Business Planning Flashcards
AI SoE: Could you elaborate on the different types of accounting techniques used within businesses and why various systems are tailored to suit a company’s size?
AI SoE: In your understanding, what are key financial ratios used for benchmarking purposes, and how do they facilitate comparisons between different firms?
AI SoE: How do you view the role of a business plan in improving the technical, economic, and financial viability of a new or ongoing business, and what are its essential elements?
AI SoE: Could you share examples of how your familiarity with accounting techniques, financial ratios, and business plans has positively impacted your professional role or projects?
AI SoE: How has the ‘Accounting Principles and Procedures’ E-learning module on the RICS Online Academy contributed to your understanding of these accounting concepts?
AI SoE: What insights have you gained from attending your Employer’s quarterly business update, and how do these updates help you stay informed about business performance and targets?
AI SoE: Can you provide examples of how you’ve used financial ratios or business plans to make informed decisions or recommendations within your professional role?
AI SoE: How do your knowledge and understanding of these accounting concepts enhance your ability to contribute to business growth and development?
AI SoE: Have you encountered any challenges related to implementing accounting techniques or understanding financial ratios, and how have you overcome them?
AI SoE: Looking ahead, how do you plan to further leverage your understanding of accounting techniques, financial ratios, and business plans in your career progression?
What are the main parts of a business plan?
What are the different types of accounting techniques used within a business?
Why do accounting techniques differ depending on the size of the company? How do they differ?
What are the key financial ratios used for benchmarking?
What is discussed in your Employers quarterly business updates?