Exam 1 Flashcards
What does blood pressure measure?
Systole (the pressure against arterial walls when ventricles contract/empty) and Diastole (the pressure against arterial walls when ventricles relax/fill)
Describe the flow of blood
Deoxygenated blood flows from the caudal and cranial vena cavae from peripheral veins to the right atrium -> tricupsid valve -> right ventricle -> pulmonic valve -> pulmonary trunk -> lungs -> oxygenated blood flows through pulmonary vein -> left atrium -> mitral valve -> left ventricle -> aortic valve -> aorta -> periphery vessels/tissues
What type of vessel has the greatest resistance and what is the significance?
Arterioles (systemic) - very small vessel diameter = increased resistance and decreased flow. Significance = vasoconstriction/dilation of arterioles play greater role in regulating BP than in any other vessel types
Describe vessel length, diameter, viscosity, resistance, and velocity of flow relationships
- increased viscosity = increased resistance, decreased flow
- increased vessel length = increased resistance, decreased flow
- increased diameter = decreased resistance, increased flow
- viscosity = hematocrit
- increased diameter = less contact of blood to vessel wall = lower friction = lower resistance
What vessel holds greatest capacitance at rest?
systemic venous circulation
What vessel holds largest distribution?
aorta and large artery
What is Cardiac Output? What factors influence it?
CO = SV x HR, and measured in mL blood/min.
SV influenced by blood volume and vascular resistance. HR influenced by nervous system and hormones.
SV = vol. of blood ejected during systole
Blood pressures:
- RA
- RV
- PA
- LA
- LV
RA = 2-8
RV = 15-30/2-8
PA = 15-30/4-12
PCW = 2-10
LA = 2-10
LV = 100-140/3-12
Systemic circulation is a ? pressure system than pulmonary circulation, and arteries are a ? pressure system than veins.
higher; higher
What is Dilated Cardiomyopathy? What happens to BP and HR in DCM patients?
a disease of systolic dysfunction that causes secondary dilation of chambers => decreased CO, hypotension (even though resistance in vessels is unchanged)
- body compensates for hypotension via increased HR -> increased CO, which may increase congestion
CO = SV x HR
What is the cardiovascular system?
A central muscular pump that is connected to vessels for the transport of blood; must maintain balanced CO and venous return
What are the two kinds of myocytes that makeup the CV system?
- Specialized Cardiomyocytes = conduction system: spread SA node depolarization -> AV node -> His-Purkinje System
- Working/Contractile Cardiomyocytes = contraction & pumping
specialized/conduction system = electrical events, working/contractile = mechanical events
Significance of sarcomere in striated cardiac muscle
is able to generate force and contractility in order to pump blood throughout the body
Significance of intercalated discs and gap junctions in cardiac muscle
allow for coordinate/united flow of electrical current between cardiomyocytes
AV node has reduced gap junctions -> slower conduction of electrical signal -> allows for atria to eject as much blood as possible into ventricles
Describe the relationship between myosin, actin and cross-bridge cycling
Myosin = thick filament, Actin = thin filament -> bind together and interact in presence of ATP to form cross bridge = sarcomere shortening/contraction
Sinus node initiaes depolarization –> action potential propagated and spreads across sarcolemma of cardiomyocytes –> opens Ca2+ voltage-gated channels in sarcolemma –> cardiac muscle contraction
What happens when sarcolemma calcium channels close in cardiac muscle?
calcium is pumped back into sarcoplasmic reticulum (where it is stored) and also pumped out of the cell -> cytosolic calcium is reduced and so are contractions –> sarcomeres return to resting length
What is the left ventricular pressure at early diastole/end-systolic volume versus late diastole/end-diastolic volume?
Early diastole/ESV = LOW (~10mmHg) so that blood flows from atrium to ventricle
Late diastole/EDV = HIGH (~80mmHg) so that oxygenated blood can be exerted into aorta
What effects do norepi and epi have on the heart? what receptor?
BOTH: *Beta-1 adrenergic -> increased sympathetic tone in cardiac muscle = increased SA node/AV node firing. Mostly favorable to epi than norepi.
Beta-2 = epi -> positive inotrope in the heart
Alpha 1 and 2 = increased vasoconstriction in peripheral vessels -> increased BP
What effect does acetylcholine have on the heart? Which receptor?
Decreased heart rate (- chronotrope) at cholinergic-muscarinic receptors
Dobutamine MoA // use:
Sympathomimetic / beta-1 adrenergic agonist, strong positive inotrope (increases contractility of cardiac muscle) and better relaxation.
Causes immediate increase in BP due to increased CO (BP = CO x R).
Lower dose vs higher dose effects of Dobutamine
Dobutamine = dose-responsive.
Lower: better inotrope effect
Higher: more effect on alpha receptors, which can lead to hypertension, tachycardia, and arrhythmias
Equation for Stroke Volume:
SV = EDV minus ESV
SV = change in volume from diastole to systole (mL)
3 determining factors of stroke volume?
- Pre-Load: sarcomere length of ventricle @ end-diastole / the ventricular wall stress (tension) from being filled. Higher pre-load = higher SV / directly related to CO.
- After-Load: the forces that ventricular myocytes must overcome during systole to open pulmonic and aortic valves. Higher after-load = lower SV / Inversely related to CO.
- Contractility: the measure of intrinsic contractile performance of cardiomyocytes, “the strength of the myocardium” independent of load. Increased ability of sarcomere to contract = increased CO.
CO = SV x HR
What are 4 ways to increase CO?
