Etiology Of Obesity Flashcards
Is obesity a pandemic
We can think as a pandemic it is a global problem
What cause obesity?
Not only one thing, it is a lot of things like: lack of sleep, stress, sedentary, access to food
Energy in > energy out is weight gain explain
We don’t want to simply how someone can be obese because it is a factor of things that can contribute.
Energy out : less exercice, more sense tart behaviour
Energy in: large portion sizes, easy foods, high fat energy dense foods
What are the 3 factors that influence human health
Serving sizes, extrinsic factor and intrinsic factor
Explain how serving sizes influence human health
If you have a plate that is majority nutrient dense you can have a optimal cellular function and metabolism
If you have a plate that is more energy dense you can have cellular stress and metabolic dysregulation and acquired metabolic syndrome
Give examples of extrinsic factors
Food, xenobiotics, environment
How environment influences human health
Influences our metabolic day and night cycle
How intrinsic factor influence human health
Sex, gene variation, age
How can sex affect the human health
The pathways on male and female are different for example: alcohol dehydrogenase are more present in man than women, so women are less adapt to alcohol
How age influences human health
The metabolic profile changes during the years. In childhood the child is increasing and so they have more metabolism than an adult
How can gene variation influence human health
It can determine the activity of a receptor/enzyne
How can the gut microbiota influence in human health
The bacteria in our gut use the nutrients that we consume. They transform into nutritions and they produce metabolites. The gut microbiota is different from person to person
Explain commensal bacteria
- what is commensal bacteria
- what they do
Commensal bacteria is an organism that obtains benefits in another organism without causing harm
They provide metabolites that causes benefits to us Ex: post biotic
What happens if the balance of commensal bacteria is desrupted
The type of the products that the bacteria will produce will be difference. Some bacteria are going to increase in population and are going to prevent other bacteria’s from making what we want
Explain the mice study to determine leanness and adiposity
2 identical twins - one was obese and the other les . They took the gut microbiota of each twin and they enact later mice that gut microbiota. The mice were autobiotic
Mice were emasculated with the microbiota of the twins and then they were put in the exact same diet of low fat and high fiver
1 group of mice has an increase adipocity and the other continued lean
What is the conclusion of the mice study
You can have a microbiota that can be good or bad to us. The microbiota is one of many factors
Why read meat plus one bacteria is bad news for heart?
When you eat meat, it goes to your gut microbiota and than to the liver. In the liver it will convert to TMAO that will make palets , alters bile acids and make atherosclerosis and all of this can increase the risk of heart diseases
So without the TMAO you have less chance for the heart diseases factors to happen
So which bacteria is no good for the heart
When sucrulose binds to the taste receptors what happens
Sucrulose is a modified sucrose. Our enzyme cannot break down. But we can taste it but it is altered enough that it cannot interact with the enzymes
What will happen if there is variation in :
Taste receptors and explain the bitter ligand example
Genes that determine the taste
Variations in taste receptors determine how an individual perceive taste (ex bitter taste, if the bitten ligand bind less the person will be less sensitive and so they will eat more compared to someone that the ligand will bind more)
Variations in genes that determine taste can influence whether specific classes of nutrients will have a chance in regulating metabolic function
What is single nucleotide polymorphism SNPs
Single base substation in genes
Explain the 2 types of SNPs so synonymous and non synonymous
Synonymous: a change in the same position but leads to the same polypeptide
Nonsynonymous: distinct SNPs at the same position lead to different polypeptide sequence . The base change to a different polypeptide but the protein is still functional
Explain why people who have a non synonymous type of SNPs influence the bitter taste
Because their receptor can be more active and so the ligand bind more to the receptor and if the person doesn’t like the bitter taste it will change their food preference and the food intake and so they won’t be consuming some vegetables and fruits that are good for them
Explain the polymorphism associated with lactase persistence
So lactase has a gene LCT gene which after childhood is inactivated. When this happens which is normal, the person is lactose intolerant.
However, there is a variation on another gene that impact the lactose of shutting down (MCM6 gene fait en sorte que le lactose is not shutting down)
Which gene will impact lactose form not shutting down
What protein of cholesterol is mutated at different places and what happens with these mutations
NPC1L1, depending on where the mutation is it can be almost identical to the wild type it really different.
Does eukaryotic cells have mechanism for sens ion nutrient status
What happens when there is a loss of sensitivity to nutrient
Result in inappropriate metabolic response to nutrient availability or deficiency
Improper diet
Nutrient deficiency or excess
You can have problems with nutrients processing. Like inborn errors of metabolism and acquired metabolic syndromes explain both
Inborn errors ( mono genie diseases) : individuals who have a error in 1 gene. Easy to point to know what is wrong
Acquired metabolic syndrome : no mistake in the gene you get through life. Ex: over nutrition, severity of diseases