North American Model of Wildlife Conservation (7 Focal Points)
1842 Martin V Waddle, Common Law Foundation
1. Wildlife as public trust resources
2. Elimination of markets for game
3. Allocation of wildlife by law
4. Wildlife should only be killed for a legitimate purpose
5. Wildlife is considered an international resource
6. Science is the proper tool for discharge of wildlife policy
7. democracy of hunting
Common Fisheries Policy
a set of rules for the sustainable management of European fishing and conservation of the fish stocks
What is the Dingell-Johnson Act?
a small tax is added on to any hunting for fishing equipment, the money is used to support state fish and wildlife agencies
Optimum sustainable yield
a management philosophy that considers ecological and socioeconomic factors when harvesting game
Maximum sustainable yield
the estimate of how many animals you can harvest in a given year with out negatively effecting the future population
Magnunson-Stevens Act (1976)
primary law governing marines fisheries. prevents overfishing, rebuilds overfished stocks, increases long term economic and social benefits, ensures a safe and sustainable supply of seafood
Wallop-Breaux Act
added tax on fuel
Modern fisheries management regulations
harvest regulations, licenses, stocking, ecological management
Tragedy of the Commons
everyone had a right to the resources, so they took more than what the needed. Settlers depleted the natural resources quickly which hurt them in the long run
What is a representative sample?
samples of a population that represent the population as a whole
Why do we sample populations?
We sample populations to understand and make informed decisions about fish and wildlife populations. Sampling can tell us the organisms abundance, demographic, behavior, diet, genetics, and health.
Concept of gear selectivity
different gears have different selectivity which results in different bias, many sample devices require a permit, some techniques are lethal, sampling stresses organisms and can alter behavior
What is bias in our data
Bias- difference or distance between an estimate value and the true parameter
depending on the type of gear used there may be biases of the sample found
Passive sampling methods
a sampling device that remains relatively stationary, movement or behavior of the organisms result in capture
Active sampling methods
humans or mechanical action moves gear to capture organisms
What are gill nets?
a passive sampling method. a single panel of mesh, often made of multiple meshes to capture a rand of organisms, sighs wedge or tangle in mesh, often lethal
What is a trammel net?
a passive sampling method. typically constructed of 3 mesh panels. the outer two panes have large mesh and the middle panel is small mesh
What are seines
an active sampling method. they have a flat line and lead line and then ends are attached to poles so they net can be pulled
What is a Trawl?
an active sampling method. they are pulled through water by a boat, most of the net is held open by beams or boards that “swim” infant of the trawl, organisms end up in the back of the net
What is electrofishing?
an active sampling method. an electrical current is used to immobilize fish so they can be netted, can be used with a boat, backpack, or tow barge