CO = SV x HR
- increase preload
- increase contractility (e.g., dobutamine)
- increase HR (within physiological range)
- reduce afterload (e.g., vasodilators like nitroglycerin, amlodipine)
5 phases of cardiac cycle?
- atrial systole (atrial contracts small amt of additional blood into relaxed ventricles)
- isovolumetric ventricular contraction (AV valves close, pressure increases but volume stays the same)
- ventricular ejection (semilunar valves open, high pressure)
- early diastolic filling (ventricles begin to relax, semilunar valves close)
- late diastolic filling (all chambers relaxed and ventricles fill passively)
“Lub” vs “Dub”
S1 “Lub” = start of systole (AV closure, semilunar opening)
S2 “Dub” = end of systole (semilunar closure, AV opening)
What species can S3 and S4 be heard in?
Normal equine and bovine patients
S3 = early diastole
S4 = late diastole
How do venous return and systemic vascular resistance affect stroke volume when relaxed vs. stressed?
Relaxed: parasympathetic activation shifts systemic venous pool to peripheral vessels (away from heart) -> decreased SVR -> decreased CO and HR = decreased SV
Stressed: sympathetic activation shifts systemic venous pool centrally (towards heart) -> vasoconstriction and increased SVR -> increased CO and HR = increased SV (more filling)
parasymp influences HR and CO
symp influences SV, HR and CO
SVR = systemic vascular resistance
CO = SV x HR
Which u/s view displays a 4-chamber view of the heart?
Right parasternal, long axis
What structures does the right parasternal, short axis view display?
LV (mushroom) and RV
LV @ level of papillary muscles
What structures does ther heart base, short axis view display?
Aortic valve (mercedes benz 3 cusps), and left atrium and its appendage (whale)
What structures does left parasternal apical view display?
apical = apex
all 4 chambers
Difference between 2-D and M-Mode echocardiography and benefits of each.
2-D = 2d place of u/s waves cross-sectioning the heart, either by long axis or short axis
- can visualize cardiac morphology and chamber dimensions
M-Mode = motion mode. single beam through the heart
- can visualize time-dependent measurements of the chambers (for dimensions, function)
Differences b/w Spectral versus Color Doppler Echocardiography
Both used to measure blood velocities
Spectral: blood velocities displayed on Y-axis (signal above x-axis = RBC towards probe, signal below x-axis = RBC away from probe)
Color: blood velocities displayed as colored pixels (BART)
Describe the pros/cons of each type of Spectral Doppler
Pulse Wave (PW)
- Higher spatial resolution
- Poorer measure of high velocities
Continuous Wave (CW)
- Lower spatial resoultion
- Better measure of high velocities
What does turbulent blood flow look like on Color Doppler?
mix of red/blue = ~orange-tinge color
Best uses of color doppler echocardiography
- ID of turbulent blood flow (stenotic valves, valvular insufficiency)
- determination of direction of blood flow through a shunt
- assessment of severity of stenosis, shunt or valve regurg
Which echocardiography methods produce subjective vs. objective dimensions of the LV?
Subjective = 2D
Objective = M-motion; 2D using Simpson’s disc summation method for obtaining left ventricular ejection fraction
LVEF = [(EDV - ESV) / (EDV)] x 100%
normal = ~70%
How is echocardiogrpahy superior to radiology?
better for visualzing RA and RV
How can echocardiography be utilized to detect pressure gradients? Purpose?
change in pressure = 4V^2
Blood always flows from high pressure -> low pressure; detects pressure difference that generated the flow b/w chambers (e.g., in valve regurg)
Bernoulli equation
how can pulmonary hypertension lead to secondary tricupsid regurgitation?
increased pressure in lungs = greater pressure RV needs to overcome to force blood out into pulmonary trunk (increased after-load) -> pressure increases in RV to point where RV pressure is > RA pressure -> blood backflows into RA
Definition of heart failure and most common type in veterinary patients
“Clinical syndrome in which impaired systolic or diastolic events causes clinical signs of exercise intolerance and/or congestion.”
CHF = most common type
Left vs Right CHF
Left-sided CHF = backflow into lungs –> pulmonary edema (cardiogenic PE)
Right-sided CHF = backflow into systemic circulation –> ascites, +/- peripheral edema
Two most common causes of CHF in dogs
Mitral Valve Insufficiency/regurge
Dilated Cardiomyopathy
mitral valve regurg = volume overload
DCM = systolic myocardial dysfunction
4 stages of classifying heart disease
A: predisposed breeds
B: have heart disease, but not in failure yet
C: in CHF (current or past; even if CHF has been treated, you will almost never treat the disease that caused it)
D: refractory CHF (end-stage)
How do volume overload and pressure overload’s pathphysiological mechanisms differ with regards to their apperances on echocardiography?
Volume overload = eccentric hypertrophy: in-series replication of sarcomeres –> hypertroophy + dilation. Preserved wall thickness:lumen
Pressure overload = concentric hypertrophy: parallel replication of sarcomeres –> hypertrophy without dilation. Increased wall thickness:lumen
Identify the heart disease.
Volume overload: Eccentric hypertrophy – e.g., mitral valve regurgitation
(note hypertrophy + dilation and the preserved wall thickness:lumen ratio)
Identify the heart disease.
Pressure overload: Concentric hypertrophy – e.g., severe pulmonic stenosis
(note hypertrophy but NO dilation, and the INCREASED wall thickness compared to lumen)
Identify the heart disease.
most common acquired in cats.
Diastolic dysfunction - hypertrophic myopathy
causes impaired ventricular filling.
very difficult to assess non-invasively!
Identify the heart disease.
Systolic myocardial dysfunction: dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM)
dilation is secondary to systolic dysfunction!!