Indulgence vs restraint
An indulgent society is one which values the satisfaction of human needs and desires; a restrained society sees the value in curbing ones’ desires and withholding pleasures to align more with societal norms.
People feel healthier and happier Perception of personal life control Leisure ethic Optimist, positive attitude Extroverted personalities Having friends is important Axtive in participating in smorts Less moral discipline Looser sexual morals
People feel less healthy and happy People feel that what happens to them is not their own doing Work ethic Pessimist, cynical attitude Introverted personalities Having friends is less important Less sport participation Stricter moral disciplines Stricter sexual morals
Restraint countries
France, Japan, Germany, Italy, India, China, Russia, Egypt, Islamic
Indulgence countries
Mexico, African (nigeria), sweden, australia, uk, nl, usa, brazil
Individualism vs Collectivism
Individualism: society in which the ties between individuals are loose: everyone is expected to look after himself and the immediate family
Collecitvism: individuals from birth onwards are part of strong ingroups (family, extended families, village society)
Identify with I
Universalism; other people are classified as individuals by own characteristics
Competition between individuals
#1 task, #2 relationship
context communication, everything must be specified
confrontations can do no harm, can be healthy
Identify with we
Exckysuibustm ckassufy others as in or out group
Competition between groups
#1 Relationships, #2 task
many things are obvious (short communication)
Harmony inside the group
IDV 100 means
Individualist high and collectivist low
IVR 100 means
indulgence high and restraint low
Uncertainty avoidance vs uncertainty acceptiong
Uncertainty avoidance society = uncertainty is a threat that must be fought, fear of unfamiliar
Uncertainty accepting society = uncertainty is normal, life is accepted as it comes
Uncertainty avoidance
More stress and anxiety
Aggression & emotions are sometimes advantages
Different is dangerous
Must be rules: need for fules: even when they are impractical or never practiced
technological innovations adapted; slow and carefully
Stay in the same job as long as they can
Affraid of people who are/look.behave different
Uncertainty accepting
less stress and anxiety aggression and emotions should be controlled different is curious dont like rules, less rules, deregulation innovations go faster changing jobs is much more easily done tolerance to people who are different
UAI 100 means
avoiding uncertainty
Uncertainty avoidance countries
Russia, Japan, France, Mexico, Italy, Arab
Uncertainty accepting countries
India, Uk, China, Denmark, NL, Australia, USA
Long term vs short terms orientation
how every society has to maintain some links with its own past while dealing with the challenges of the present and future
Long term orientation
Good & Evil are relative
Which norms apply depends on situation
Superior person knows to adapt to circumstances
We should be humble about outselves
Learn from other countries
Tradition can be changed
When 2 truths oppose, they may become something new
Common sence is important to resolve a problem; choosing the middle way
Short term orientation
Good and evil are always the same Fixed norms always apply always the same circumstances seek positive information about ourselves proud of own country traditions are forever choosing the extreme
Short term orientation countries
Israel, USA, UK, INDIA, Australia, Mexico, Islam
Power distance
the extent to which the less powerful members of institutions/organisations, expect and accept that power is distibuted unequallyt