Exam 1 Flashcards
The Earth’s internal heat engine is powered by
radioactive decay and nuclear fission
Which of the following are not considered part of the Earth’s external heat engine
In the equation E=Mc^2, the c stands for
a constant equal to the speed of light
The energy to drive Earth’s surface processess comes from
the sun
Oceanic and continental crust differ in
Composition, density, thickness
you would find ocean trenches where
plates are converging
In California we have what type of plate boundry?
The Mariana trench has its origins as a
Subduction zone near an island arc
The Red sea is an example of a
Diverging boundry
The force that moves the plates is
heat energy from internal convection
Japan is near a
Subduction zone
A zone of earthquakes that traces the path of a subductiong plate into the mantle is called
Benioff zone
The advantages of living in Iceland, such as plenty of inexpensive hot water and central heating, are due to its location
on a diverging boundry
Which tectonic plate are you on right now?
Magma rise from the mantle to form new crust at
Mid-ocean ridges
subduction occurs
Which was not produced by hot spot in the mantle?
85% of the Earth’s colume is
An element is always
made of one type of atom
The atomic particle with a negative electrical charge and a mass of 0 AMU is the
The particles that are exchanged between atoms and are the only one involved in chemical or electrical reactions are
Since the atomic number of C is 6 the isotope 13c must have
7 neutrons
An element that usually gives up electrons in a chemical reactions is called
an atom becomes a cation by
losing an electron
All the atoms of a particular element have the same number of
The chemical bond that is strongest is
The type of chemical bond that is easily broken by water molecules is the
The most common element in the earth’s crust is
An example of an amorphous solid is
Which of the following is not a mineral
a mineral must be
Which property is useful in identifying almost all minerals
A mineral that breaks into flat sheets has excellent
The property of minerals that is the most variable and often misleading is
If you notice that a small sample of a particular mineral is very heavy, what physical property are you observing
Specific gravity
Which of the following minerals will scratch glass
The acid test is used to identify the mineral
If a mineral has covalent bonds in one direction and ionic bonds in another it will have
good cleavage
According to steno’s las, all the crystals of a particular mineral must have the same
Angles between faces
According to Bowen’s reaction series, the first minerals to crystallize out of magma will be plagioclase feldspar and
According to Bowen’s reaction series, which mineral will form at the same time as biotite
sodium-rich plagioclase fedlspar
The continuous branch of Bowen’s reaction series contains the mineral
Plagioclase feldspar
How will a magma produced by partial melting differ from the rock that was melther
More Felsic
The most common group of minerals are the
Hematite, magnetite and pyrite all contain
Graphite and diamond are both made of the element
Silica tetrahedra contain a silicon atom surrounded by how many oxygen atoms?
The sheet silicate mineral groups are the micas and the
Clay minerals
Which of the following is not a framework silicate?
A rock with a glassy texture has
No crystals
A rock with phaneritic texture has
Large Crystals
An igneous structure that cuts across the bedding in older rocks (is discordant) is called a
The rate that the temperature increases with depth in the earth is called a
geothermal gradient
Pillow lavas form when
the eruption is underwater
a rock made of solidified colvanic ash is called
smooth lava is called
the largest volcanoes are
shield volcanoes
Crater lake is an example of a
The type of volcanoe made entirely of pyroclastic material is
cinder cone
What California ski resort is located on an active volcano
Mammoth Mountain
In a phreatic eruption what gas comes out of the volcano
A mudflow created by a volcano is called
The Deccan Traps in India formed at the same time as
the extinction of dinosaurs
Maurice and Katiya Krafft
were killed in a pyroclastic flow in Japan
Exfoliation is a type of mechanical weathering caused by
Pressure changes
The wind “sand-blasting” a rock is an example of what weathering process
The silicate mineral that most resists chemical weathering is
Aluminum oxides and clay are produced when what minerals are weathered
The most important natural acid for rock weathering is
The top layer in a soil profile is usually the
Minerals accumulate in which soil horizon
Tropical rainforests have what type of soil
Tropical rainforests have soils that are
very nutrient-poor