ESLPodcast 56 - Hiring for a Job Flashcards
To announce one’s intent to leave a job; to inform an employer that one is leaving, подать заявление об увольнении
Last week, my administrative assistant ……. that he was quitting in two weeks. It couldn’t have come at a worse time.
He gave notice yesterday that he’ll leave in two weeks.
Did you hear, Jack gave notice today
a person employed to aid an executive, as in a corporate department, by coordinating such office services and procedures as the supervision, maintenance, and control of the flow of work and programs, personnel, budgeting, records, etc., for the entire department.
Last week, my ……..gave notice that he was quitting in two weeks. It couldn’t have come at a worse time.
в самый неподходящий момент
Last week, my administrative assistant gave notice that he was quitting in two weeks. ……
It couldn’t have come at a worse time.
An advertisement seeking applicants for a job.
Last week, my administrative assistant gave notice that he was quitting in two weeks. It couldn’t have come at a worse time. It was a very busy time of the year, but there was nothing I could do. Right away, we put a …… in the classifieds and received several applications for the job. I called in four of them for interviews and I had narrowed it down to two candidates.
want ad
Last week, my administrative assistant gave notice that he was quitting in two weeks. It couldn’t have come at a worse time. It was a very busy time of the year, but there was nothing I could do. Right away, we put a want ad in the classifieds and received several applications for the job. I …… four of them for interviews and I had narrowed it down to two candidates.
to call in
Make more specific, to decrease in width or breadth
Last week, my administrative assistant gave notice that he was quitting in two weeks. It couldn’t have come at a worse time. It was a very busy time of the year, but there was nothing I could do. Right away, we put a want ad in the classifieds and received several applications for the job. I called in four of them for interviews and I had …… to two candidates.
All the food on the menu looked delicious, so I tried to narrow down my choices to only healthy foods.
a brief written account of personal, educational, and professional qualifications and experience, as that prepared by an applicant for a job.
The first was Claudia Trujillo. From her …… , I knew that she had had four years of experience working at a telecommunications company. She looked promising and when she arrived for the interview, she was dressed professionally and seemed personable.
выглядеть многообещающе, хорошо
The first was Claudia Trujillo. From her resume , I knew that she had had four years of experience working at a telecommunications company. She ……and when she arrived for the interview, she was dressed professionally and seemed personable.
looked promising
Having a pleasing appearance or manner; attractive; handsome; friendly; amiable, of pleasing personal appearance; handsome or comely; attractive
The first was Claudia Trujillo. From her resume , I knew that she had had four years of experience working at a telecommunications company. She looked promising and when she arrived for the interview, she was dressed professionally and seemed ……..
I admit him a personable man, for I have seen him; and I will suppose him courteous and agreeable.
Continuing in a course of action without regard to discouragement, opposition or previous failure.
Persistent determination to adhere to a plan of direction; insistence
The first was Claudia Trujillo. From her resume , I knew that she had had four years of experience working at a telecommunications company. She looked promising and when she arrived for the interview, she was dressed professionally and seemed personable. When I asked her about her experience, she answered my questions with confidence. She sounded like a hard worker and showed a lot of …………
It had taken nine years from the evening that Truman first showed up with a pie plate at her mother’s door, but his dogged perseverance eventually won him the hand of his boyhood Sunday school crush.
Of a person, chatting a lot or fond of chatting.
She sounded like a hard worker and showed a lot of perseverance. The only drawbacks were that she was a little …..and she also seemed a little disorganized.
Lacking order or organization; confused; chaotic.
She sounded like a hard worker and showed a lot of perseverance. The only drawbacks were that she was a little chatty and she also seemed a little …..
A role; the position in which one function
he second candidate was Alex Mayhew. Alex had more experience than Claudia, but in different ……, and only had one year of experience as an administrative assistant.
In need of refinement; unsophisticated
When I met Alex, he seemed a ……
While rough around the edges, the church is really a wonderful place to be.
The north side of town is a less expensive, rougher round the edges choice for a young family.
His writing is appealing, but a bit rough around the edges.
Ardent in the pursuit of an object; eager to obtain or do; zealous with sincerity; with hearty endeavour; heartfelt; fervent; hearty; — used in a good sense
serious in intention, purpose, or effort; sincerely zealous:
showing depth and sincerity of feeling:
When I met Alex, he seemed a little rough around the edges. He was ….. and eager, but didn’t have the air of someone who had worked in a corporate environment.
an earnest worker.
keen or ardent in desire or feeling; impatiently longing
characterized by or revealing great earnestness
When I met Alex, he seemed a little rough around the edges. He was .earnest. and …., but didn’t have the air of someone who had worked in a corporate environment.
I am eager for news about them. He is eager to sing.
It generally means “To have a certain energy about you”. It’s the energy that you emit. It can be either positive or negative. It depends on the context. It can be a “confident energy” or “an arrogant energy” etc..
When I met Alex, he seemed a little rough around the edges. He was ….. and eager, but didn’t ……. of someone who had worked in a corporate environment.
have the air
внутри компании
When I met Alex, he seemed a little rough around the edges. He was .earnest. and eager, but didn’t have the air of someone who had worked in a ……
corporate environment
Having a clear, quick intellect; intelligent
When I met Alex, he seemed a little rough around the edges. He was earnest and eager, but didn’t have the air of someone who had worked in a corporate environment. Still, he seemed ….. and easy to get along with.
He’s very bright. He was able to solve the problem without my help.
To interact or coexist well, without argument or trouble
When I met Alex, he seemed a little rough around the edges. He was earnest and eager, but didn’t have the air of someone who had worked in a corporate environment. Still, he seemed bright and easy …..
I wish the kids would get along better.
She never did get along with her brother.
To impress, seem or appear (to).
When I met Alex, he seemed a little rough around the edges. He was earnest and eager, but didn’t have the air of someone who had worked in a corporate environment. Still, he seemed bright and easy to get along with. He did…… being a little shy, but I think that was because he was nervous.
Golf has always struck me as a waste of time.
to consider, think about or evaluate something
So, those are my two options. Now, which one should I hire? I need to…..
I have recently given some thought to manly sports, and I venture a few words in regard to their value in every scheme of all-round education..