Ethics, Rules of Conduct and Professionalism Flashcards
What are the five Rules of Conduct?
Members and first must…
1. Act with honest and maintain high levels of integrity
2. Ensure they are competent in the work they are completing
3. Maintain a high level of service
4. Treat all with respect
5. Take responsibility for the work they are completing.
Name some typical behaviours for each of the rules of conduct?
- Honesty - Ensure a conflict of interest check is completed before agreeing to any new projects
- Competency - Ensure lessons learnt from previous projects are implemented into new schemes
- High levels of service - Meeting with clients prior to agreeing scope of service to ensure the scope of service is inclusive of all work the client requires from you within my capacity
- Respect - treat everyone with respect and ensure equal opportunities for all, I.e. women in construction career events
- Responsibility - Provide my companies complaints handling procedure within fee proposals so clients are aware at early onset that complaints will be taken seriously
Give an example of a time you complied with a Rule of conduct
Service - Met with my client on Bexhill medical centre to ensure our scope of service was in line with the work they required from me. This included identifying that the client needed a detailed cost plan identifying cost abnormalities for their project viability meeting
Name the professional obligations for members?
- To comply with the RICS CPD requirements, 20 hours per year, 10 formal
- Cooperate with the RICS
- Promptly provide all information reasonably requested by the Standards and
Regulation Board
What do you need to do when starting up your own firm?
- Assign a RICS member as a principal,
- Adequate insurances including PI
- Complaints Handling Procedure
- Training and development programme for employees to undertake CPD
- Locum agreement.
Name some RICS policy documents
- Conflict of Interest
- Professional Indemnity Insurance
- Complaints Handling
What do the RICS regulations cover?
- Definitions
2.Membership and registration
3.Designations - Contributions to funds
- Conduct
- Governing council officers and staff,
- Subordinate boards committees and groups,
- Procedure for general meetings and voting, 9. Accounts and audit
- General.
What is the RICS CPD policy? What is required in regards to ethics?
Students - 48 hours per year
Members - 20 hours per year, 10 to be formal
What is RICS Lionheart and Matrix?
Lionheart - Counselling services for RICS members and students
Matrix - An organisation for networking and general support of young members
What are terms of engagement?
A written record of the agreement between the client and the firm.
Where would you find guidance for PI Insurance?
RICS Professional Indemnity Insurance Requirements 2022
How do you distinguish between professional statements, code of practice document and guidance notes?
Professional Statements - Rules for members to obide by
Guidance Notes - Guidance on best practice
Code of Practice - A document developed in collaboration with other professional bodies, like IPMS measurement.
Provide different examples of professional statements and guidance notes?
What is involved in a conflict check email?
- States the property, service being provided and client.
- Requests that if anyone is bidding or working with the client or properties to make the sender aware before a specified date.
- System search undertaken at same time.
Is there anything that your PI Insurance doesn’t let you advise on?
Anything that falls outside of Quantity Surveying expertise.
a. VAT
b. Bespoke contract production
c. Fire stopping specification
d. Re-cladding specification
Give an example of a time when you dealt with a complaint? How did you resolve the complaint?
Give an example of a particularly interesting CPD you attended?
What does a sole practitioner need to have in place as a precaution? What does the agreement include?
What is the purpose of ethical standards?
Name some key guidance notes for Quantity Surveyors?
What is a conflict of interest? What are the different types?
- Being potentially influenced in your decision making due to a relationship with a person or organization.
- Own conflict
- Party conflict
- Confidential Information conflict
What is informed consent? What information should be provided when gaining informed consent?
Name a recent RICS article you have read? What did you learn?
What is PI insurance? Why is it required?
Professional Indemnity insurance is to protect a firm, individual or client against financial loss that it can’t meet from its own resources from a negligence claim against them.
What is the client money protection scheme?
The scheme provides protection, at a last resort, in the unlikely event that the firm is unable to repay clients money, up to the limits and exceptions set out in the scheme rules.
What are the requirements of the client money protection scheme?
