Criminal Flashcards
she did not even respond to calls
ahora ni si quiera respondía a llamadas
air gun
pistola de aire comprimido
tired of denying your situation
cansada de renegar con su situación
a long metal container
un largo contenedor metálico
el candado
various mats on the floor
varias esteras por el suelo
they didn’t consider her a threat because of her business
no la consideraban una amenaza por su negocio
detached his head
le desprendió la cabeza
Are there more scary things to discover?
¿Hay más cosas aterradores a descubrir?
he was cheating on her
él la estaba engañando
still serving his sentence
sigue cumpliendo su condena
a small window with a thick bars
una ventana pequeña con rejas gruesas
the girl was kidnapped
la chica era raptada
she fell from the peak(the top)
caía del pico
skidded 100 meters
derrapó unos 100 metros
presumed to be guilty
se presume culpable
died of suffocation
murió de asfixia
who killed (sbd)?
¿Quién mató a (algn)?
lifetime in prison
with orders to shoot to kill
con órdenes para disparar a matar
unwanted attention
atención indeseada
you have to get on with people
que se llevas bien con la gente
it torments them
los atormenta
el homicidio
this left me alone
esto me dejó sólo
there’s no proof although / even though there are thousands of witnesses that assure it
no hay pruebas, aunque hay decenas de testigos que lo aseguran
he has drowned
se ha ahogado
autopsy has confirmed
la autopsia ha confirmado
they were unable to find him
no lograron hallarlo
tree branches
ramas de árbol