European Renaissance and Reformation Flashcards
Legacy of the Reformation: The Reformation ultimately brought an end to the Holy Roman Empire with the Catholic Churches' influence and power. Nation states will begin to form in the 1600s with new religious leaders taking power, and Kings looking to gain power and influence for themselves. In looking to expand their power and influence, Kingdoms will look to expand their reach.
Two major influences to European society?
Holy Wars over Canin, and the Bubonic Plague
People began questioning the role and power of ___?
The Church
Rebirth or renewal
A movement attributed to Northern Italy from approximately 1300-1600
An intellectual movement focused on human potential and achievement.
Humanists examined past works identifying their values and morals
Worldly rather than spiritual. Concerned with the here and now.
Showing three dimensions on a flat surface.
Painters used this to provide reality, personality, and character.
Native language
The ideal society
The action or process of reforming an institution or practice.
A person whose religious belief differs from the established religious order.
Christians who belonged to non-Catholic churches
German Princes that sided with Luther’s teachings.
Set aside
Government controlled by religious leaders
1540, the Pope created a religious order for his followers
Cities once governed by Kingdoms or Empires were now ___?
Self governed city-states
The Bubonic Plague (Black Death) killed ___?
30%-60% of all Europeans from the 1340s to early 1350s
Humanists started the era of ___?
Material luxury, music, and fine foods and spirits.
People began living in the moment after the Plague.
What book and author examines the imperfect conduct of human beings?
The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli
Human beings are: Selfish, Fickle, and Corrupt.
Cosimo de Medici
Won control of the Florence Republic using their wealth.
Medici used his influence to sway the actions of representatives.
Who improved the printing press arond 1440?
Johann Gutenberg of Germany
Lead to the spread of Renaissance ideas, poetry, stories, and philosophy
What was the name of the first full-sized printed book?
Gutenberg Bible
Desiderius Erasmus
Believed in the use of reasoning to interpret the holy scripture, emphasizing the individual over the role of the Church.
Led to the term Utopia
Martin Luther
A monk who wrote the 95 Theses to challenge the Church
Excommunicated since the Church saw his ideas as a threat to order
Luther’s Teachings:
People could win salvation only by faith in God’s gift of forgiveness.
All church teachings should be based on the words of the Bible.
All people with faith were equal. Therefore, people do not need priests to interpret the Bible for them.