Ethnic Minorities in USA Flashcards
What have the different attitudes towards slavery been and where were they expressed?
Mainly in the south and this happened because there was alot of black people living in the south which caused them to move to the north to places like harlem in new york.The south contained loads of farms which meant they had to employ workers and then the black people would have to work in the farms.This is because the slave trade is originated from the west coast of africa.
What did segregation mean?
The split between white and black people this meant the white people who were the race who had more contol at this time treated the black people differently by making them drink different things or use different toilets.
Who are the NAACP? What have they done?
They are the national association for the advancement of coloured people and they tried to abolish segregation and improve the general treatment of black people.
How were Native Americans viewed by the British Empire?
The british empire viewed them as savages and didn’t want to be associated with them as they saw their culture and life style as degrading.
What did the 1830 Indian Removal Act do?
It removed rich natives from their land and sent them to much poorer and unsuitable parts of the country to live in.
What did the 1851 Indian Appropriations Act do?
It designed areas for the natives to live in and didn’t allow them to leave this acted almost as a prison and trapped them into specific places where they didn’t want to live.
What did the Dawes Severalty Act in 1887 do?
This act gave the President the right to divide land up and give it to individuals rather than the whole tribe.This again forced thousands of Native Americans out of their homes.
What attitude was demonstrated by the 1924 Indian Citizenship Act?
It was an act to hopefully improve relations with the government and the natives this meant the natives were officially american citizens.
Which empire do Hispanic Americans trace their roots to?
Hispanic americans trace their roots back to Spanish and mexican colonies but mainly spain.
Which states were predominantly where Hispanic Americans originated?
Both Texas and California were predominantly hispanic populated.This is also due to the fact that 55% of mexica land was given to america.
Give 3 examples of how Hispanic Americans have been treated since the 1840s:
- Lynching happened to hispanic americans too and was a sign that americans didnt want their jobs nd land being taken by another country or race.
- Segregation continued and hispanics werent allowed the same privaliges as the natives.
- Mass deportation,this happened due to the fact that america didn’t want immigrants taking jobs or houses that belong to natives.