Ethical Issues about Beginning of Life Flashcards
termination of pregnancy by expulsion of embryo or fetus from the mother’s womb prior to its viabililty
Deliberate destruction of human life at any stage between fertilization to birth.
methods of abortion (6)
vacuum aspiration
oral administration of drugs
dilation and curettage
dilation and evacuation
saline injection
hormone injection
use of powerful pump inserted into womb ( 29x home vacuum cleaner) to tear fetus into pieces.
vacuum aspiration
combination of abortive pills used to detached implanted egg and cause uterine contraction.
oral administration of drugs
dilation of the womb to insert curette (sharp knife) to cut the fetus into pieces.
dilation and curretage
cutting the umbilical cord to cut the oxygen supply of baby via caesarean section
combination of dilation of the cervix and suction of the contents of uterus
dilation and evacuation
- salts kills the baby after injection using long needle through abdomen of the mother directed to the baby sac.
saline injection
causes to labor at any stage of pregnancy
hormone injection
types of abortion
spontaneous abortion/miscarriages
It is a natural occuring termination of pregnancy without intervention
spontaneous abortion
It usually occurs due to diseases, genetic defects, trauma or biochemical incompatibility of mother and fetus.
spontaneous abortion/miscarriages
two types of miscarriages
- miscarriages that occur due to natural reasons like ill-health, disease, shock, fear, excessive joy of the mother.
misccariages not intended to occur due to trauma of sexual intercourse, poisoning, or accidental fall resulting to dislodging of implanted ovum
miscarriages occurs at single phase for both natural and accidental
sequence of three or more consecutive spontaneous abortion.
Divisions of Spontaneous types (natural,accidental,isolated or recurrent): (5)
abortion has started but not progressed
threatened abortion
clinical type of abortion where changes has progressed to state of impossible pregnancy
inevitable abortion
product of conception expelled from the uterus
complete abortion
part of the entire conception has expelled
incomplete abortion
dead fetus is retained inside the uterus
missed abortion
occurs due to clinical evidences of infection in the uterus (example: spontaneous vaginal bleeding, foul smell, fever, chill etc.)
septic abortion
Purposeful termination of pregnancy. it is intentional expulsion of fetus or embryo from the uterus.
induced abortion
reasons for induced abortion
-Saving the life or preservation of physical and mental health of the mother
-Prevention of pregnancy due to incest or rape
-Prevention of pregnancy due to social or economic reasons
-Prevention of birth of child with serious genetic defects.
types of induced abortion
performed in accordance with the law of the country
legal abortion
-performed in violation of the law of the country
criminal abortion
deliberate prevention of pregnancy as the consequence of sexual intercourse by interfering the normal process of ovulation, fertilization, and implantation using different kinds of birth control method.
types of contraception
avoiding the chances of meeting the sperm and egg during high period of fertility (10th to 17th day of menstrual cycle).
natural method
natural method include
Ovulation test kits
Cervical mucus examination
Rhythm method
help identify the best time to have intercourse and maximize your chances of getting pregnant
ovulation kit
vulvar observations of cervical mucus predict not only the fertile days of the cycle but also the probabilities of conception within the fertile interval
cervical mucus observation
also called the calendar method or the calendar rhythm method, is a form of natural family planning
rhythm method
prevention of meeting of sperms and egg during sexual intercourse using barriers
barrier method
This dome-shaped rubber that blocks sperm from entering the cervix, Spermicide jelly placed inside the rubber dome before insertion will kill any sperm it comes in contact with
as a physical barrier that prevents sperm from entering the uterus and reaching an egg.
are a form of barrier method birth control. They work by preventing sperm from entering your uterus and fertilizing an egg The cap blocks your cervix, the opening or entrance to your uterus.
cervical caps
is a kind of birth control that has chemicals that stop sperm from reaching an egg.
it involves oral administration of drugs containing hormones that prevent the release of egg and fertilization.
oral contraceptives
example of oral contraceptives
birth control pills
hormonal pills
the use of contraceptive devices placed in the uterus.
such as small plastic T-shaped that contains copper or progesterone to prevent pregnancy.
