Estate Planning - Fundamentals Flashcards
What are the 7 steps of the estate planning process?
- Understanding the clients current circumstances
- identifying and selecting goals
- Analyze their current path and any potential alternatives.
- Develop a comprehensive plan of transfers consistent with all information and objectives.
- present your recommendations to the client.
- implement the estate plan.
7 review the estate plan periodically and update the plan when necessary (especially for changes in family situations)
What is a will?
- Legal document that provides the testator the opportunity to control the distribution of his property at death and thus avoid his states intestacy laws
- may be amended or revoked by the testator at any time prior to death.
- dying with a will is to be “testate”, dying without is to be “intestate”
- if will does not dispose of all property you are intestate.
- If intestant, the laws of the decedent’s state of domicile (where they live, vote, pay taxes) determines how the decendents personal property will be distributed.
- Movable property - distributed according to will or the laws of intestacy in the state of domicile for the decedent.
- Real Property - is distributed based on the laws of the state in which the property is actually located.
What are the different types of wills?
- Holographic -Handwritten by the testator, Valid in most states.
- Nuncupative - oral dying declarations. fairly restricted, not valid in most states.
- Statutory Wills - Drawn by an attorney, and comply with the statues for wills of the state of domicile.
Signed by a witness.
When is a will valid?
- Willmaker is the age of majority in his domiciliary state, or is an emancipated minor
- the will maker has legal testamentary capacity, meaning they must understand the legal consequences of writing the will, including being able to:
Recognize and recollect the property being disposed of by the will; and
recognize the relationships of those friends and relatives who have any claim to the testators assets.
What are some of the common clauses in a will?
Bequest clause - directs where specific property will go.
Residuary clause- directs where any assets that were not previously bequested to an individual will go. without this clause a probate estate may have intestate assets, which will go through probate.
Guardianship clause - allows the testator to identify the best person to raise any minor children or legal dependents.
Attestation Clause (witness Clause) - Signed by two witnesses that attest that the testator was competent and their signature is authentic.
Self Proving Clause - Signature of a notary, confirming signature of witnesses and the person signing the will.
Survivorship Clause - beneficiary/heir must actually survive the decedent for a specified period of time to receive the identified inheritance or bequest.
What is the Disclaimer Clause? IMPORTANT
-Reminds heirs that they can disclaim a bequest, while still allowing the testator to direct the distribution of disclaimed property.
To disclaim a bequest:
- disclaiming party cannot benefit from the property (might be surviving spouse exception)
- Disclaiming party cannot direct any future interest in the property.
- The disclaiming party must disclaim the property within 9 months of the decedents date of death
- disclaimer must be in writing.
What is a contingent Legatee Clause?
- Determines how proceeds will be divided with relation to the deceased heirs and their decedents.
1. Per Stirpes = “By the roots”
directs that the grandchildren stand in for their deceased parent and get that share among themselves
- Per Capita = By the head
equal shares based upon the number of living beneficiaries, heirs of the same generation get an equal share IF they are the only heirs.
- Per Capita at Each Generation
- heirs of the same generation ALWAYS get an equal share. Typically, one of the more preferred methods of leaving assets to heirs.
What is a no contest clause?
-attempts to discourage disappointed heirs from contesting the will by decreasing or eliminating a bequest to them if they file a formal legal contest to the will.
What is a codicil?
- supplement to a will.
- used to modify, explain or amend a will.
What is a side instruction letter?
- details the testators wishes regarding the disposition of specific tangible possessions (household goods), as well as funeral and burial wishes.
- exists separately from the will.
What are some common will statutes?
Marital Portion - Some States laws require the client to provide for his surviving spouse.
Felonious Homicide Statues - prevent heirs who have been convicted of intentionally killing the decedent from inheriting the decedents will or through the intestate process.
Divorce Statutes - invalidate any provisions in a will that leave assets to a former spouse
Anti-Lapse Statues - if a close relative, is not alive when the testator dies the testator would have wanted the bequest to those individuals to pass to their heirs.
What is a power of attorney?
- legal document that authorizes a trusted person to act on ones behalf.
- Broadest is a general power of attorney: gives the agent the power to do anything that the principal can do.
power of attorney is automatically revoked at principals death
if agent dies before the principal, the assets that they have power over are included in their estate.
What is a general power of appointment?
- gives the agent the power to direct assets to another.
- allows the agent the ability to appoint assets to himself, his estate, his creditors, or his estates creditors.
Limited power of attorney vs general power of attorney
General power of appointment vs. limited power of appointment