Affluence and Society Flashcards
When did Food rationing end?
July 1954
When was Festival of Britian?
Infrastructure in 1951?
Needed modernising
Traditional communities broke up
New towns built
Private car ownership increased
Homeownership incr. but most still living in council houses
Affleunce in 1950’s?
surge ownership of consumer goods (hire purcahse)
(1955) ITV launched
(1957-9) TV rose by 32% cars by 25&
New roads and cars meant houses built of out cities
(1950’s) 60000 Butlins
<2% Butlins
What was shift in attitudes in late 1950’s?
Suez exposed lying of gov.
Rise of CND led to challenge authroity and gov.
No longer defrential and conformist society (orinial ingrained respct for authority)
less willing to follow Establishment
Affuence in 1960’s?
Satire boom
(1962) That was the week that was
USe of Arts to attack behaviour of establishment
Break down of censorship and social taboos
–> ‘Taste of Honey’ unmarried woman preganant after relationship with balck sailor
How was reduction fo censorship taken by public?
Not universally pop. and caused backlash
led by MAry Whitehouse and parts of national press
undermined decency in society
How was post war consesus by 1970 socially?
Social rpoblems and poverty had not been ended
TV stats (1960’s)?
(1960) Hugh greene became Direcor General of BBC
–> set out to transofrm it
Money from radio to TV
Advertising expanded
(Apr. 1964) BBC2 launched
(July 1967) BBC2 first channel to broadcast regular colour programmes
Radio in 1960’s?
survived helped by development of cheap and portable transistor and spread of car radios
Long life battery and earphones meant could be taken out
Personal radios meant programmes could be targeted at different audiences
Radio One started after pirate stations banned
How did print media remain?
Newspapers that survived, changed and grew stronger
(1964) ‘The Sun’ was launched
How had leisure activities changed?
(1969) TV 23% of lesiure time
live events and theatre suffered
New gadgetry encouraged cookery and needlework
Shopping became leisure activity
Mass tourism increased
Car ownership in 1960’s?
Passenger bus, coach and train travel declined
(By 1974) Car accounted for 77% of journeys
When was British Airways founded?
Airtravel in 1960’s?
More for middle class
Package holidays slowly increasing
Development of science and technology/
(1961) first person to space
(1969) US landed on moon
- Anglo-French partnership developed Concorde project
(1965) Post Office Tower improve telecommunications
Significance of Lord Cahmberlains Office?
LCO –> had power to prevent plays being performed
(1967) Geroge Strauss intro. bill to abolish theatrical censorship and was passed in 1968
–> permitted nudity on stage
Films and censorship in 1960?
screen violence more acceptable
attitudes towards permissive society?
declien in conventional moral standards: encouraged by contraceptive pill, mass media and enactment of liberal legislation
Religious attitude towards contraceptive pills?
CAtholic church hostile to pill
–> contrary to God’s law and sinful
How were permissive ideas spread?
Through media, teen amgazines, uncensored novels,
Who was the moral campaigner concerned about changes of permissive society?
Mary WHitehouse
(1965) National Viewers and Listeners Assocaition with 100000
–> failed to have any imapct
Drug culture in 1960’s?
‘hippy lifestyle’
(1967) Dangerous Drug Act –> unlawful to possess drugs such as cannabis or cocaine
(1968) Wooten Repor–> legalising soft drugs was rejected
(1970) max sentence for supplying drugs was incr. to 14 years
What was key aim for Thatcher gov socially?
turn Britian into property owning democracy
Housing Act when and what?
(1980) gave tenants right to buy their council house
Outcome of Housing Act?
(1988) 2 million new homeowners had taken advantage of scheme to buy homes they previously rented
What did Labout think of Housing Act?
Initially opposed it however, became so pop. with public so dropped it
Negative affects of Right to Buy scheme?
mostly in better off area
councils ordered to use profits from council house sales to reduce debts not build new council housing
number and quality of houses reuced
waiting lists for renting homes got longer
People housed in emergency accomodation and sometimes not suitable for families
Arts and Thatcher?
Tended to be anti-Thathcer due to cuts of public spending to arts
satirised Thatcherism e.g. Caryll Churchill and Boys from the Blackstuff
Church opinions under Thatcher?
(1985) Faith in the City published
–> called on gov. to do more for deprived communities
What culture aimed for classless society?
Anti-establishment culture