Ethnicity Flashcards
Official statistics
-Black population is 3.1% but higher proportion of stop and search 18%
-suggest police are biased and unfairly label people with unconscious racism.
self report studies
-They still suggest that there is some bias with more white offenders but more black arrests
-black people are criminalised
-Controversy between the relationship of the police and minority ethnic groups.
-Stephen Lawrence this case concludes the institution was racist
-Runnymede trust made progress with training and recruitment
Canteen culture
-white dominated police with macho values and racism
-more difficult for police officers now to demonstrate overt racism without being disciplined
Stop and search statistics
-Black and Asian people are more likely to be stopped and searched
-less targeting by police in last few years, but stereotype and prejudice still exists
Demographic factor
-Disproportionate use of stop and search does contribute to criminalisation of minority ethnic communities
Arrest statistics
-black people population is 3.1%, arrest are 8.3%
-Black people compared to white are more likely to remain silent and seek legal advice, deny the offence
Sentencing and imprisonment statistics
-Ministry of justice 2011 stated black people are more likely to be given higher sentences for burglary than white
-In 2011 11% of prison population was black
-Conclude that racism plays are role in the CJS, but class factors also interact
Left realism
Lea and Young
-argues that ethnic difference reflect real differences in the level of offending
-British society is racist and young black males are disadvantaged due to unemployment, deprivation, marginalisation and subcultures
Media influence
-media influences on the consumerism that promotes relative deprivation
- experience cultural inclusion but economic exclusion
- However 90% of reports come from the public therefore black people do commit more crime
Evaluation of the media
-lack relevance, black people are not more criminal than white
-underestimate impact of racism
-many white working class experience relative deprivation but not shown in crime rates
Anti-racist perspective
Paul Gilroy
-Statistics don’t reflect reality
-racism and ethnic inequality create injustice
-Crime by black reflect political action in response to inequality and oppression
-Myth of black criminality- police stereotype
-Black crime motivated by culture of resistance not poverty
Evaluation of Anti racist
Romanticising- ignores the harm that crime does to the victims
Neo Marxism- scapegoating and black crime
-Moral panic over black muggers applied by police and media, inaccurate statistics
-Powerful groups use threats by their dominate to scapegoat young black men for being the source of political instability
-Justified aggressive policing
e.g Folk devils
Evaluation of Neo marxism
-no effort to research the motives behind young black men
-Banking crisis, media concern over immigrants and asylum seekers