Evaluation form Flashcards
What’s your name?
My name is Mike.
What’s your name? Qual o seu nome?
My name is Mike. Meu nome é Mike
Can you spell that for me?
It’s Sales S-A-L-E-S
Can you spell that for me? =Você pode soletrar isso para mim?
It’s Sales S-A-L-E-S = É Sales S-A-L-E-S.
What’s your surname?
It’s Sales
What’s your surname? Qual é o seu sobrenome?
You can also say:
What’s your last name?
How old are you?
I’m 38 years old.
I’m thirty-eight years old.
How old are you? Quantos anos você tem?
I’m 38 years old. Eu tenho 38 anos
What age is he?
He’s 18 years old.
What age is he? Que idade ele tem?
He’s 18 years old. Ele tem 18 anos.
I just had a baby.
Eu acabei de ter um bebê.
We have twin toddlers.
Temos crianças gêmeas.
A toddler is a child approximately 12 to 36 months old.
The gym has classes for children on Saturdays.
O ginásio tem aulas para crianças aos sábados.
children /TCHIL·druhn/
The lady brings her child to Zumba sometimes.
A senhora às vezes traz seu filho para Zumba.
Child - /tchaild/
I want to bulk up.
Eu quero aumentar mass.
I want to lose some weight.
weight /weit/
I want to go down a (dress) size.
I want to get stronger.
My goal is to tone up.
I want to improve my stamina for jiu-jitsu.