ethics Flashcards
What are the 4 key elements of the Nuremberg Code?
A requirement for voluntary consent
Research has scientific merit
Benefit of research outweigh risks
Subjects can terminate participation in the research at anytime
What is the declaration of Helsinki (sort of an addition to the Nuremberg Code)?
Research study protocols should be reviewed by an independent committee prior to its initiation
Informed consent from research participants is needed
Research should be conducted by medically or scientifically qualified individuals
Risks should not exceed benefits
What is the Belmont Report?
Details 3 ethical principles:
- the right to freedom from harm and discomfort
- the right to protection from exploitation
- the right to fair treatment
- the right to privacy
- no discrimination against a certain group of participants
Respect for human dignity
- the right to self determination
- the right to full disclosure
- informed consent
- consent should comprise of 3 elements: information, comprehension, voluntariness
What are the 2 interfaces available in Singapore and what review boards do they involve?
- Ethics and Compliance Online System (ECOS)
- Domain Specific Review Board (DSRB)
* National University Health System (NUHS)
* National Healthcare Group (NHG)
- Centralised Institutional Review Board (CIRB)
- Singapore Health Services (SingHealth)
- Integrated Research Information Management Suite (IRIMS)
- University Institutional Review Board
* National University of Singapore Institutional Review Board
* Department Ethics Review Committee (DERC)
What are the types of participants for DSRB?
Patients, caregivers & healthcare professionals
What are the data collection sites for DSRB?
NHG and NUHS entities
Where is the principal investigator (PI) from for DSRB?
If the overall PI is from NUS, they need a site PI as well
What are the types of participants for CIRB?
Patients, caregivers, healthcare professionals
What are the data collection sites for CIRB?
SingHealth entities
Where is the principal investigator (PI) from for CIRB?
If the overall PI is from NUS, they need a site PI as well
What are the types of participants for NUS-IRB?
Healthy volunteers, healthcare professionals
What are the data collection sites for NUS-IRB?
Community (eg. AIC roadshows), healthcare institutions not covered by the 3 clusters
Where is the principal investigator from for NUS-IRB?
[Evaluating the effects of an online resilience program
among undergraduate students: A double-blind randomized controlled trial]
Which ethics board should the researchers apply to?
online resilience program -> intervention -> experimental
undergraduate students -> volunteers
[Exploring impacts of advance care planning among community- dwelling adults: A mixed methods study]
Which ethics board should the researchers apply to?
NUS-IRB if healthy volunteers, DSRB or CIRB if they’re patients (qn will tell u in the exam)
[Examining cancer patients’ resilience during active treatment: A mixed methods study]
Which ethics board should the researchers apply to?
patients -> DSRB or CIRB depending on where the study is being conducted
What preparations do the researchers need to do?
Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) training
certificates (
Research team’s curriculum vitae (e.g., education, publications if
any, research experience)
What preparation is there for the research study?
Research protocol (e.g., introduction, methods, significance of study)
Data collection tools
Participant information sheet and consent form (e.g., each board has different formats)
What is the application process for an ethics approval?
(not sure if we need to know this whole thing)
Prepare necessary documents
Finalize research team members and study site(s)
Identify appropriate ethics board
Create submission in ethics board
Submit application for ethics review and approval
Ethics board secretariat conducts preliminary review and determines type of review
Secretariat may request for clarifications or missing documents
Revised application is submitted for review
Board may provide comments or approve the study
What if a researcher is conducting a multi-site study?
DSRB and CIRB mutually recognise each other’s ethics approval
The researcher can apply to either depending on the overall PI’s affiliation