Ethics, Rules of Conduct and professionalism Flashcards
Tell me what you understand about conflicts of interest?
Where someone in a position of trust has competing personal or professional interests making it difficult for them to fulfil their duties impartially
An existing relationship will result in reduced impartially and chartered surveyors have an obligation to make clients aware of this and if necessary decline work opportunities where a conflict of interest occurs.
Main Principles of Bribery Act 2010
1- Offences:
- Making a bribe
- Offering a Bribe
- Bribery of a foreign public official
2- 6 Principles of prevention:
- Proportionate procedures
- Top level commitment
- Risk assessments
- Due diligence
- Monitoring
- Review
- Facilitation of payment is illegal
Merret v Babb Case 2001
Wrong valuation to a property
Employees are personally liable for professional advice.
Employees will be particularly vulnerable if their firm or company:
is insolvent
has otherwise ceased trading and has no run-off cover
is under-insured and cannot meet the full claim
is unable to pay the excess due under the policy
is unable to obtain indemnity from their professional indemnity insurers as a result of a coverage dispute.
How could the conflict of interest be managed internally if two separate departments were working for the same client?
Notify the client
Measures that can be put in place:
- exclusivity of staff
- ensuring that there are separate communication lines
- Both teams to sign NDA
- Monitor the potential conflict and keep the client updated.
If the client was insistent that you worked for them despite an existing conflict of interest, how would you proceed?
1- Check the clients understanding around the conflict of interest.
2- Make them aware of the potential for reduced impartiality
3- Seek a letter of instruction from the client to continue
4- Talk through working procedures to manage the conflict of interest
5- Agree formally in writing with the client.
You have received a formally complaint in writing from the client. At what point shoudl your firm notify the insurers?
Immediately as soon as the complaint has come trough. So is open and they are ware that a complaint might come through.
Are you aware of any guidance from the RICS in regards Professional Indemnity Insurance?
Professional indemnity insurance requirements
Version 7 with effect from 1 May 2020
It depends on the firms turnover
Firm’s turnover in the preceding year Minimum limit of indemnity
£100,000 or less £250,000
£100,001 to £200,000 £500,000
£200,001 and above £1,000,000
Maximum level of uninsured excess (the part of each claim the firm must pay
Limit of indemnity Maximum uninsured excess
Up to and including £500,000 The greater of 2.5% of the sum insured,
or £10,000
Over £500,000 2.5% of the sum insured
Watt are the maximum levels of uninsured excess?
Depends on the level of indemnity
Maximum level of uninsured excess (the part of each claim the firm must pay
Limit of indemnity Maximum uninsured excess
Up to and including £500,000 The greater of 2.5% of the sum insured,
or £10,000
Over £500,000 2.5% of the sum insured
What sort of Insurances do Chartered Surveyors need to have?
_ Professional Indemnity covers
- Buildings insurance cover
- Employers Liability insurance
- Run off cover
What are the Main Principles of the Bribery Act 2010?
A) Offences:
- Making a bribe
- Receiving a Bribe
- Bribery of a foreign public official.
B) Applies to all UK Entities. Includes Associated Persons
C) 6 principles of preventions: 1- Proportionate Procedures 2 Top level commitment 3 Risk Assessments 4 Due diligence 5 Communications 6 Monitoring and review
Under the Bribery Act, under what circumstance is a facilitation payment permitted?
The only circumstance in which is OK to make a facilitation payment is when you are under duress.
i.e there is a real and present risk or danger to life, limb or liberty.
You are attending a Main Contractor organised business conference where it is announced that you have been randomly selected as a the winner of this months prize draw. It is an i-pad air, How would you act in this scenario?
- I would be uncomfortable accepting the prize in this scenario
- The price is of significant value and could be interpreted as a bribe
- Furthermore due to working on a project with the Main contractor at the time of this scenario. Accepting would have been highly inappropriate and could be interpreted as having affect on my business conduct.
