Evolution Flashcards
- The gradual development and change of heritable traits (allele frequencies) within a population over time
- Evolution increases biodiversity
Evidence of evolution
Comparative anatomy
comparative biochemical
molecular biology
Study of fossils
What are the two types of fossils?
1) Actual remains of the animal, petrification
2) Traces of animal like footprints, molds, casts (ichnofossils)
The process by which living organisms turn into fossils due to the body being buried under layers of sediment - minerals slowly seep into the body and replaces organic material to get a hardened corpse
Evolution: fossils
Allows us to see the development (anatomical changes) of species through time by comparing deepest (oldest) fossils to shallowest (youngest) fossils
evolution: biogeography
Evidence explains the spread of different species throughout the world
Pangea (supercontinent) separated into 7 different continents and caused living organisms to separate - as their environment changed evolution made it so that the organisms adapt to their new habitats
Evolution: embryology
Embryological similarities observed during development stage in related species
Example: all chordates have gill slits at some point in development
evolution: comparative anatomy
- Compares different body parts of different animals that contribute to the identification of an evolutionary relationship
- Three types: homologous, analogous and vestigial structures
Homologous structures
- Structures that may or may not perform the same function but are derived from a common ancestor
- Example: forearm of birds and humans
Analogous structures
Structures that have the same function but are not derived from common ancestors
Example: bird wings and bat wings
Vestigial structures
Structures that exist, but do not serve a purpose in the organism but are homologous to functional structures in other organisms
Example: ostrich wings are homologous to wings of eagles, ostrich do not use them to fly but eagles do
evolution: molecular biology
- Method that allows for comparison of nucleotide and amino acid sequences of DNA and proteins from different species
- Able to see conserved DNA regions across species when comparing DNA sequences (ex: chimpanzees have ~98% similarity with humans)
- amino acids in the protein cytochrom C are often compared
Baron Cuvier proposed catastrophism through observing fossil patterns
Proposed that sudden catastrophes happened spontaneously throughout history caused mass extinction of species
Different populations shaped by what catastrophes had occurred and the random organisms that survived
After catastrophe, landscape changed and new organisms populated the area
Jean-Baptiste Lamarck
Proposed two theories: use and disuse, and inheritance of acquired traits
Use and disuse theory
The most used a body part is, the more it will develop and the less used a body part is, the more it will weaken
Example: a giraffes neck gets longer the more they stretch it to use it, and the giraffe will give birth to offsprings with long necks
This theory is incorrect
Theory of inheritance of acquired traits
Whatever characteristic an organism acquires throughout its life, it will be passed onto its offspring
This theory is incorrect: the changes are not changing the DNA within an organism and therefore will not be a passed on
Natural selection theory
Proposed by Charles Darwin
Inspired by thomas malthus’ theory of population growth
Unchecked population growth would outgrow available resources which results in Malthusian catastrophe: manny members of population die of starvation, remaining forced to return to basic survival
What are the requirements for natural selection?
1) There is more demand than supply
2) There is a difference (variation) in the level of fitness
3) Traits must be heritable
4) Variation of traits must be significant to reproduction and/or survival
Stabilizing selection
Mainstream (average) is favored and extremes are selected against
Example: average newborn weight
Diagram follows a stranded bell curve
Directional selection
- One extreme is favored (population evolves to favor traits in one direction)
- Example: giraffes with longer necks are able to survive due to ability to get more food from tall trees
- industrial selection: industrial pollution causes the selection of dark-colored moths
Disruptive selection
Extremes are favored, mainstream traits are not
Example: black shelled snails thrive in high vegetation areas, while the white shelled snails thrive in low vegetation areas
Sexual selection
- Non-random mating between a male and a female
- Females favor high quality partners to boost quality of offsprings (limited capacity to reproduce) while males prefer high quantity of partners to increase the number of offsprings
- Traits selected for may be favorable for reproduction but not for survival
- Example: male peacock feathers attract females, but also attract predators
Requirements for a population to be in Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium:
(Large Random M&M)
Large populations: minimizes effects of genetic drift (random increase or decrease in allele frequencies)
Random mating: individuals do not seek a particular type of individual to mate with wgucg decreases the chance of any allele from changing in frequency
No mutation: prevents new alleles to be introduced to the population
No natural selection: the environment is not impacting allele frequencies and so traits are neutral
No migration: (aka no gene flow) no movement of genes in or out of population (an isolated population has no gene flow)