Ethics and Social Responsibility Flashcards
Ethical dilemma
quandary people find themselves in when they have to
decide if they should act in a way that might help another person or group even though doing so might go against their own self-interest.
What are ethics
inner guiding moral principles, values, and beliefs that people use to analyze or interpret a situation and then decide what is the right or appropriate way to behave.
What’s the problem when dealing with ethics issues?
no absolute or indisputable rules or principles can be developed to decide whether an action is ethical or unethical.
T/F - Individuals who do not conform to the law can be prosecuted, and those found guilty of breaking the law can be punished by those in charge of enforcing the law.
What do ethics lead to?
development of laws to prevent certain behaviors or encourage others, laws change or even disappear as ethics change.
Who are stakeholders?
the people and groups that supply a
company with its productive resources and so have a claim on and stake in the company.
List of stakeholders
- stockholders
- managers
- employees
- suppliers
- suppliers/distributors
- societies.
Stakeholders: Stockholders
have a claim on a company because when they buy its
stock or share they are granted ownership of a certain percentage of the company and the right to receive any future stock dividends.
Why are stockholders interested in how a company operates?
they want to maximize the return on their investment.
Why do stockholders keep an eye on managers?
to ensure that managers are behaving ethically and not risking investors’ capital by engaging in actions that could hurt the company’s reputation.
Stakeholders: Managers
a vital stakeholder group because they are responsible for using a company’s financial, capital, and human resources to increase its performance and potentially its stock price.
What do managers expect?
a good return or reward (increased salary,
benefits, stock options, promotion, etc.) by investing their human capital to improve a company’s performance.
What role do managers play in the stakeholder group?
decides which goals an organization should pursue to benefit stakeholders.
Managers role with stakeholders
juggle the interests of several different
stakeholders, which causes managers to make decisions that either uphold or ignore ethical values.
Stakeholders: Employees
the hundreds of thousands of people who
work in its various departments and functions.
How can companies can act ethically toward employees
by creating an occupational structure that fairly and equitably rewards employees for their contributions
How do employees feel value?
appropriate pay, benefits, and fair treatment.
Stakeholders: Suppliers and Distributors
Companies rely on relationships with suppliers who provide operational inputs, services, and human resources to the organization.
Supplier and Distributor expectations
Suppliers expect to be paid fairly and promptly, while distributors expect to receive high quality goods at agreed upon prices.
Ethical issues with suppliers/distributors
interactions based on expectations and business norms that surround labor practices and product/service representation.
Stakeholders: Customers
often regarded as the most critical stakeholder group
as a company can’t stay in business without them.
How companies can create loyal customers and attract new ones?
quality products, and offering superior service.
Stakeholders: Community, Society, and Nation
Decisions made by companies and their managers directly effects aspects of communities, societies, and nations in which they operate.
How does a company impact it’s community?
Through salaries and taxes a company directly contributes to the local economy and plays a role in its prosperity or decline.