Ethnicity: Functionalism Flashcards
What is the overall view of functionalism regarding ethnicity inequalities ?
- Think a meritocratic society would lead to fewer ethnic inequalities
- They think that a meritocratic society would mean that those who immigrate adopt the norms and values of mainstream society
What was the immigration model ?
- functionalist approach
- present Britain as stable and orderly
- in the 50’s the equilibrium was disrupted because of immigrant arrival
- Immigration resulted in a culture clash
- Said hosts weren’t racist but unsure how 2 act
What were the 3 causes of ethnic inequality according to the immigration model ?
- Most cultures fear cultural difference and the social change that immigrants bring
- Host countries resent having to compete with immigrants for housing and jobs
- The failure of immigrants to assimilate into British society
What is the host-immigrant model ?
- Model proposes that immigrants go through 3 stages before assimilating into society
1. Accommodation = involves minimal adaptation and acceptance of mainstream culture such as getting a job
2. Integration = occurs when hosts and immigrants socialise with eachother outside of work
3. Assimilation = The complete integration of immigrants into mainstream society and complete acceptance
What could assimilation of immigrants lead to ?
Physical assimilation - interbreeding across races
Leading to disappearance of distinctive features of the immigrant model
What are evaluation of Pattersons models ?
- naive to assume that all ethnic minorities integrate into British culture
- Post-modernists - Britain is a multi cultural society which should be celebrated
- Marxists say that Patterson ignores the role of capitalism, dividing race helps maintain capitalism. This means assimilation is an impossible goal to achieve