Evolution Flashcards
Which of the following statements regarding adaptations is true?
a) they perform a specific function
b) they are strictly morphological traits
c) they are not relevant to the study of psychology
d) they help an individual survive and reproduce
e) both a and d
e) both a and d
adaptations are for something - they serve a task - and they make individuals better suited to their environment
Which of the following is NOT an essential component of natural selection?
a) heritability of traits that give rise to differential reproduction
b) individuals do not reproduce at the same rates as others
c) individuals of a population are not identical to one another
d) homogeneity of traits within a population
d) homogeneity of traits with an population
natural selection cannot act in a population where everyone is identical - variation amongst the population is required
Considering the medium found finch population on Daphne Island, it was observed that beak size:
a) decreased in response to starvation
b) increased in response to the soft seeds that remained after the drought
c) decreased in response to the hard seeds that remained after the drought
d) increased in response to the hard seeds that remained after the drought
d) increased due to hard seeds left
the large beaked individuals were able to eat the hard seeds, allowing them to survive and have offspring that inherited large beaks
Which of the following statements regarding evolution is true?
a) the physical strongest individuals are the best reproducers
b) the fittest individuals are those who grow faster than others
c) evolution is a change in population gene frequencies over generations
d) in the process of natural selection, surviving is more important than reproducing
e) both c and d
c) chance in population gene frequencies
When deciding who to save in an apocalypse situation, which of the following best describes a factor that may impact the decision based on pressures of sexual selection and fitness?
a) least muscular member of the group to ensure that you will be the fittest individual with the best chance of survival
b) pregnant woman
c) scientist and friend (assuming opposite sex) to increase number of potential partners
d) scientist because they have the strongest genes with which to repopulate the earth
c) scientist and friend
fitness - increasing the number of potential partners increases the chances of creating new gene copies
What is one way that you could distinguish between similar looking bird species, such as the Sanderlings, Semipalmated and Dunlin sandpipers?
a) presence or absence of bi-paternal care
b) foraging style
c) flock size
d) wing-beat patterns
e) any of the above
e) any of the above
all of those are species-typical behaviours
Researchers can study behavioural genetics in the lab by allowing only those individuals that possess a particular trait to reproduce. Which of the following is an example of a trait such researchers right select for?
a) large eye size
b) fast growth rate
c) docility
d) long life span
c) docility
behavioural traits are affected in those studies
Many birds forgave for food in groups. This behaviour is best described by which of the following principles?
a) good of the group
b) selfishness
c) cooperation
d) altruism
c) cooperation
benefit to both actor and recipient from the action. By foraging in groups, everyone benefits because individuals spend less time scanning for predators and more time eating
inclusive fitness
a measure of an individual’s reproductive success considering both its own offspring and offspring of relatives
indirect fitness
copies of an individual’s genes re passed on to the next generation via the offspring of relatives
direct fitness
copies of an individual’s genes are passed on to the next generation via its offspring
Hamilton’s Rule:
a) rB>C where r = reciprocity probability; B = benefit to recipient; r = relatedness
b) C<br></br>B where C = cost to actor; B = benefit to recipient; r = relatedness
d) rB>C where r = relatedness; B = benefit to actor; C = cost to actor
b) Br>C where C = cost to actor; B = benefit to recipient; r = relatedness
defines situations where altruism should occur
Coefficient of relatedness for cousin
Coefficient of relatedness for step mother
Coefficient of relatedness for monozygotic twins
Coefficient of relatedness for non-twin siblings or dizygotic twins
Coefficient of relatedness for aunt
When are female Belding’s ground squirrels most likely to give alarm calls?
a) a predator has spotted an unprotected, unrelated juvenile
b) prey is spotted nearby
c) male enters the territory
d) predator is approaching the family territory
females give alarm calls more frequently when a predator is spotted and kin are nearby
Which of the following individuals currently has the highest inclusive fitness?
a) Dale, who exercises regularly and has no history of major illness or disease
b) Gerri, has two biological children
c) Jesse, who has one biological and two adoptive children
d) Kate, who has 1 full brother, 1 half-brother and one cousin
Why do geese forage in groups rather than alone? In groups….
a) geese take turns looking for food and looking for predators
b) geese are more likely to benefit from altruistic gifts of food from kin
c) geese have an opportunity to directly compete with each other for limited resources