingual gland

1) Identify the structure or landmark
2) Identify the section of the brainstem this image is located
3) What other structures does this structure send signals to?

1) Inferior Salivatory Nucleus
2) Rostral medulla
3) Inferior Salivatory Nucleus → Glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX) →
Parotid gland

1) Identify the structure or landmark
2) Identify the section of the brainstem this image is located
3) What other structures does this structure send signals to?

1) Dorsal Motor Nucleus of Vagus
2) Closed medulla
3) Dorsal Motor Nucleus of Vagus → Vagus nerve (CN X) →
Heart, Lungs, Digestive tract

Which nucleus controlling eye function is in the caudal midbrain?
A. Abducens
B. Ambiguus
C. Edinger-westphal
D. Oculomotor
E. Trochlear
Know which nuclei are in which section of brain.
Watch for key words caudal or rostral!

1) Identify the structures or landmarks
2) Identify the section of the brainstem each is located

1) Trochlear nucleus
2) caudal midbrain
* The blue lines on this image show the trochlear nerve pathway as it runs contralaterally out of the posterior of the brainstem

1) Identify the structures or landmarks
2) Identify the section of the brainstem each is located

1) A)Abducens nucleus
B)Facial nucleus
2) caudal pon
* The blue lines on this image show the genu of the facial nerve as it wraps around the abducens nucelus

1) Identify the structures or landmarks
2) Identify the section of the brainstem each is located

1) A) Edinger-westphal nucleus
B) Oculomotor ucleus
2) rostral midbrain
* The blue lines on this image show the genu of the facial nerve as it wraps around the abducens nucelus

1) Identify the structures or landmarks
2) Identify the section of the brainstem each is located

1) a) Nucleus ambiguus
b) ? I think its the spinal nucleus for CN5 ?
(did he say what it was in class?)
2) medulla (not related to eye)

The solitary nucleus is concerned with which function?
A. Digestive tract control
B. General somatic afferent of tongue
C. Lacrimation
D. Salivation
E. Taste

1) Identify the structure or landmark
2) Identify the section of the brainstem this image is located
3) What other structures does this structure send signals to?

1) Solitary nucleus
2) medulla and caudal pons
3) Glossopharyngeal and facial nerves (Taste and carotid body)
Vagus n. (Chemoreception and baroreception of viscera)
1) Identify the structure or landmark
2) Identify the section of the brainstem this image is located
3) What other structures does this structure send signals to?

1) Nucleus ambiguus
2) medulla (not related to eye)
3) Glossopharyngeal n. (stylopharyngeus)
Vagus n. (vagal skeletal muscle innervation)