Ethics - Trust Flashcards
what are 3 characteristics of the dental profession?
Specialised knowledge
Service orientation
what knowledge and behaviour do dentists learn in schools?
Imprinted in the profession
Reinforced by experience with patients
Maintained by continuing education and self –disciplining through Dental Council
what is professional competence?
Patient’s trust that society is working properly
Professional system of education, credentialing and licensure produces competent practitioners
what is professional mortality?
Patient’s trust that professionals will place patient’s interest higher than own interest.
what is the purpose of the GDC principles?
Purpose = to promote behaviour that elevate the profession
Protect patient
Promote welfare
Fair and just dealing with patients/colleagues /society
what are the 8 professional obligations?
- Chief Client: person or set of persons whose well-being the profession and its members are chiefly committed to serving;
- Ideal Relationship Between Dentist and Patient: based on mutual respect and recognizes that the dentist and patient both bring important values to the professional setting;
- Central Values: focus of each profession’s expertise with the obligation to secure these values for its patients;
- Competence: obligation to acquire and maintain the expertise necessary to undertake professional tasks;
- Relative Priority of the Patient’s Well-being: given considerable priority, but not absolute priority;
- Ideal Relationships Between Co-professional: professional obligations to co-professionals;
- Relationship Between Dentistry and the Larger Community: relationships between the profession as a group or its members and the larger community and nonprofessional groups and others within it;
- Integrity and Education: conduct by which a person communicates what he or she stands for, not only in the acts the person chooses, but also both in how those acts are chosen and in how the person presents to others in carrying them out.
explain the relationship a dentist should have with there patient.
- Fiduciary relationship=Guild Model=Paternalist
Dentist is the judge of the patient’s needs this principle is outdated - Agent Model:
Dentist provides service for patient choices this is an unrealistic model - Commercial/Consumerist model:
Dentist has something to sell
Patient may or may not buy it
Standard market place principles apply
Patient and dentist on equal ground - Interactive model= Partnership model:
Preservation and maximisation of patient autonomy
Dentist contributes expertise into decision making process
Dentist enhances patient’s decision making capacity with information given
Patient and dentist are equal partners
why is it important that the public have in trust in health systems?
Trust can promote better doctor-patient relationship, including more disclosure, increased autonomy
Systems are to support providers in giving patient-centred care
Based on values of justice/veracity/integrity/ competence
NHS pools resources and allocates on need (ideally)
Organisations work better with trust
what are the 3 theories of distributive justice applicable to healthcare?
3 theories of distribution applicable to healthcare:
- Utilitarian distribution
-Objective: Maximise aggregate of net good for society
-Critics ignores personal needs/ raises concerns for minorities such as UK healthcare model /NHS - Libertarian distribution
-Objective: Respecting freedom/autonomy
-Right is attained when health care is determined by free market exchange such as US healthcare model/private - Egalitarian distribution
-Objective: giving people equal opportunities to have needs met
-Equal access to 1ary features or basic needs remaining additional optional services purchased
-So justice 1/3+ autonomy 2/3
French healthcare model/ mix public + private