- I would respectfully decline the prize and suggest that is made as a charitable donation to a charity of the main contractors choice.
I am aware that bribes are commonly distributed as random prizes and due to the seriousness of this incident I would report it to my line manager.
You receive an invite to attend the theatre with some members of your project team but they dropped out due to illness at the last minutes, would you still attend?
- I will declare this hospitality on my companies gifts and hospitality register
- Assumed it was approved and I was authorised to attend
- I would need to decline the invite due to the project team dropping our , as this will bot be a genuine business event
- I will have to decline the hospitality at the Projects team expense
You are bidding for a project and the client advises that if you reduce your fee bid by £3000 you will be first place and win the tender, how would you advise the client?
- Unfair competition
- Not treating other with respect
- Not acting with integrity
- Unsustainable to undertake business in this manner
- Devaluation the profession
- Potentially need tor educe the scope to achieve same margin. Will affect the high standard of service
- This could be interpreted as a bribe
Decline the offer from the client.
A client takes you our for lunch after a business meeting, where they continue to discuss business. The bill for the luch comes at £200. What shoudl you do now?
- Lunch had a legitimate business purpose, so its fine to accept the hospitality
- but the client should have considered how £200 bill for a lunch could be perceived and have chosen a more modest restaurant
- Given the size of the bill, but me declared in the companies hospitality register and make my line manger aware immediately afterwards
- I will offer to reciprocate but ensure it is carried out in a more modesty manner.
What is the significance of Merret v Babb case?
- Considered if a professional employer was vulnerable to claims brought directly against them for advise given on behalf of their employers
- Highlights the importance of run off cover
- Professional individuals and firms must ensure that run off cover is in place after they leave their firms employment or a firm ceases trading
- Individuals shoudl ensure that their ex company keeps up this cover on their behalf
How long should run off cover be in place?
- depends on the type of contracts the professional has been involved with.
- Usually 6 years if contract executed under hand
- ## 12 years if executed as a deed
What are the requirements regarding PI by the RICS?
- Must be made on an “each and every” claim basis
- The form gives the minimum wording
- Sets out the minimum levels of indemnity
- Sets out the maximum levels of uninsured excess
- Run off cover must be in place for at least 6 years
- shoudl include cover for past and present employees, directors and partners
What if the loss exceed the cover provided by the PI insurance?
- the firm or professional is liable for the difference and will cover the difference with the assets that they own
What measures shoudl be taken to try to avoid PI claims?
- Keep full and detailed records of meetings, conversation etc
- record of recommendations and advice given
- Use proper letters of engagement, scope of services and terns of engagement
- Don’t advise on specialist outside your filed of experience
- Use RICS guidelines
- Avoid poor management and excessive workload
A newly appointed PM working fort he client o advises that they are concerned about the terms the predecessor agreed with you. They state not to expect the same terms and advise that is you give 20% discount they wont renew your contract. How would you respond?
- Is asking for a discount, but is negotiating contract terms so this cant be classed as a bribe.
- I would advise that we would consider offering a saving but the level of service and resource would need to be reviewed in line with the reduction.
- Review if the original fees are good value and fair, and if reducing them is devaluing the profession.
- The reduction might not be sustainable and in the clients interest if I cannot provide a high standard of service.
- A fee profile and resource schedule would need to be prepared to determine if the saving and adequate level of service can be offered.
- We might need to decline if we cannot offer the level of services that is required.
Are you familiar with the term limit of liability and where would it be used?
- Limit of liability is used to place a cap on the level of exposure a business sign up to.
- In the aggregate means as a maximum after many different claims
- Is cover is for each and every claim, it is that level for each claim.
How would you deal with a situation such as a friend who ask you to provide them with advise.
- I couldn’t offer advice on my own without PI insurance.
- I will thoroughly review the information
- I inform hay can contact me during the working hours to discuss T&C’s of appointment
- If I am not comfortable acing for them, I will advise them to use the RICS “find a surveyor “ scheme.