IUD means
intra-uterine device
permanent contraception
surgical methods
surgical methods include
Surgical blocking of eggs in female fallopian tube
Surgical blocking of eggs in female fallopian tube
transcervical sterilization using flexible inserts in each fallopian tubes through vagina and cervix creating scar tissue over months to block the sperms from reaching egg.
Advantages for Contraception (5)
human rights benefits
health benefits
family benefits
benefits for woman
demographic benefits
freedom of choice to control their lives
what benefit
human rights benefits
prevent health risk of woman and possible transmission of diseases
what benefit
health benefit
enjoy quality time for children and couple
what benefit
family benefits
promotes gender equality and autonomy
what benefits
benefits for woman
control population, environment protection, and reduction of poverty
what benefits
demographic benefits
the use of medical intervention to help couples with fertility problem to conceive a baby.
assisted conception
ggs are gathered through laparoscopy and combined with sperms in the laboratory dish. After fertilization, the zygote is implanted into the womb.
in-vitro fertilization
Purpose To treat infertility associated with :
Low sperm count
Problem with uterus or fallopian tubes
Antibody problems that harm sperms or egg
Inability of sperm to penetrate or survive in cervical mucus
Poor egg quality
Genetic disease of father or mother
Unexplained fertility problem
IUI sperms inserted directly into the womb during ovulation
intrauterine insemination
single sperm is directed injected into single egg in the laboratory and transplanted into womb.
intracytoplasmic sperm injection
- for low sperm count or nothing to produce to be used for IVF.
sperm donation
- for unable to conceive with own egg, donated egg will be combined with partner’s sperm, and embryo will be transplanted to your own womb. Likewise in the case of donated embryo.
egg or embryo donation
another woman will carry the embryo of couple and entrust after birth.
Disavantages of Assisted Conception
Invasive and expensive treatments
Side effects and potential risks of fertility drugs used.
possible high risk for baby being born through conception techniques
Greater risk of complication of pregnancy, labour and birth.
Occurrence of multiple pregnancies
Fertility treatment for old age may have corresponding complication of miscarriage, pre-eclampsia, gestational diabetes and may require caesarean.
legal arrangement between the person who will bear a child and the person who will become the child’s parent after birth.
Indications for surrogacy
Unable to carry children on their own.
Abnormal uterus or complete absence of uterus due to post-hysterectomy
Complication of hysterectomy due to child birth such as heavy bleeding or rupture or uterus
Surgical removal of uterus due to cervical or uterine cancer.
Past implantation failure, miscarriages
Severe heart or renal condition that can be harmful to pursue pregnancy
Biological impossibility of single men or same sex couples.
biological mother of the baby for intended parents. The mother is genetically related because of the egg combined with donated sperms of intended father. Similar to adoption.
traditional surrogacy
the surrogates are blood relatives to the babies
traditional surrogacy
modern method “extreme baby sitting” whereby the baby is created through IVF from donated egg and sperms of intended parents, then transplanted to the gestational surrogate’s uterus to be carried
gestational surrogacy
the surrogates are not blood relatives to the babies
gestational surrogacy
Methods when considering surrogacy
Decide if surrogacy is the right choice.
Prepare for surrogacy
Find a match
Satisfy legal requirements
Begin the fertilization and embryo transfer
Welcome the new baby.
requirements for surrogacy
requirements for surrogacy
reproductive background
- had one full- term, uncomplicated pregnancy where she successfully had at least one child, and has had no more than five deliveries or three Caesarean sections.
requirements for surrogacy
must have mental health screening, complete physical and medical screening is also required to prevent transmission of communicable diseases.
requirement of surrogacy
must live in a supportive home environment.
