Criminal 0.2 Flashcards
burried in graves
enterrados en tumbas
detectives entered the area
detectivos ingresaron a área
reached a record high
alcanzó una cifra récord
I did not control myself (2diff)
no me medí / no me controlaba
talking to some entity
hablando con alguna entidad
he fled on a stolen motorbike
huyó en una moto robada
sign the contract!
¡firma el contrato!
they forged the signatures
falsificaron las firmas
to hold someone against their will
retener a alguien contra su voluntad
he claimed
¡tirarse al suelo!
get on the ground!
the folders remain unsolved
las carpetas se quedan sin resolver
tries to cover his son
trata de cubrir su hijo
they found a cartridge
encontraron un cartuche
now I regret it
ahora me arrepiento
photo line up
una rueda de fotos
we set up a surveillance
montamos una vigilancia
con contundencia
what I have said, I stand by (/I maintain)
lo que he dicho, sostengo
when I reached her I shot her
cuando la alcancé le disparé
the murder went unpunished
el homicidio quedó impune
the alleged / suspected murderer
el presunto asesino
arrived very upset
llegó muy alterado
it gave me a bad feeling
me dió mala espina
check what happened
comprobar que pasó
I wasn’t going to stop until I found her
yo no iba a parar hasta que la encontraba
the coverage (CCTV)
la cobertura
they stop me from everything
me detienen de todo
la indignación
as far away as it may seem / as distant that may seem
lo lejos que pueda parecer