Essentials Of Meal Planning Ch 5 Flashcards
What are the two types of families?
Providing healthy meals to the family has always been a major task for a housewife. Present day housewife has to be well informed and better organised to provide nutritional family meals in her busy multi-tasking schedule. Family is a unit consisting of men, women and children. There are two types of families:- 1) NUCLEAR FAMILY, 2) JOINT FAMILY
What is a nuclear family?
Nuclear Family consists of husband, wife and their children. Currently nuclear families are more popular because of people taking up jobs in different cities and countries.
What is a joint family?
Joint family consists of grandparents and their children. These children live in the family even after marriage. As the families grow, more children are added. Hence fourth it is like a couple of nuclear families living together.
What is food?
Food can be defined as any thing solid or liquid when consumed and metabolised keeps the body fit and healthy. It can also be defined as any substance whether processed, partially processed or in its natural form, that is intended for human consumption. Foods keeps one healthy and active.
What are nutrients?
Nutrients are “ small components of food that are consumed daily to keep healthy”. The various nutrients are carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals.
What are the two types of vitamins?
1) Fat soluble vitamins ADE and K
2) Water soluble vitamins: B-gp vitamins and vitamin C
Define nourishment?
Nourishment is defined as “ the processing of different nutrients to provide easily utilised materials to keep the body healthy”.
Define nutrition
Nutrition is defined “ as the process of ingestion, digestion and assimilation of foods in the human body”.
Define RDA
The RDA can be defined “ as the nutrients present in the diet which satisfy the daily requirements of all individuals in a population “. This implies to additional safety factor that allows for losses during cooking. Hence, one can say that the RDA= actual nutrient requirement +safety factor.
What is a balanced diet?
A diet containing all the RDAs for any individual is called a balanced diet.
Define balanced diet
Balanced diet can be defined as “ a diet that consists of different types of of foods in such quantities and proportions, that the need of protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals is adequately met and a small provision is made for extra nutrients to withstand short duration of leanness”.
What is the calorie contribution desired from a balanced diet
The calorie contribution desired from a balanced diet should be - 1) carbohydrate-60%, b) proteins - 10%, 3) fats - 30%
What are the five food groups?
The five food groups devised by the INDIAN COUNCIL OF MEDICAL RESEARCH(ICMR) is:
Food group 1 - Cereals, grains, roots and tubers.
Food group 2 - Pulses and legumes.
Food group 3 - Milk, meat and their products.
Food group 4 - Fruits and vegetables
Food group 5 - Fats and sugars.
Give the importance of food groups.
The importance of food groups are as follows:-
1) Food groups help one to realise the significance of balanced diet and its relation to good health. A deviation from good health will need professional dietary help. Food groups form the basis of assessment of one’s nutritional status. The dietitians provide suitable advise after checking the nutritional status .
2) Nutritional counselling can be provided after the assessment. Patient will be provided professional advise and change in diet plan. Qualified and trained dietitian can advise the patient to carefully use the appropriate foods from different groups to get back to normal health.
3) Right understanding and correct use of food groups helps one to correct dietary deficiencies and excesses.
4) It helps a homemaker to plan meals with in the budget.
5) It will help in checking wastage of nutrients e.g., derive calories from carbohydrates and spare the proteins for repair of workout tissues and building of new tissues.
6) It helps in deriving calories from carbohydrates and sparing the proteins.
What is a food pyramid?
A food pyramid is an important graphic tool that enables one to understand the way the foods can be included to keep the general population fit and healthy. Regular exercise is essential to maintain health.
What are the factors influencing food selection?
Food selection is of utmost importance. There is always a tussle between the food produced and the growing population on India. The government of India is trying its best to increase production with improved seeds, better agricultural techniques, so that the dietary needs of the entire population are adequately met. The selection of food is largely dependent upon the following factors:-
1) Availability of food
2) Family food habits
3) Individual preferences
4) cultural practices
5) Purchasing power
6) Peer pressure
7) Role of media
What are fats or lipids?
These are important part of our diet. Like carbohydrates, they are composed of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, but have more atoms of carbon and hydrogen that oxygen. Fats are insoluble in water but soluble in organic solvents like petrol, chloroform, carbon, tetrachloride etc . A molecule of fat consists of three molecules of fatty acids and one molecule of glycerol. It is Also known as TRIGLYCERIDES.
What are fats and oil?
Fats and oil have many types of triglycerides. Nature of fat or oil depends on the type fatty acids attached to glycerol molecule.
Give the difference between and fat and oil.
FATS:- 1) Fat is obtained from animals I.e., butter, ghee, yolk of egg, meat,etc.
2) Fat solids at 20 C temperature
3) Fats have saturated fatty acids
OIL:- 1) Oils are normally obtained from seeds like mustard, ground nuts, almond, and olives, etc.
2) Oil is liquid at 20 C temperature
3) Oils have unsaturated fatty acids
Define meal planning?
Meal planning can be defined as “ the process of planning and scheduling meals to meet all general as well as specific need to different family members”.