eukaryotes- cellular structure Flashcards
what are the components of fungal cells unique to fungi?
chitin cell wall
sexual spores
woronin bodies
fungal cell wall
fungal cells are surrounded by a rigid wall
composed primarily of chitin and glucans, that exist in a gel-like matrix within the cell wall
protect the yeast cell
maintains the shape of the yeast cell
is the interface between the fungus and its environment
involved in communication
attachment to surfaces
acts as a binding site for some enzymes
possess antigenic properties (immune response)
what is chitin?
a polymer of N-acetylglucosamine (NAG)
what is glucans?
a polymer of D-glucose
peroxisomes in fungal cells
involved in cellular lipid homeostasis, metabolising reactive oxygen, and in the making of secondary metabolites
asexual spore-producing/spore-bearing structure of the fungi cell
sexual spores (zygospores)
zygospores are sexual spores from zygomycetes > black-bread mould that thrive in soil and dead plant material
individual microscopic filaments
used for obtaining food
involved in growth at the top of the cell
branch to form a network of hyphae called a mycelium
septate hyphae
divided into cells by internal walls called septa
Coenocytic hyphae
large multinucleated cells without a septum
woronin bodies
block septal pores following damage to hyphae
protect the hyphae by preventing the extensive loss of cytoplasm
what are the components of an algal cell?
nucleus, nucleolus, golgi apparatus, ribosomes, cell wall, cell membrane, centrioles, cytoplasm, starch vacuole, mitochondrion, flagellum, chloroplast
what are the components of protozoa (trophozoite)?
micronucleus, macronucleus, oral groove, anal pore, cytoproct, cytosome, contractile vacuole, secretory vacuole, food vacuole, cilia
contractile vacuole
found in freshwater protozoans where water regulation is a problem
secretory vacuole
contain enzymes
food vacuole
phagocytic vacuoles used to ingest food by phagocytosis
protozoan: locomotory organelles
some protozoa have additional structures to move, and are classified by their features for movement
flagella, cilia, pseudopodia
flagella (protozoan)
e.g. trypanosoma
long, thread-like extensions from the cell that move by spinning, whipping, or moving like tentacles
embedded in the ectoplasm
cilia (protozoan)
cilates > ciliophora
e.g. balantidium
move the cell by an oar-like stroke with a high degree of coordination
embeddedin the ectoplasm
pseudopodia (protozoan)
e.g. rhizopods, entamoeba
act as tentacles in movement
used to engulf food in feeding