Ethical Implications of Research: Social Sensitivity Flashcards
What are the four aspects in the research process at which ethical issues with social consequences may occur
The Research Question (“Is homosexuality inherited”), Conduct of research and treatment of participants (If a participant confesses to a crime?), The Institutional Context (Where’s funding from), Interpretation and Application of Findings (Used for devious purposes)
How may the research question lead to socially insesitive research
The research question may be damaging to members of a particular group, such as race or sexual orientation, because it seems to add scientific credibility to the prevailing prejudice. Take for example “Are there racial differences in IQ?”
How might the conduct of research and treatment of participants lead to socially insensitive research
The main concern here is the confidentiality of the information collected, for example, if a participant confesses to a crime should confidentiality be maintained
How might the institutional context lead to socially insensitive research
Research may be funded and managed by private institutions who may misuse the data or may misunderstand the data that is produced. The media may obtain reports of such research and misreport the findings
How may the interpretation and application of findings lead to socially insensitive research
Research findings may be used for purposes other than originally intended, for example the development of IQ tests by psychologists was subsequently used to demonstrate the inferiority of certain groups of peope and the ‘feeble-minded’ who could then be sterilised
What are the 10 types of ethical issues which relate to socially sensitive research
Valid Methodology
Informed Consent
Equitable Treatment
Scientific Freedom
Ownership of Data
Risk/Benefit ratio
How can privacy be an ethical issue for in socially sensitive research
During research a skilled investigator may extract more information from participants then they intended to give. Some research may lead to social policies that are an invasion of people’s private lives, for example through compulsory testing
How can Confidentiality be an ethical issue for in socially sensitive research
Particpants may be less willing to divulge information in the future if confidentiality is breached and further related research would be compromised
How can Valid methodology be an ethical issue for in socially sensitive research
In cases of poor methodology, and thus invalid findings, scientists may be aware of these problems but the public might not, and so poor studies may still shape socail policy to the detriment to groups represented
How can Deception be an ethical issue for in socially sensitive research
Deception leads to distrust of research and psychology as a while, and so participants will stop volunteering to take part in research which they see as deceptive. This can also includes self-deception, where research can lead people to form untrue stereotypes
How can Informed Consent be an ethical issue for in socially sensitive research
Even if a praticipant is given fully informed consent they may not always comprehend what is involved in the research
How can Equitable treatment be an ethical issue for in socially sensitive research
All particpants should be treated in an equitable manner, and resources which are vital to the wellbeing of the participants are not withheld from one group whilst being given to another, such as treatment for a disorder being completely withheld from a control group
How can Scientific Freedom be an ethical issue for in socially sensitive research
Scientific Freedom refers to the ability of scientists to engage in science they deem important, however scientists must have an obligation not to harm participants or the group they represent, as well as institutions in society
How can Ownership of data be an ethical issue for in socially sensitive research
Some problems with determining the ownership of data involves the sponsor of the research, such as a university, versus the public having access to the data
How can Values of the researcher be an ethical issue for in socially sensitive research
Psychologists differ in ther orientation towards subjective and objective research, and when sensitive issues arise there is a clash in such values between the scientist and recipient of the research
How can Risk/Benefit ratio be an ethical issue for in socially sensitive research
Risks should be minimised, but sometimes in research it can be difficult to determine what the risks of researchc can be
How have groups suffered the consequences of being excluded from research or being misinterpreted when they are included
It could be argued that our understanding of human behaviour has been lessened by our misinterpretations of, or faliure to include, representative samples of disabled people, the elderly, the disadvantaged and members of minority cultures. These shortcomings also mean that groups the miss out on any potential benefits of research
How can psychologists ensure that socially sensitive research is used responsibly
Psychologists can engage with the public and policymakers to ensure that research is used responsibly. In order to reduce the likelyhood of misuse of data, psychologists should be energetic in taking responsibility for what happens to their findings. They should be aware of the possiblity for misuse of research to offer ‘scientific credibility to the prevailing prejudice’. For example the BPS has a press centre which aims to promote evidence based psychological research to the media. This suggets that scientists shouldn’t take a neutral stance on their research
Why can’t we avoid socially sensitive research
One solution to socially sensitive research is to just avoid it, however this would leave psychologists with nothing to study but unimportant issues, and Sieber and Stanley argue that avoaiding contravercial topics simply because they are controversial is also an avoidance of responsibility, and therefore psychologists have a duty to conduct such research
Why is the impact of socially sensitive research always greater
All research has some social consequences, but with socially sensitive research the partcipant, their family and friends and any groups the participant represent can be directly impacted by the research. Therefore researchers need ot think past simple safegurading of the individual in research
Who argue that psychologists must study socially sensitive topics
Sieber and Stanley