Evaluation Of Day Care Studies Flashcards
Why does the Borge et al study have greater validity?
Because he tried to control many extraneous variables like maternal education
What are the practical applications of these studies?
They can be used to advise parents about the pros and cons of day care. Government looked at studies showing that nursery is beneficial and they increased the provision of nurseries
Is the fact that the studies contradict each other a strength or weakness?
A weakness because it’s hard to draw any firm conclusions. They may contradict each other because the day care varies greatly on quality
Are the ways that data was collected a strength or weakness?
A weakness, because in some studies data was collected through interviews which could lead to interviewer effects
Could be affected by social desirability bias as parents may be unhappy with their child’s aggression and sociability levels
When asking parents and teachers for opinions you won’t get objective answers
Is it possible to conclude that daycare causes the behaviour observed?
No, because there are so many other factors like family aggression and background which could affect their behaviour. In the Borge et al study when they rexamined the results, they discovered that those who were at home were more aggressive came from a very disadvantaged area