- Ensure the RICS annual fee is paid for the scheme
- Ensure it is held in a designated account and the client is aware of the details
- Ensure that the client can access the account
- Ensure that cash books and client ledgers are being undertaken
- Ensure the account is not overdrawn
Do you deal with client money? Why do you not?
Give an example of a time you refused tasks beyond your capabilities?
Would you attend a football match if the client invited you?
What are the requirements stated in the RICS PII requirements document?
What is formal and what is informal cpd?
What is the definition of ethics?
How is RICS governed? How are breaches dealt with?
What is the Annual Return?
What RICS guidance should a firm refer to when registering with RICS? What does this document include?
When are firms required to register with RICS? When are firms eligible to register with RICS?
What RICS documents advise on money laundering? What are the key requirements on money laundering?
- RICS Countering Bribery and Corruption, Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing 2019
- RICS Anti-Money Laundering Sanctions Update March 2022
What legislation prevents bribery?
Bribery Act 2010
What legislation prevents money laundering and terrorist financing?
The Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Amendment Regulations 2022
What is the rics conflict of interest advise document and date / edition?
RICS Conflict of Interest Professional Statement 2017 1st Ed. Effective January 2018.
What steps should be taken if there’s a conflict of interest?
- Be open and transparent
- Declare any potential Conflict of Interest to all parties ASAP
- Offer to stand down which will enable the client to make an informed decision.
Define what a bribe is?
A bribe is giving someone a financial or other advantage to encourage them to perform their functions improperly
What should you do if someone tries to bribe you?
Decline and report to your line manager and local authority.
Who is president and CEO of RICS?
What is the structure of RICS?
What are the procedures for setting up a RICS practice?
What insurances are required for a RICS practice?
a. Professional Indemnity Insurance
b. Employers Liability Insurance
c. Building Insurance (if they own their office building)
d. Public Liability Insurance
How do you complete the RICS annual return? What happens if you fail to do this?
What does the RICS annual return require firms to submit?
Why did the previous global professional and ethical standards change?
Name the professional obligations for firms?
What is the purpose of undertaking and recording CPD? What are the CPD requirements for a RICS member?
When was RICS founded?
What is RICS motto?
What is the purpose of the Royal Charter?
What is the mission statement of the RICS?
How is RICS regulated?
Who manage and set the strategy for RICS?
What is the Client Money Protection Scheme and how is it provided?
What actions should a firm take that operate a client account?
What requirements do RICS set for complaint handling?
The RICS provides a model form.
The process must include a redress mechanism.
Details of the policy should be issued to the client with the Terms of Business.
It must be clear, quick, transparent and impartial and free of charge within the first stage.
Names and contact details of the nominated investigating person must be stated.
The complaint must be investigated within 28 days.
All complaints, their progress and outcomes must be recorded.
We must note the need to advise PI insurers of a complaint immediately.
The process must have two stages as a minimum: 1. consideration of the complaint by a senior member of the firm or complaint handling officer. 2. If the issue is not resolved, the complaint is referred to an independent third party with the authority to award redress. The complainant may be expected to contribute to costs at this stages.
What is the maximum uninsured excess?
What are the minimum levels of indemnity?
What are the PII requirements?
What is a claims made basis?
What are the limitation periods for PII?
What is the purpose of PII?
What happened during the Merrit vs Babb case law?
Can you identify the case law showing the need for run off cover?
What is a locum agreement? What is included in a locum agreement?
How can you tell if there is an individual classed as a modern slave working on a construction site?
- Unsuitable clothing
- Doesn’t give eye contact
- Under control by someone
- Malnourished / Tired
What is your company’s professional indemnity insurance?
£10 million
What is professional indemnity insurance based on?
The level of cover is based off the firms previous years turnover
How many professional obligations are there for firms? How many for members?
Name some of the requirements included within the Rules of the RICS Logo and Designation by Firms?
What is meant by the RICS logo?
Please define the three conflicts of interest that could be present?
Own Interest Conflict - Where the duty of an RICS member or a regulated firm to act in the interests of a client in a professional assignment conflicts with the interests of that same RICS member/ firm.
