Evidence Based Practice Flashcards
What are the 4 types of quantitative research
Traditional knowledge
Generation to generation
“We’ve always done it this way”
Authoritative knowledge
Comes from expert, accepted as truth
ex. Senior staff nurse teaches new grad more effective methods of technical procedure
Scientific knowledge (EBP)
Obtained through scientific method, research; new ideas tested and measured systematically using objective criteria
Benefits of Nursing Theory
Directs nurses toward common goal
Leads to improved patient care
Provides rationale and knowledgeable reasons for nursing actions
Gives nurses knowledge base of necessary for appropriate actions
Helps resolve current nursing issues
Serves research, education, and practice
Prepares nurses to question assumptions and values
Holistic patient care
Individualized care to meet needs of patients
Promotion of health
Prevention or treatment of illness
Goal of nursing research
Expand nursing knowledge to improve ways to promote and maintain health
P = patient/population I = intervention C = comparison O = outcome T = time
What are the 4 types of qualitative research?
Grounded theory
Descriptive research
To explore and describe events in real-life situations, describing concepts and identifying relationships between and among events
Often used to generate new knowledge about topics with little or no prior research
To examine the type and degree of relationships between two or more variables (varies from -1 to +1)
Quasi-experimental research
Cause & effect, clinical setting (effects of nursing interventions on patient outcomes)
Cause & effect, highly controlled (lab) setting
Describe experiences as they are lived by the subjects being studied;
Meaning of the experience within each person’s own reality
Grounded theory
The discovery of how people describe their own reality and how their beliefs are related to their actions in a social scene;
Other’s POV (how to cope with ill child)
ex. Someone’s situation and how its affecting yourself
Interview, examines issues of culture for nursing
Past events used to understand current events
ex. Hand hygiene