Evolution Final Flashcards
evolutionary relationships of taxa organized into a nested hierarchy
Evolution is directional and works toward a goal. IT DOES NOT!
Linear progression
any named group or organisms
base of the tree; represents ancestral lineage
moves forward from the root
divergence points representing last common ancestor
Represents evolutionary path
descendant taxa
continuous line of descent from ancestor to descendant. Each branch represents part of a longer lineage
nested group that includes common ancestor and descendants
splitting of ancestral lineage into >1 descendant lineage, thus forming a clade
inferred from the divergence (node) that connects them
Most Recent Common Ancestor (MRCA)
traits in common because inherited from common ancestor
Requirements for characters: (3)
Types of characters: (5)
Morphological structures
DNA sequences
Chromosome numbers
Chemical compounds
evolutionary changes from the Ancestral to the Derived State
Character State Transitions
state of that trait in the ancestor
how that trait has changed in the descendant lineage
derived trait unique to a clade or lineage; distinguishes it from ancestors
- Apomorphy that is shared by multiple taxa as a result of shared, most recent ancestry
- Used to group taxa into clades
- Among 2+ taxa
unique state for 1 taxon
ancestral state
Plesiomorphy in 2+ taxa
Groups that includes common ancestor and all its descendants
Taxa can be members of multiple, nested monophyletic groups
Monophyletic Groups (Clades)
group that includes common ancestor + some descendants, excludes some descendants
Paraphyletic groups
group that includes some descendants, excludes common ancestor and some descendants
Polyphyletic group
similarity due to common ancestry
Synapomorphies, symplesiomorphies
similarity due to independent evolution of a character state – not from a common ancestor
3 types of homoplasy
Convergence, Reversal, convergent reversals
independent evolution of a similar character
loss of a derived trait and reversal to ancestral state
loss of derived trait, happening over and over
Convergent Reversals
calculating genetic similarity
Fast, easy, but less robust
Genetic Distance
minimizing the total number of synapomorphic transitions
maximize homology and minimize homoplasy
Maximum Parsimony
closely-related taxon used to determine polarity and root the tree
Parsimony-Informative Characters Criteria:
> or equal to 2 states
For at least 2 states, each must be in at least 2 taxa
incorporate models, but computationally expensive
Maximum Likelihood
statistical support using pseudoreplicate data
mutations accumulate at a constant(ish) rate
More time = more mutations
Molecular Clock
inferring change since divergence
Scaled branch length are calibrated to substitutions
Branch Length
Steps toward speciation (3)
Secondary contact (reinforcement)
What can happen to lineages over time? (3 possibilities)
Independent evolutionary path
Distinct phenotypic traits
Aligns with what we see
Apply to asexual and extinct species
Social amoebas - Asexual
Limitations - no common criteria, homoplasy, polyp (asexual stage), sexual dimorphism
Cryptic Species:
3 Ways to Diagnose a Species
Morphological, Behavioral, and Phylogenetic
Species that are indistinguishable morphologically, but divergent in other traits
Cryptic Species
group of interbreeding organisms that can produce viable and fertile offspring and are reproductively isolated from all other such groups
Strengths: meaningful diagnostic criteria
Limitations: extinct taxa, asexually reproducing, geographically separated (allopatry), huge gray area in “fertile” and “viable”
Limitations to Biological
Extinct taxa, asexually reproducing, geographically separated, huge gray area in “fertile” and “viable”
Strengths of Biological
meaningful diagnostic criteria
Limitations of Morphological
no common criteria, homoplasy, polyp (asexual stage), sexual dimorphism
Smallest monophyletic group
Strengths: based on what has occurred
No/little gene flow (isolated)
Long enough for synapomorphies to arise
Irreducible group
Descent from a common ancestor
Unique character states
Applies to:
Extinct species
Asexual species
Cryptic species
Limitations to Phylogenetic
Phylogenies are hypothesis
Can lead to A LOT of recognized species
Geographic isolation of populations
Allopatric speciation
2 categories of allopatric speciation
dispersal and vicariance
portion of ancestral species crosses a barrier
ancestral species split by barrier
Isolation of populations within the same geographic range
Sympatric speciation
Drivers of sympatric speciation (4)
Polyploidy, Phenology, Adaptation to different habitats, Sexual selection/assortative mating
Stronger in sympatry
Maintaining separate evolutionary lineages during secondary contact
Reinforcement of Divergence
no parental competition
Novel habitat
outcompete parentals
Transitional habitat
2 categories of hybridization
Novel habitat and transitional habitat
a geologic process by which one plate of the earth’s crust is forced below the edge of another plate
Can’t self replicate
Can’t store and transmit information
Can’t independently express phenotype
Very unstable
Stores information → nucleotides
Part of cellular machinery → ribosomes
Base molecule for bioenergy → ATP, GTP
Found in all life
RNA World Hypothesis