Ethical Issues involves the following for surrogacy
Social justice
Women ‘s rights
Child welfare
is conceived through IVF to provide umbilical cord blood (hematopoietic stem cell transplantation ) for bone marrow transplantation in order to save the life of the older sibling from fatal disease ( cancer or Fanconi anemia).
savior sibling
they are born to donate HLA (human leukocyte antigen) compatible body parts
savior sibling
heuman leukocyte antigen
procedure of savior sibling
Creation of multiple embryos
Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) to detect and select ones without genetic disorder
Matching human leukocyte antigen (HLA) of siblings
Taking umbilical cord blood upon birth, or bone marrow or peripheral blood
Transplantation of hemapoietic stem cell or hematopoietic stem cell therapy.
There is prioritization of autonomy - one child over the other. Autonomy of parents supersede that savior child while the self-rule of savior siblings is threatened even before they born. In this case that children cannot make decision for themselves, when their autonomy is not seen legally?
what ethical guiding principle
respect for autonomy
The good the savior sibling will do for the sick child must be weighed to the suffering it will cause the savior sibling. How sick is the child and if he or she gets treatment from a savior sibling, will it benefit in the end?
what ethical guiding principle
If a doctor promises to do no harm, who is he promising- the child or the parents and to what extent? How can these risks and benefits to two different people be compared?
what ethical guiding principle
If the treatment does not work, was it all for nothing?
what ethical guiding principle
study ethical issues about beginning of life
This union brings together the 23 chromosomes from the father with the 23 chromosomes from the mother to make a single new life with ___
46 chromosomes
the genetic blue print for the development of every detail this new person will ever have.
For the next few days, the fertilized egg travels down the
fallopian tube and the uterus
At the end of the first ___ , it implants itself into the lining of the uterine wall and draws nourishment from its mother.
From Days ___ the developing embryo signals its presence through placenta chemicals and hormones to the mother’s body telling it to cease menstruation.
By only Day ___ foundations of the brain, spinal cord and nervous system are already established.
Day __, the heart begins to beat.
the backbone and muscles are forming. Arms, legs, eyes, and ears begins to show.
4th week
Now __ month old, the embryo is 10,000 times larger than the original fertilized egg and is developing rapidly
five fingers can be discerned in the hand. The eyes darken as pigment is produced. Brain waves can be detected and recorded.
what week
the liver is now taking over production of blood cells, the brain begins to control muscle movements and organs.
what week
week 6
The embryo begins to move spontaneously. The jaw forms, including teeth buds in the gums.
what week
week 7
Soon the eyelids will seal to protect the embryo’s developing light-sensitive eyes and will reopen at about the
seventh month
By the ___ Week the now-called fetus is a little more than an inch long. The fetus has now everything found in a fully developed adult
The heart has been beating for more than a month, the kidneys are functioning; the stomach is producing digestive juices. And it responds to
the tiny one has fingerprints and will curve its hand around an object placed in its palm.
what week
week 9
the fetus can squint, swallow, and wrinkle its forehead.
what week
week 10
the fetus is now about 2 inches long. Urination occurs. Muscle movements are becoming more coordinated.
what week
11th week
the unborn sleeps, awakens, and exercises its muscles. It “breathes” amniotic fluid to help develop its respiratory system. Fine hair is growing on the head.
what month
3 months
the fetus is 8-10 inches long and weighs half a pound.
The mother starts to “show”. The baby’s ears are functional. It can hear its mother.
what week
4 months
The fetus as __ months is now about 12 inches long.
There is definite movement felt by the mother. The unborn may jump in reactions to starting or loud noises.
At the ___ month oil and sweat glands are now functioning. The delicate skin is protected from the fetal waters by a special ointment called “vermix”.
Born now and given proper care, the baby would survive.
The delicate skin is protected from the fetal waters by a special ointment called
At Month __, the baby now uses the four senses of hearing, vision, taste, and touch. The child can respond to his or her mother’s voice.
the skin begins to thicken with a layer of fat stored underneath for insulation and nourishment. Antibodies increasingly build up.
