exam 1 Flashcards
the most important laryngeal cartilage, which is paired and located on the upper surface of the cricoid cartilage
what does the superior cornu and inferior cornu of the thyroid articulate with
superior- hyodid some individuals the triticeal found between superior cornu and hyoid
what are the cricothyroid and thyrovocalis muscles
glottal tensors
how many layers does the vocal folds have
what is the 5th layer of tissue which makes up the bulk of vocal folds
thyroartenoid (thyrovocalis and thyromuscularis) muscle
what is the origin and insertion of the stylohyoid and what is its function
hoid and laryngeal elevator; styloid process of temporal bone and connects to the hyoid bone.
what is the next layer after the squamous epithelium
superficial lamina propria
vocal ligament
intermediate lamina propria nad deep lamina propria;; each vocal fold has a vocal ligament
laryngeal depressors
sternohyoid, omohyoid, sternothyroid, thyrohyoid
lateral cricoarytenoid, transvers arytenoid oblique arytenoid, what are they?
adductor muscles
this means they haveorigin and insertion in the larynx
intrinsic muscles
what does the digastricus anterior and posterior do?
hyoid and laryngeal elevators
what is the posterior cricoarytenoid muscle (function)?
what do the intrinsic muscles of the larynx do?
fine adjustments to the larynx, opening closing tensing vocal cords
what do the extrinsic laryngeal muscles do?
major adjustments to the larynx; elevating and depressing it.