ETHICS Flashcards
A dillema where values are compromised, values that are at stakes, many times contradictory
Three components of sustainability
Economic and social both impact environmental
Triple bottom line concept of sustainability:
Environmental, Economical, Social
Making algorithms of our ethical choices
Flattening effect
People share everything online instead of in real life
What are ethics?
About something you are supposed to be doing it or not
About the motivation for doing it or not
What is seen as ‘right’ is strongly driven by culture
Ethical dillema
is a situation with uncertainty about what is right to do from a moral or ethical perspective
3 conditions for moral dilemma’s:
- The person is obliged to make a decision
- There must be 2 or more options to choose from
- No matter which one is chosen, some moral principles are always compromised
Types of reasoning in Ethics
- Can be along the lines of outcomes of your actions
2. Can be the motivations for your acting (right and wrong)
Two streams in ethics
Consequentialism: looks at the consequences of an act / locates morality in the consequences of an act
Deontoligism: locates morality in certain duties & rights
Ethical theories: Consequentialism (utilitarianism)
- Teleological ‘‘goal’’ oriented
- Intended outcome based
- Weighing pro’s and con’s against each other
Non-consequentialism (deontology)
- Teleological ‘duty’ oriented
- Principle/value based
- It is a form of consequentialism
- Ethical theory that determines right from wrong by focusing on outcomes
- Most ethical choice: greatest good for greatest number or people
- Cost-benefit analysis
Adam Smith
- Egoism
- Individual desire or interests
- Maximization of desires
- Man is actor with limited knowledges and objective
Emmanual Kant
- Kantianism
- Non-consequentialist
- Man is capable of making its own decisions
- A deed is morally right if the motive is just, doing the right thing for the right reasons
- under valuing outcomes
John Locke
- Deontology
- Duty to respect
- Natural rights of men such as right to live, freedom & property
- Human dignity is at the center
Moral cognition model of kids
Do we obtain moral knowledge by our upbringing or do we just know it by birth (moral intuition)?
There is a moral cognition model at birth, that will develop further on in life
Nurture (influence on moral behavior of actor by:)
individual factors (birth, age, gender) situational factors (work context, culture, issue itself-->intensity, framing)
these factors shape an individual character
Asch experiment
meegaan met de rest
milgrams experiment
experiment over gehoorzaamheid aan gezagsdragers
( experiment on obedience to authority figues)
Stanford prison experiment
how people will readily conform to the social roles they are expected to play