Ethics And The Law Flashcards
What does MHA section 2 mean?
Admission for assessment for up to 28days.
Needs 2 doctors (one must be approved under section 12(2) of the MHA.
What does the MHA section 3 mean?
Admission for treatment (up to 6 months)
What does MHA section 4 mean?
72hour assessment order (emergency)
By a GP and AMHP (approved mental health professional)or NR (nearest relative)
In the MHA what does a section 5(2) mean?
A patient who is voluntary in hospital can be detained by a doctor for 72hours
What is section 5(4) of the MCA?
Nurse can detain a voluntary pAtient for 6hours
What’s section 17a of the MHA?
Supervised community team
What’s MHA section 135?
A court order for police to break into property to removed a person to a safe place
What’s MHA section 136?
Police can take a person in a public place to a place of safety
What is the mental health act?
To regulate the circumstances in which the liberty of persons who are mentally disordered may be restricted and where there is conflict balance their interests against those of public policy
What is the mental capacity act?
It provides the legal framework for acting and making decisions on behalf of individuals who lack the mental capacity to make particular decisions for them selves.
What are the 5 key principles of the MCA?
1) assume capacity unless established otherwise
2) make steps to help person make a decision, don’t treat as if they are unable
3) an ‘unwise’ decision still means they can make a decision
4) if decisions are made on behalf of pt, must be in pts best interest
5) see if the decision could be made in a way that is less restrictive of the persons rights and freedom of action.
What is needed to have capacity
Ability to understand the information
Able to retain info
Able to use/weigh up information
Able to communicate the decision
Free from undue pressure eg peer pressure
What are the principles of the mental health act?
Purpose principle - promoting well being and protecting others from harm
Least restrictive principle - as much liberty as possible
Respect principle- no discriminations
Participation principle- take persons wishes into account as much as possible
What’s section 47/49?
Leave from prison to seek treatment?
Section 4?