Party Interest Conflict - Where the duty of an RICS member to act in the interests of a client or other party in a professional assignment conflicts with a duty owed to another client or party in relation to another professional assignment.
Confidential Information Conflict - A conflict between the duty of an RICS member to provide material information to one client, and the duty of that RICS member to another client to keep that same information confidential.
Where can you find an example form for obtaining informed consent?
Appendix A of the RICS Conflict of Interest guidance
Provide an example of a time there was a conflict of interest? How did you deal with this?
Who would step in if there is a locum agreement?
What would you do if the fee was underpriced for the work provided?
What legislation prevents you from taking money to presuade your decision?
How long should it take you to acknowledge and log a complaint?
48 hours.
What do you use to organise your CPD?
How is an hourly rate calculated?
How do you know when you should have been paid by a client?
What is included in the RICS Conflict of Interest Professional Statement?
The statement includes commentary on:
- Conflict of interest types
- Confidential information
- Firm controls
- Record keeping
- Informed consent
What is your company’s hospitality policy?
What is Professional Indemnity Insurance?
PII is to protect a firm, individual or client against financial loss that it cant meet from its own resources from a negligence claim against them
What does the RICS stand for?
What are the RICS Regulations? What is included in this?
Why do you want to join the RICS?
Why does your company’s CHP differ to the RICS model CHP?
What is the RICS Business Plan? What are the five key objectives within the plan?
What should you do to close down a business?
In what situations would you decline work for a client?
What are RICS information papers?
What is the Companies Act 2006?
In case of a breach of a rule of conduct what is the procedure?
What are the requirements under the money laundering regulations?
- Customer Due-Diligence
- Keep Records
- Internal Procedures to Identify
- Report Suspicious Activity to ML Officer
- Train Employees
- Register to HMRC any cash payments over £10,000
What is the proceeds of crime act 2000 and the terrorism act 2000?
- Proceeds of Crime Act 2000 - Makes it illegal to be involved concealing or transferring criminal property
- Terrorism Act - Makes it illegal to be involved in terror finance activity
Describe the types of client money account?
What are the contractual limitation periods?
What happens if the loss exceeds the cover provided by the PI insurance
The firm is required to cover the difference
What measures should be taken to try and avoid PI claims?
a. Good record keeping including advice given
b. Set a clear scope of services and terms of agreement
c. Don’t advise on a specialism outside of your expertise
d. Use RICS guidelines
e. Avoid poor management and excessive workloads
What is a limit of liability?
What is a net contributions clause?
If a client was prepared to pay you in advance for services you were
providing, how would you ensure this was dealt with?
The employer likes your fee, and says he has two other projects with
fees from Chartered QS’s that are lower than yours, if you knock a bit
off, they’re both yours – what do you do?
If you make cash payments over the value of £10,000 what should you do?
What is included in Appendix A of the Rules of Conduct?
When should a firm join the RICS?
What is the role of the RICS?
Under the Bribery Act, when may it be acceptable to offer or accept a bribe?
If there is a threat to life, limb, liberty or a party is under distress.
What are the six principles of the bribery act?
Proportionality, top-level commitment, risk assessment, due diligence, communication, monitoring and review
What would happen if you were holding client money, but couldn’t identify who the client was?
What were the recommendations within the Levitt report?
How many RICS professional groups are there?
What are the five principles of better regulation?
Why is there a solid wall depicted in your case study documents?
What factors do you need to consider before agreeing to an appointment?
What are the three conflicts of interest?
- Own Conflict
- Party Conflict
- Confidential Information Conflict
What is the RICS Redress Scheme within your complaints handling procedure?
This is the appointed ADR mechanism within my companies CHP. For consumers, this is the CEDR. for Businesses, this is the RICS Dispute Resolution Service.
Name some hot topics at the moment? How will these affect you as a Quantity Surveyor?
What is artificial intelligence? How will it impact you as a Building Surveyor?
How would you gain informed consent?
Issue an informed consent form (appendix A of the Conflict of Interest professional statement)
How do you gain feedback from a client? What would you do if you received negative feedback?
What negotiation strategies / styles are there?
