ethnicity Flashcards
Vir, Hall and Foye - Nationality
English - BBC are biased and focus on the south east of England.
Scottish - are underrepresented, and when they are represented they are drunk and abusive.
Welsh - reality TV can be exploitative in their portrayal of the Welsh, making money out of them being Laddish, stupid and focused on appearance.
Mulhern - Nationality
Irish are portrayed in 2 ways:
- Homesick and drinking bad Guinness while listening to bad ballads in north London - eg. Mrs Brown.
- Too successful to be homesick while making megabucks in the City, reporting good wealth back home via Skype.
Graham - Nationality
Welsh ‘tokenism’ in TV programmes. Eg, Gavin and Stacy, it’s all about portraying Wales as thick and uneducated.
Van Dijk - Ethnicity (traditional)
Content analysis of the Media, found Black people were stereotyped in 5 ways:
-Criminals (Hall) ‘black’ is used in descriptions of criminals, but ‘white’ is not used in the same way. Eg. Top Boy (drugs, honour, crime)
- Abnormal (Van Dijk) negative portrayals of cultural practices in soap operas and docs, blanket terminology is used (eg. ‘Asian culture’). Eg. Idiot Abroad
- A Threat (Nahdi) viewed as taking scarce jobs and British ‘resources’ and being a ‘drain’ on the state. Eg. news article Muslims called a ‘deadly threat from Britain’s enemy within’.
- Dependent, less developed countries described as ‘coup-war-famine-syndrome’ with little discussion of their exploitation by Western countries. Eg. Comic Relief, shown as ‘White Saviours’
- Unimportant (Ligali) the media has been accused of being institutionally racist due to reporting less incidences of murders against minority ethnic groups. Eg. ‘Forgotten victims of ISIS’
Hall - Ethnicity (traditional)
The White Eye- 3 basic representations of black people: Natives, Entertainers, Slaves.
Ethnicity viewed through the ‘white eye’ interpreted through the ‘grammar of race’. Eg, cowboy films - the hero is always a white man and other minorities are inferior.
Husband and Hartman - Ethnicity (traditional)
Media operates in a culture that sees foreigners (especially black) as inferior. Increases problems in mixed race areas and prejudices.
Children Now Fair Play Research - Ethnicity (traditional)
Continuation of gender and racial stereotypes in video games- 86% of heroes were white and that 8/10 sports characters were black. 86% of black women were also presented as ‘victims’.
Malik - Ethnicity (changing)
Channel 4 research found White British thought broadcasters were reflecting multicultural Britain to a satisfactory level, other ethnic groups thought it was done very poorly.
Broadcasters are guilty of:
Tokenism - having a token person from a minority; make it look like they’re not racist (eg. walking dead).
Stereotype - Oversimplified image of a group of people (prejudices of groups of people).
Reality shows are increasingly more inclusive of ethnic minorities (eg. Gogglebox, Sex Education). There’s a shift in how ethnic minority groups are now depicted in alternative and new forms of the media (social media, meme accounts).
Barker - Ethnicity (changing)
Eastenders now has a range of Asian and black characters which reflects the demographic of London more fairly, however, they’re still given roles of doctors and shop keepers.
Hall - Ethnicity (changing)
There has been a shift from overt racism (obvious and explicit) to inferential racism (unintentional and subliminal).
Children Now Fair Play Research - Ethnicity (changing)
(new media - gaming)
Continuation of gender and racial stereotypes in video games- 86% of heroes were white and that 8/10 sports characters were black. 86% of black women were also presented as ‘victims’.
Moghissi - Ethnicity (changing)
Muslims ‘huddled together’ in the media- overwhelmingly negative representation of muslims creating ‘moral panics’. ‘War on terror’ depict muslims as suicide bombers and terrorists.
Nayak - Ethnicity (hybridity)
‘White Wannabes’- Young, white working class males adopting ‘black male culture’ Eg. Aitch, Prof. Green, Eminem.
Gill - Ethnicity (hybridity)
Blasians - Asian youth who adopt ‘black culture’ (eg. Jay Sean)
Brasians - Asian youth who adopt ‘white british’ culture (eg. Zayn Malik)