- Adhere at the rules of conduct at all times.
Tell me how you have demonstrated Ethical Standards in your case study?
- Good quality service. Fulfil my obligations.
- Honest and Integrity. When I was approached directly by a contractor during the tender stage.
- Treat others with respect
- Acting with responsibility and in a way that promotes trust in the profession.
What is the Carsberg Report 2005?
Thorough internal and external review of the regulation of the RICS.
Members dissatisfaction of how it was managed.
What were some for the key recommendations of the Carsberg report?
- Conduct Board shoudl be stablished.
- RICS shoudl regulate firms as well as members
- Review of existing CPD requirements and compliance should be iniciated
What are the 5 principles of better regulation?
- Proportionality
- Accountability
- Consistency
- Targeting
- Transparency
What is the purpose of the 5 Principles of Regulation?
- RICS is a self regulated professional body that has a duty to the public interest
- The 5 Principles of better regulation set out how the RICS regulates itself internally to maintain the highest standards of professionalism and integrity in the benefit of the public interest
Pick 2 of the 5 principles for better regulation and explain what they mean to you?
Proportionality: RICS shoudl only intervene when necessary and al remedies imposed should be proportionate. i.e no payment of RICS fees.
Accountability. Regulators must be able to justify their actions under public scrutiny to promote complete fairness.
Consistency. Complete fair and level playing field, treat everybody the same
Targeting, Focused on the problem and minimise side effects. Any policies put in place are unambiguous.
Transparent -Keep regulation simply and user friendly, to be effectively communicated- assist in line with regulation rather than a heavy handed approach.
How have spent all the fees on a job and still work to do, what should you do?
- I do not lower my level of services
- i will investigate why all the fees have been spent
- Is it is an error in our fee calculation, I put in place measures to ensure that it doesn’t happen again
- I sit is because we have provided additional services I give all the details to my director to prepare a claim for additional fees.
- I will ensure that I keep track of all the time expended not included in our scope of services.
Name some topics on which the RICS publishes help sheets and policy documents.
- Handling clients money
- PI insurance
- Complaints handling procedure
- Maintaining professional and ethical standards
- Procurement and Tendering
- Cashflow forecasting
Why the RICS have Rules of Conduct in place?
- To prove a framework that we can all work to and so the client knows they are getting a set level of service.
- They ae a powerful tool and guide for institutions and members.
What steps would you need to take when setting up a Practice?
- Inform RICS
- Appoint a Contact Officer
- Register the RICS for Regulations
- Arrange Professional Indemnity Insurance
- Set up a complaints handling procedure
- Set p Client account for handling Client Money
- Set up staff training and CPD
What steps must you take for the handling of clients money?
- Client must always have access to the funds.
- Client money must be kept separate and clearly identifiable
- Include the clients name in the account.
- Interest on the account must be agreed with the client
- Agee the terms and advise client on back details
- Client must never been in an overdrawn position
What is the “Clients” Money protection scheme?
- Run by RICS
- Provides for any member of the public to be reimbursed their direct loss of funds
- ## This is provided through RICS insurance policy
If a client was prepared to pay you in advance for services you were providing, how would you ensure this was dealt with?
- Set up a separate client account that named and clearly identifiable
- Provide the client with a statement of the account
- Inform and agree any drawdowns
- Prior to drawing monies send a statement of ow much is to be withdrawn and what services and associated fees are made up of. send updates statement of the account.
What sort of information do register firms have to send to the RICS annually?
- It is called annual return and done on-line. Failure to do so leads to a fixed penalty
- Type of business and staff
- nature of clients
- Training provision
- Complaints handling procedure details and records
- PI insurance details
- Whether the firms holds any client money.
What are the RICS Bye-Laws
- Application and definitions
- Membership and registrations
- Designations
- Contributions to funds
- Conduct
- Governing Council, officers and staff
- Subordinate boards, committees and groups
- Procedure for general meetings
- Accounts and Audit
- General