What are the bye-laws?
Approximately how many RICS members are there?
Can you name an RICS Initiative?
How many years has the RICS been formed?
Where are the RICS headquarters?
What are the market sectors covered by the RICS?
What is the RICS Matrics?
What are the levels of RICS membership?
What is the role and significance of the RICS?
What is being discussed at the next Annual General Meeting?
What was discussed at the last Annual General Meeting?
How does the RICS discipline members if they receive a complaint about a member?
Head of Regulation will consider taking disciplinary action. Decisions are made in the public interest but a decision over what disciplinary action is taken depends on the seriousness of the case.
For less serious cases, they may impose a Regulatory Compliance Order (or Consent Order) to ensure future compliance with the standards. This may include a fine, caution or conditions on the membership of the Regulated Member.
For the most serious cases they may refer a case to a Disciplinary Panel. They will conduct a hearing which may impose sanctions ranging from a fine to expulsion and can determine costs against Regulated Members.
How does the RICS regulate its members?
What is the purpose of the Rules of Conduct?
Can you give me an example of when you’ve acted ethically?
Can you give me an example of where you have shown competence?
Can you give me an example of a time you have provided a high level of service?
Can you name an example when you have promoted trust in the profession?
Can you name an example where you have acted with integrity?
Can you name an example when you have taken responsibility?
Can you name an example where you have treated others with respect?
Can you name an example where you have acted honestly?
Can you give an example of where you have applied an ethical standard?
What should you consider when making a decision to accept a gift/hospitality?
What is your company’s policy on gifts and hospitality?
Can you outline your company’s Complaints Handling Procedure?
- Confirm the name of the Complaint’s Handler
- Complaint’s Handler will be in touch within 14 days to confirm understanding of the complaint and request any further information that may be required
- Within 21 days of response, the Complaints Handler will inform the complainer of the outcome and the actions taken
- Complainer to confirm whether they are dissatisfied with any aspect of the company’s handling of the complaint
- Stage 2
If A consumer: The CEDF redress scheme will be engaged.
If a business: The RICS Dispute Resolution Service will be engaged.
When do clients get provided a copy of the CHP?
It is included within the fee proposal, therefore at appointment
What happens if the complainant refuses to use the CHP?
Demonstrate I have followed Stage 1 of my Company’s CHP, and move on to Stage 2.
Can you review a complaint about yourself?
Yes, but make sure a third party mechanism is in place.
Where should you record the complaint?
In the companies complaints log.
Will RICS become involved in a complaint?
Only if the complaint is unresolved, or if my company fails to respond to the complaint.
When does a firm become mandatorily regulated by the RICS?
What information do you need to provide RICS if you are setting up your own firm?
What sort of information do registered firms have to send the RICS annually?
What is the 6 day rule?
What should you do if you recognize a conflict of interest?
- Be open and transparent
- Declare any potential COI’s with all parties ASAP
- Offer to stand down which will enable the client to make an informed decision
If you have advised a client of a conflict of interest but they are still insistent on using you, what do you do?
The conflict must be managed. I would
- Formally write to the client advising of the COI, and ask they acknowledge and advise on their instruction to proceed in writing.
- Notify the RICS
- Stand down if it proves difficult to manage
How can you identify a conflict of interest?
Ask yourself whether your ability to act in the clients best interest could be potentially impaired due to a conflict arising.
What tools/methods do the RICS provide to assist when considering conflicts of interest?
- RICS have produced a decision tree.
- Consult a senior member of the RICS
What is the decision tree?
A tool to help RICS members navigate difficult decisions. It asks 6 questions which all need to be answered ‘yes’ to be able to act.
What are the questions included within the decision tree?
- Do you have sufficient facts on the issue?
- Is it legal?
- Is it in line with the RICS Rules of Conduct?
- Have you consulted with appropriate people to make an informed decision?
- Do you have a clear reasoning in reaching your decision?
- Would you be content for your decision to be made public?
What insurances would a Chartered Surveying Practice require?
a. Professional Indemnity Insurance
b. Public Liability Insurance
c. Employers Liability Insurance
d. Building Insurance (if they own their office building)
What does Professional Indemnity Insurance protect?