Evidence: variation in catalyzing rate based on genotype
Fast = favored
Genes increase in frequency
RNA World Hypothesis
extra-terrestrial origins
Complex organic molecules
Amino acids (L and R)
Liquid water
Panspermia Molecular Seeding
DNA-based genome
1.Ribosomes for protein synthesis
2.Universal Genetic Code (20aa)
3.Only Use L-isomer Amino Acids
4.ATP/GTP bioenergy
Last Universal Common Ancestor (LUCA)
Mineralized remains of past (& ancient) life
Major evolutionary events
Origins of key traits
BIG patterns of macroevolution
the study of fossilization
Types of Fossils:
Organics replaced with minerals
Can detail internal anatomy
Types of Fossils:
Portions of original organism
Amber, freezing, desiccation
Preserved Organic Material
Types of Fossils:
Organics decay
Impression filled in with minerals
Details of surface of organism
Casts & Molds
Evidence of behavior/activity
Not organism directly
Form under the same conditions
But SMALL: <1mm
Rapid divergence and diversification
Most modern animal phyla
Cambrian Explosion
Hypotheses for Cambrian rapid diversification
- Rise in O2 (increase in photosynthetic bacteria)
- Allowing animals to catch and eat each other - Evolutionary Arms Race
- Ecological Niches
ancestral lineage rapidly diversifies into multiple descendent lineages due to novel selective trigger
Adaptive Radiation
2 types of adaptive radiation
- Ecological Opportunity
- Morphological Innovation
Reptile-like traits (symplesiomorphies)
Synapsid skull (synapomorphy)
Stem Animals
Middle ear bones in mammals are similar to skull bones in reptiles
Bone Homology
Graphical representation of the range of morphological diversity
Changes occur gradually and are unrelated to speciation events
Morphological diversity spreads out both horizontally and vertically
Changes occur within a lineage until speciation
Phyletic gradualism
Long periods of stasis followed by rapid change and speciation
Morphological diversity spread out ONLY horizontally
Vertical branches stay in the same morphospace until speciation
Punctuated equilibrium
Patterns of macroevolution and what they differ in
Same amount of change
Differ in:
Time for change to accumulate
What happens between divergence events (nodes)
tarsiers, lemurs, and lorises
gorillas, humans, chimpanzees & bonobos, orangutans, gibbons & siamangs, Old World & New World Monkeys
Synapomorphies of the Apes
Relatively large brains
“Absence” of tail
More erect posture
Increased hip and ankle flexibility
Increased wrist & thumb flexibility
Synapomorphies of African Great Apes
Enlarged ovaries & mammary glands
Fusion of some wrist bones
Enlarged brow ridges
Shortened canine teeth
Elongated skulls
Differences in Gene Expression in Humans and Chimpanzees
Humans make more miRNA (micro RNA) = more genes suppressed in humans
Molecular Evidence = Human and Chimp
- Mitochondrial genes
Maternal inheritance - Gene on Y chromosome
Parental inheritance - Nuclear, autosomal genes
Biparental inheritance
descendent lineages inherit different subsets of the original alleles from the ancestral population
Incomplete lineage sorting
humans and all species more closely related to humans than to chimps
directly descended from (i.e. parents and grandparents)
share a common ancestor with (i.e. aunt and cousins)
species formation through gradual transformation from ancestral form (no branching)
formation of new taxa evolutionary divergence from an ancestral form
4.2-1.9 mya → eastern Africa
Gracile Archaic Hominins
Diagnostic traits
Flatter faces; smaller canines
Robust Archaic Hominins
2.7-1.0 mya → eastern & southern Africa
Diagnostic Traits
Megadont teeth
Robust jaws with massive jaw muscles
Sagittal crest
Wide, dish-shaped face
Possible First Humans
2.4-1.6 mya → eastern & southern Africa
Diagnostic Traits
Larger brains
Rounder skull & Flatter faces
Stone tools → butchered prey
Transitional Homo (e.g. Homo habilis)
1.7-0.4 mya → Africa & Asia
Definitive Pre-Modern Humans
Diagnostic traits
Smaller, flatter faces, teeth, jaws
Taller with longer legs
Reduced sexual dimorphism
Homo erectus / ergaster
600-30 kya (k=thousand) → Africa, Asia, Europe
Definitive Pre-Modern Humans
Sister taxa to us
Diagnostic morphological traits:
Massive brains - larger than modern
Heavy brow ridge
Short, stocky bodies
Diagnostic Cultural Traits
Used fire
Buried dead
Lived in shelters
Made and wore clothing
Made symbolic objects
Homo neanderthalensis / heidelbergensis
Definitive Pre-Modern Humans
300-400 kya → Asia, Melanesia
Sister taxa to Neanderthals
Anatomically-Modern Humans
200 kya - present → everywhere
Diagnostic traits
Large brains
Flat face with high forehead & chin
Lighter in weight skeleton
Definitive art, music, clothes, fire, bury
dead, religion, etc.
Homo sapiens
Hypotheses for Origin of Homo sapiens
Out of Africa and Multi-regional
Evolved in Africa, the dispersed to other regions; subsequently replacing other species in the process OR hybridizing and assimilating
Out of Africa Hypothesis
Evolved concurrently in different regions but maintained species cohesion via gene flow
Traits that entered the human gene pool from Neanderthals:
Bitter Taste Perception
Some aspects of
Immune response
Lipid metabolism
Skin & hair pigmentation
Traits that entered the human gene pool from Denisovans:
Cold tolerance genes
High altitude genes
Immune response
Genes for sense of smell