Ethics and Capacity Flashcards
What are the 4 elements of consent?
- Relate to treatment
- Informed
- Voluntary
- Not obtained through misrepresentation or fraud
What 6 components define informed consent?
Received information that a reasonable person would require regarding:
1. Nature of tx
2. Benefits
3. Material risk
4. Material sfx
5. Alternatives
6. Consequences of no tx
Received response to request for additional info
What defines emergency treatment without consent?
Can administer without consistent if person incapable if:
1. There is an emergency
2. Delayed required to obtain consent from SDM would prolong suffering or put them at serious risk of harm
What defines capacity to consent to treatment?
Person can UNDERSTAND info relevant to making a decision
Person can APPRECIATE consequences of decision or lack thereof
4 decision making abilities required for capacity
U Are Really Capable
1. Understand information
2. Appreciate situation and consequences
3. Ability to reason
4. Ability to communicate and express a choice
What happens if MD finds person incapable?
- Inform patient
- Inform them you’ll be asking SDM for consent
- If patient disagrees - apply to Consent and Capacity Board
- If disagrees with current SDM - apply to CCB to appoint another
- Must involve incapable patient when able
What is the SDM hierarchy?
- Guardian of person with authority for health decisions (legal through court)
- POA for personal care
- Appointed by CCB
- Spouse/partner
- Child or parent
- Brother or sister
- Any other relative
What are requirements to be a SDM?
- Capable
- 16+ yo
- Not prohibited by court order
- Available
- Willing to assume role
How must the SDM act?
- In accordance with previously expressed wishes
- If none expressed, patients values and beliefs
- If none expressed, act in best interest of patient
What is the HCCA?
- Treatment/personal care - decided by person who proposes treatment
- Shelter - Home Care, legal professional
What is the Substitute Decisions Act?
Financial decisions
1. MRP psychiatrist
2. Capacity Assessor (private)
3. POA property
Can you give medication without person knowing/accepting?
Yes, treatment may be administered without consent if person is incapable
If HCP feels there is an emergency and the delayed required to obtain consent will prolong suffering or put person at risk
What are the 7 components to the aid to capacity evaluation?
- Identify the medical condition
- Proposed treatment
- Alternatives to treatment
- Option of refusing treatment
- Consequences of accepting proposed treatment
- Consequences of refusing proposed treatment
- Decision affected by depression or psychosis
Is consent still valid if obtained while capable but at time of procedure patient no longer capable?
Must get consent again when treatment is occurring
If unable to then SDM must give consent on their behalf
When might a physician have to act against the SDM?
- The SDM is incapable
- The SDM is going against patient’s previously expressed wishes