The company taking out the policy and their clients
Where can a firm look for insurers for PI cover?
The RICS have a list of insurers that are recommended as PI providers.
How do you assess what levels of PI cover are required?
The level of PI cover is based off the companies turnover.
0-100k - £250k
100-200k - £500k
200k + - £1,000,000
What are the maximum level of uninsured excess i.e. the part of each claim the firm must pay itself?
a. If less than or equal to £500k - Whatever is greatest out of 2.5% or £10,000.
b. If over £500k - 2.5% of the sum insured
What should be in place to protect clients if a firm was to go bust?
A firm should have run off cover
How long should run off cover be in place?
Depends, if under hand = 6 years. If as a deed = 12 years.
Are you aware of any case law in respect of PII claims?
Are you familiar with the term limit of liability?
Limit of liability is used to cap the level of exposure a business signs up to
How would a net contribution clause affect PII cover?
A net contribution clause meants that the consultant will only be held liable for work they have done or influenced, and will not be liable for someone elses mistake
If you made a mistake in one of your cost plans, what would your insurance compact expect?
For me to notify them and comply with any conditionss/procedures set out in the insurance policy
Why should you not advise on an area outside of your expertise?
To avoid fiving clients wrong advice, avoid disputes and avoid professional indemnity claims.
What is CPD?
How many CPD hours are you required to take as a Chartered Surveyor?
What is the difference between formal and informal CPD?
How do you plan your CPD?
What are the deadlines for logging your CPD if you were to become a member?
How does your firm assist with CPD?
What happens if a member fails to complete and record CPD in a particular year?
How might a business arrange to cover the incapacity or death of a sole practitioner?
What is a locum?
Who are suitable choices for a locum?
What should the locum agreement include details of?
Can you give any examples of why a sole practitoner should have a locum agreement in place?
When should the RICS be notified of a locum agreement?
What is a fee proposal?
What is included in a fee proposal?
How do you work out the fee?
If you have put together a fee proposal, but after a couple of months you realize you have under forecasted your resources, would you go back to the client and ask for more money?
Once your and your client have agreed the service verbally, what would you do next?
If the client gives you a lump sum fee before going on holiday, what would you do?
How do you ensure fees are paid on time?
What is clients money?
How can a firm ensure the security of clients money?
What system do you have in place for holding clients money?
If a client was prepared to pay you in advance for services you were providing, how would you ensure this was dealt with?
What is the Bribery Act 2010?
And act of parliament which covers criminal law relating to bribery
What is a bribe?
Giving someone a financial or other advantage to encourage that person to perform their functions improperly
What are offences under the Bribery Act?
It is a criminal offence for a person to directly or indirectly -
1. Offer a bribe
2. Accept a bribe
3. Bribe a foreign public official
4. Fail as a commercial enterprise to prevent bribery.
How exactly would a firm prevent bribery?
Have policies in place to prevent bribery.
For example, my company has an anti-bribery and corruption policy, which:-
- Sets out our responsibilities in observing and upholding our position
- Provides information and guidance on how to recognize and deal with a bribe
As a Quantity Surveyor, how are you at risk of becoming involved in bribery?
- Appointing a contractor
- Agreeing an application for payment
- Agreeing a final account
Is hospitality prohibited by the Bribery Act?
No, hospitality is recognized as a part of doing business and building relationships. However, it should not be accepted if it would influence a decision
What is money laundering?
When someone disguises criminal proceeds as legitimate earnings
What is the recent regulation that has been produced in regard to money laundering?
The Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Amendment Regulations 2022
As a Quantity Surveyor, how are you at risk of becoming involved in money laundering?
When a client pays our fees
What are warning signs of money laundering?
- A client is secretive / evasive about the origin of their money
- A client does not want to be named
- No audit trail
- Previous convictions
What Act of Parliament has been issued to cover modern slavery?
The Modern Slavery Act 2015
Why should firms carry a designation?
How should the designation be used?
Why is conflict avoidance important?
What methods are available for resolution of disputes?
