Evidence - Sections of the Evidence Act and their "titles" Flashcards
Section 6
Sets out the purpose of the act to help secure the just determination in proceedings
Section 7
Fundamental principle that relevant evidence is admissible
Section 8
The general exclusion provision
Section 9
Admission by agreement
Section 14
Provisional admissibility
Section 15
Evidence on hearing in chambers
Section 17
Hearsay Rule
Section 18
General admissibility of hearsay
Section 19
Admissibility of hearsay statements contained in business
Section 22
Notice of hearsay in criminal proceedings
Section 23
Opinion rule (exclusionary rule)
Section 24
General admissibility of opinions
Section 25
Admissibility of expert opinion evidence
Section 35
Previous consistent statements rule
Section 37
Veracity rules
Section 38
Evidence of a defendants veracity
Section 40
Propensity rule
Section 41
Propensity evidence about defendants
Section 43
Propensity evidence offered by prosecution about defendants
Section 53
Effect and protection of privilege
Section 58
Privilege around communication with ministers of religion
Section 59
Privilege in criminal proceedings for information obtained by medical practitioners and clinical psychologists
Section 60
Privilege against self-incrimination
Section 62
Claiming privilege against self-incrimination in court proceedings
Section 64
Privilege around informers
Section 69
Overriding discretion as to confidential information
Section 71
Eligibility and compellability generally
Section 73
Compellability of defendants and associated defendants in criminal proceedings.
Section 84
Examination of witnesses
Section 85
Unacceptable questions
Section 89
Leading questions in examination in chief and re-examination
Section 92
Cross examination duties
Section 96
Cross-examination on previous statements of witness
Section 121
Section 122
Judicial directions about evidence which may be unreliable
Section 125
Judicial directions about children’s evidence
Section 128
Notice of uncontroverted facts
Section 129
Admission of reliable published documents