The baby is nearly ready for life outside the womb.
what monthy
Toward the end of this month, the baby is ready for birth. By this time, the infant normally weighs __ pounds, and his or her heart is pumping 300 gallons of blood per day.
6-9 pounds
ethical considerations for abortion
is it morally right to terminate pregnancy
is fetus a human
abortion is always wrong
chiefs position of morality of abortion
pro-life position
- holds that induced abortions are morally impermissible (morally wrong, morally prohibited).
pro-life position
- holds that induced abortions are morally permissible (morally allowable, not morally wrong
issues in abortion dispute
the moral status of the embryo or fetus
the metaphysical and physical status of the embryo or fetus
the moral rights of a person
As moral ___, humans are normally considered to have moral rights – the right not to be harmed by others, for instance. Humans are also normally considered moral ___in that their behavior can be judged right or wrong. They are under moral obligations and duties to behave in a certain way toward other moral patients.
deals with questions about the ultimate nature and categories of reality
The ___status of a being is how it should be classified with respect to what we take to be the most basic categories and types of reality and experience: whether it has subjective existence or is an object only, whether it is a person, whether it has or is an immaterial soul, etc.
is the nature of its physical (and mental) existence.
physical status of a being
It could be alive, dead, able to exist on its own, be at a certain stage of maturity, be of a particular species, and possess physical organs and capabilities such as a brain, central nervous system, and intelligence.
physical status of being
are creatures of the species homo sapiens. (Some anthropologists speak of several subspecies, with present modern humans as homo sapiens sapiens and earlier modern humans as an extinct subspecies homo sapiens idaltu.) The intent is to denote a particular creature biologically, with humans clearly different than chimpanzees, dolphins, and oak trees.
human beings
Philosophers used in a sense distinct from the phrase “human being.”
is a biological term
human being
is a metaphysical designation referring to a being with certain traits such as consciousness, reason, moral agency and moral patiency, communication skills through language, the ability to have a life that matters to the person, the ability to live a meaningful life, etc.
right to life includes
right not to be murdered
depends to some extent on how the embryo or fetus deserves to be treated:
morality of abortion
But there is disagreement about where that line of demarcation is:
viability (when it can survive outside the womb),
quickening (detectable movement within the womb),
brain waves occurring,
resembling a baby in appearance, etc
Pro-lifers shout “The fetus is a human being!” at pro-choicers,
reasons include
The embryo or fetus is a person
Persons have a right to life
Therefore the embryo or fetus has a right to life
It is wrong to kill a being with a right to life
Therefore it is wrong to kill an embryo or fetus.
pro-choicers shout back “A woman has a right to do what she wants with her own body!”
sees the embryo or fetus as not a person and so not having the right to life possessed by a person
Only persons have a right to life.
An embryo or fetus is not a person.
Therefore an embryo or fetus has no right to life.
If a being has no right to life, it is not wrong to kill it.
Therefore it is not wrong to kill an embryo or fetus.
grants that an embryo or fetus might be a person but sees other factors or considerations as outweighing or overriding any right to life of the fetus
Overriding factors argument
The right to life of any being may be overridden by other factors occurring.
An embryo or fetus may have a right to life
Therefore any possible right to life of an embryo or fetus may be overridden by other factors occurring.
If a being’s right to life is overridden by other factors occurring, it is not wrong to kill that being in those circumstances.
Therefore it is not wrong to kill an embryo or fetus if certain factors occur.
most pro-choicers have in mind others factors such as the following:
the child having significant potential for an impairment or genetically-based disorder
an unstable or unloving home environment
major disruption of the pregnant woman’s life plans
financial hardship of the pregnant woman
women will die from closet abortions if driven underground
the basic freedom of a woman to determine the course and use of her own body.
Considerations in Deciding on the Morality of Abortion
Mother’s freedom over her body
Fetus as part of the mother’s body
Legitimate reasons to get an abortion