What types of dispute are most common in the industry?
When should you inform insurers of a complaint?
As soon as possible.
AI SoE: Could you explain the significance of the RICS (Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors) in the industry and its role in providing regulation and standards?
AI SoE: What is the purpose of the 5 Rules of Conduct, and how do they relate to the behavior and practices of RICS members and firms?
AI SoE: How do you ensure compliance with the 5 Rules of Conduct in your professional work as a quantity surveyor and construction professional?
AI SoE: In your understanding, what is the role of the RICS in producing standards and guidance for professionals, and how does this contribute to maintaining good technical practice?
AI SoE: Could you elaborate on the concept of the “Black Book” and its significance to quantity surveying and construction professionals?
AI SoE: How has your familiarity with the standards and guidance provided by the RICS, including the Black Book, influenced your approach to technical practices in your field?
AI SoE: Have you encountered situations where applying RICS standards and guidance, such as the Black Book, led to positive outcomes or helped you navigate challenges in your professional work?
AI SoE: How do the RICS standards and guidelines enhance the professionalism and credibility of practitioners in the quantity surveying and construction sectors?
AI SoE: Are there any specific instances or experiences where your adherence to RICS regulations or standards made a notable difference in your projects or interactions with clients and stakeholders?
AI SoE: Looking forward, how do you plan to continue incorporating RICS standards and guidance, like the Black Book, into your professional development and projects?
AI SoE: How do you integrate the RICS’ Rules of Conduct and Professional and Ethical Standards into your daily work as a professional?
AI SoE: Could you elaborate on how you applied your company’s Conflict of Interest Procedure while assisting in the formation of a fee proposal for the Drayton Medical Centre project?
AI SoE: In what ways does adhering to the Conflict of Interest Procedure help ensure transparency and ethical practices in your projects?
AI SoE: Could you explain how your company’s policy regarding conflicts of interest played a role in determining whether a conflict needed to be reported for the Drayton Medical Centre project?
AI SoE: How do you ensure that you’re compliant with the CPD (Continuing Professional Development) requirements outlined by the RICS in your ongoing professional development?
AI SoE: What specific steps do you take to meet the heightened CPD requirements when completing the APC Structured Training?
AI SoE: How has adhering to the RICS’ CPD requirements and completing the APC Structured Training contributed to your professional growth and competence?
AI SoE: Have you encountered any challenges in ensuring compliance with the RICS’ standards and requirements, and how did you address them?
AI SoE: Could you share an instance where your commitment to ethical standards and CPD positively impacted a project or your professional expertise?
AI SoE: Looking forward, how do you plan to continue integrating RICS’ Rules of Conduct, Ethical Standards, and CPD requirements into your career progression and ongoing projects?
AI SoE: In the situation involving the Daleham Gardens project, how did you respond to the Client’s query about the payment of consultant fees in line with monthly invoicing?
AI SoE: Could you explain the basis on which your consultant fees were determined and how they aligned with the terms and conditions of the signed appointment?
AI SoE: How did you communicate to the Client the reasons for not invoicing fees during a specific period, considering the delay and the completion status of tasks?
AI SoE: Can you share an instance where you demonstrated honesty and integrity in your professional role that positively impacted client relationships or project outcomes?
AI SoE: In the context of the Greensand Medical Centre project, how did you handle the situation when the Client’s requirements went beyond the agreed scope of services?
AI SoE: Could you elaborate on the steps you took to ensure your Client received good quality service even when their request fell outside the scope of services?
AI SoE: What motivated your decision to refer your Client to an RICS accredited firm with experience in providing Life-Cycle Costing Reports (LCCR) for the Greensand Medical Centre project?
AI SoE: How does your approach of referring clients to specialized firms for services beyond your expertise align with maintaining professionalism and serving your clients’ best interests?
AI SoE: Have you encountered challenges or concerns related to client expectations versus the scope of services, and how have you effectively managed these situations?
AI SoE: Looking ahead, how do you plan to continue demonstrating ethical practices and maintaining high-quality client service while navigating situations like those mentioned in the extract?