ETM Flashcards
pull out a handkerchief
sacar el pañuelo
they didn’t know how to handle their temper
no supieron manejar su temperamento
the darkest part of our mind
lo más oscuro de nuestra mente
you discover incredible things there
allí descubres cosas increíbles
I managed not to run him over
conseguí a no atropellarle
it gets/ catches your attention
te llama atención
it starts taking its toll
empieza pasar factura/ cuenta
However, it seems that there are things that do not fit
Sin embargo, parece que hay cosas que no encajan.
store items in your house
almacenar objetos en tu casa
give a lot of publicity
dar mucha difusión
a picture / portrait (not una foto)
un retrato
they put something different in their heads
les meten en la cabeza algo diferente
has a conscience (svedomie)
tiene una conciencia
mood / frame of mind
un estado de ánimo
they have a reflection
tienen un reflejo
I scolded myself a lot
me regañé mucho
I have to prove
me toca demostrar
the rule is - don’t get attached (emotionally)
la regla es - no te vincules
it got out of control
se me salió de control
it was frightening (not aterrador)
fue espantoso
everything works out differently
todo se acomoda distinto
learn to let go
aprende a soltar
it creates domino effect
esto crea efectos cadena
overcoming obstacles
superar obstáculos
purpose of life
propósito de la vida
it makes me sick
me enferma
don’t let them sense your fear
no dejes que perciban tu miedo
I had to see if it was possible
tenía que ver si era posible