Europe Flashcards
When and what was the Shuman plan?
1950 —> coal and steel community
When and what set up the EEC?
1957–> Treatyof Rome
Opinions of EEC at beginning?
Capitalist club working against socialist values
Trade with commonwealth damaged
When was EFTA created?
When was first EEC application and who was the chief negotiator?
1961–> Edward Heath
What happened to the first EEC application?
(1963) veteod by de Gaulle
Labours position 1964 on EEC?
not as committed–> Wilson preferred US and Atlantic Alliance
When was 2nd application?
What happened to second application?
(1967) vetoed again
When was 3rd application?
What happened with 3rd application?
(1973) entered
Help of new French President Geroges Pompidou
DId they miss formative years?
When was the referndum to enter EEC?
(1975) Yes= 68.3%
–> Roy jenkins left parliamtent to become European commisioner
What was Thatchers opinion over EEC?
wanted a better deal for Britian over financial contributions to EEC
They were paying more than they were getting back
(1984) Britain successfully given rebate after a thatcher persistent
Thatcher relationship with France after joining?
(1981-95)close relationship with French President Mitterrand
(1986) agreed over Channel a tunnel project
Most important piece of European legislation since UK joined?
(1986) Thatcher negotiated Single European Act
—> changed Assmbly to European Parliament with possibility of a European monetary union (shared currency)
Opinions of Single European Act?
Positive: would make Europe a free market
Negative: surrendered elements of British sovereignty
Conservative divisions over Europe?
(1986) Westland affair
Only a few, like Enoch Powell, spoke against SIngle European act
–> most agreed, even some EUrosceptics
What was outcome of Westland Affair?
Divisions on whether COns. should prioritise European ties over other
What was Westland affair?
—> Michael Heseltine resigned after Thathcer blocked dicsussion in gov. over who should take over fialing helivopter company
–> he favoured EU but Thatcher didnt want any interference even if it meant it would go to a US company
Imapct of Single EUropean Act?
changed Britains relation with Europe –>it limited influence of individual nation states
What did Thatcher do to ocunter impact of Single European Act?
(1988) speech in Bruges of her vision of future for Europe
–> emphasise EEC was trades association between soverign states
She was opposed to fedarilsm whereas other leaders thought that was the right direction
Opinions of Thatcher Bruges speech?
Infuriated other Europan leaders
raised doubts about Britains commitment to further European intergration
Bruges group formed –> focus opposition to any European federal state
–> balmed federalists in Brussels in chaning EEC from the Common market which they first joined
How did Thatchers opinion over partially failed Single European Act affect cabinet?
caused tensions
Howe and Major thought she was backtracking from their position in 1985
Thatchers opinion of Europe after collapse after communism?
Enthusiastic to expand EEC to incl. Eastern Europe
–> extend free trade and enuse communism truly defeated
–> also weakne power of European ocmmission
–> preffered wider and shallower union over a deeper one
–> only became anti-Euroupe after she left
Majors initial position with Europe?
inherited gov. becoming more divided by EUrope
Key Europhile: Ken Clarke and Chris Patten
Key Eurosceptics: Micahel Portillo, John Redwood, Iain Duncan Smith and Bill Cash
When and significance of Massstricht Treaty?
(1992) gave Euroscpetics chance to voice their concerns over direction of European Union
Major established good personal links with other heads of gov. and diplomatic skills enabled him to secure opt-outs for bRitians paln with single currency
What was Maastricht Treaty?
designed to set up new structures to deal with expansion of EEC
–> EEC became EU
–> condiitons set up for single currecny by 1999
–> Social Chapter: part of Threaty whcih regulated working coniditons but Cons. preffereed dereuglation
What were the Maastricht rebels?
(July 1993) rebel MP’s blocked Majors attempt for Parliament to ratify Maastricht
Major won by threatning vote of no confidence wchich would have dissolved Parliament
Damaged majors authority–> reporter blunder
Outcome of Maastricht?
ratified by Parliament after 18months
–> Euroscpetics continued to oppose Majors EU decisions
–> Deabte mobilised anti-Europeans outside parliament
–> (1993) Anti-Fedarlist League formend
–> (1995) Referendum PArty set-up on the single issue of demanding a referendum of Britain relationship with Europe
Blairs aims over Europe?
develop psotive relations with European partners
opt back into Social Chapter
stregnthen EU in wider world: climate change, world trade, get rid of poverty by reforming aid to Africa
Blair position with Europe?
good relations meant he could take a leading role in negotiations for EU enlargement and (2001) Treaty of Nice –> extended institutions of EU
(1999) enthusiastic about joining Euro however Gordon Brown wasnt and set stringent conditions that were unlikely to be met
At centre to develop common strategy against terrorism and bridge Europe and US
Position with Europe by 2007
EU expanded to 27 states
–> rapid englargement changed desicion making in EU and made fofreign policy difficult for Britain
–> how much would Britian be at the heart of Europe
Still strong relations with leaders