Voice is the sound made by the ________ of ________ modified by the ________ of the ___________
Each voice is unique and provides one of the signatures of the individual.
vibration of vocal folds
resonance ; vocal tract
Hoarseness is a symptom of __________ in voice.
Characterized by altered ________,______,_____, or _________ that hinders communication or decreases voice-related quality of life.
abnormal change
vocal quality, pitch, volume, or vocal effort
Hoarseness of voice
It can sound _______,_________,________,_________ , or a voice that has ________ or _________ ———
breathy, strained, rough, raspy
higher or lower pitch
Hoarseness of voice
Affects about _________ of the population at some points in their lives
Affects all age groups but most prevalent in _________ years
Male/Female ratio is ____/____
Most hoarseness is caused by (benign or malignant ?) or __________ conditions
one third
8 – 14
Benign; self- limiting
Anatomy of the larynx
The larynx is a ___________ skeleton, moved and stabilized by ___________, and ___________ and a ___________.
cartilaginous ; ligaments
muscles ; mucous membrane.
The laryngeal skeleton is ______ cartilages
____ unpaired namely______ cartilage, _______ cartilage, and _________
______ paired namely _______ cartilages, __________ cartilages, and ________ cartilages.
3; thyroid; cricoid; epiglottis
3; arytenoid; corniculate; cuneiform
Cricoid cartilage forms the ________ aspect of the larynx and is connected to the trachea (inferiorly or superiorly?) .
It is the only ___________ of cartilage that encircles the airway.
inferior; inferiorly
complete ring
The larynx has extrinsic and intrinsic muscles.
The extrinsic laryngeal ( ________ and ____________ muscles) ______ the larynx as a _________ .
The intrinsic muscles _______________ and ___________ of the ___________ as well as the ___________ of the ___________ during _________,_________, and ____________
suprahyoid and infrahyoid; move; whole
modify the length ; tension; vocal cords
Shape ; rima glottidis
breathing, swallowing and vocalization.
The laryngeal cavity is divided into three regions:
Supraglottic: between the ____________ and ___________
Glottic: the ________ and __________
Infraglottic cavity: between the ___________ and the ____________________________
laryngeal inlet and the vocal folds
vocal folds and rima glottidis
vocal fold and the lower border of the cricoid cartilage
The arterial supply of the larynx is by the ___________ and __________ arteries which are branches of the ___________ arteries.
superior and inferior laryngeal
Nerve supply
The right and left _________ and ___________ laryngeal nerves which are branches of the ______ nerve, provide motor and sensory innervation to the larynx.
superior and inferior
Physiology of voice
The ______ serve the role of the _______ in human voice production
____________ serve as the source of power for setting up the ________ of the vocal folds
The vocal folds serve as the ________
The fine control of the movements of the vocal folds allows for the _________ of the speaking and singing voice
The ________ and ________ and the ____________ serve as resonators, which give the voice its ______ or ________
lungs; activator
Air in the lungs; vibration
vibrators; flexibility
face and sinuses and the chest
timbre or character
Causes of Hoarseness
Infective/Inflammatory-_______ viral, bacterial, _______ , _______
Trauma- _______ trauma, _______ injury, _______ /_______ inhalation
Tumours- larynx, hypopharynx
Voice abuse (phonotrauma)- _______ , teachers, pastors, Imams, musicians
Neurologic- _______ paralysis, Benign laryngeal conditions
laryngitis ; allergies; GERD
blunt ; intubation; fumes/chemical
choristers, ; RLN paralysis
Diseases that have hoarseness
Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) Acute/Chronic laryngitis
Laryngeal tumors
Benign laryngeal conditions-papilomatosis, polyps, nodules, Reinke’s oedema, muscle tension dysphonias,cysts
granulomas, vc synechia
Recurrent laryngeal nerve paralysis Neurologic disorders
Glottic web
Subglottic stenosis
We’ll learn like 6
Benign laryngeal conditions
List 6
Vocal cord nodules
Vocal polyp
Reflux laryngitis
Laryngeal papillomas
Reinke’s oedema
Muscle tension dysphonia