Evolution Flashcards
Quaternary Period
present to 2 mya
Age of Man
Tertiary Period
2-65 mya
Age of mammals
modern animals and plants, cooler and drier climate
Cretaceous Period
65-136 mya
Decline of Dinosaurs
modern insects, placental mammals, flowering plants spread
Jurassic Period
136-190 mya
Dynasty of the dinosaur
dinosaurs dominated, animals fly, warm humid climate
Triassic Period
190-225 mya
Dawn of Dinosaur
forests gymnosperms and ferns dominate, first mammal and dinosaur
Permian Period
225-280 mya
Triumph of the reptile
50% of life perished, reptiles were dominant, conifers appeared
Pennsylvanian Period
280-320 mya
Age of amphibians
retiles appeared, coal formations, mild climates
Mississippian Period
320-345 mya
Age of crinoids
amphibians dominate
Devonian Period
345-395 mya
Age of Fish
seed ferns and insects appear, jawed fish dominate, amphibians invade land
Silurian Period
395-430 mya
Age of Eurypterids
low vascular plants appear on land
Ordovician Period
430-500 mya
Dawn of the Vertebrae
oldest known vertebrae’s appear
Cambrian Period
500-570 mya
Age of the Trilobite
invertebrates fossils dominate, abundant fossil records
Recent Epoch
present- 0.01 mya
Age of Human civilization
destruction of tropical rain forests
Pleistocene Epoch
0.01-2 mya
Modern human Appear
Pliocene Epoch
2-6 mya
Age of mastodons (first hominids)
Miocene Epoch
6-24 mya
Age of the horses (grasslands spread )
Oligocene Epoch
24-37 mya
Angiosperms evolve
Eocene Epoch
37-58 mya
Dawn of the horses
modern orders or horses
Paleocene Epoch
58-65 mya
Age of archaic mammals