Escherichia coli Flashcards
General information about E. coli?
In the Enterobacteria family:
- reduce nitrates —> nitrites, ferment glucose
In soil, water, on plants, in digestive flora of humans and animals (mostly intestines)
Tableaux clinique:
Infections intestinales in developing countries
Infections extra-intestinales in industrialized
What is the morphology of E. coli?
gram negative, taille moyenne, bouts arrondis, mobile, non sporulé
How is E. coli cultured?
Milieux peu complexes
Milieux sélectifs et différentiels:
- Gélose MacConkey —> sels biliaires et le crystal violet inhibe les Gram +, lactose
- Aérobie, anaérobie facultatif
How is the paroi of E. coli structured?
- Structure rigide
- LPS (endotoxine) dans le feuillet externe
- Paroi de peptidoglycans
- Membrane cellulaire
What is the structure of the LPS on E. coli?
Lipid A —> core —> chaînes polysaccharidiques (antigène O)
What is lipid A?
Part rich in glucosamine and other part that is toxic and responsible for “choc endotoxine”
What is the core?
repeated sequence of polysaccharides, mostly similar in most gram - bacteria
What are the chaînes polysaccharidiques?
Ag de surface O, used for identification of strain
What are the biological effects of endotoxins?
Toxic for mammals:
- action directe: hémolysine
- action indirecte: recognized by the immune system
small quantities —> fever
large quantities —> hypotension, marginalization of PMNs and platelets (disseminated vascular coagulation)
What are entérotoxines?
Diarrhea acquired in the tropics
Plasmid is tranferable
Toxines ST et LT
What is toxine ST?
Heat-stable toxin:
- Survives at 100C for up to 30 minutes
- Only works on enterocytes
- Leads to secretion of liquid
- Anti-absorbing action
What is toxine LT?
Heat-labile toxine
- Destroyed by 30 mins at 65C
- Similar to cholera toxin
- Causes Cl secretion (water and Na… follow passively)
- Create important liquid and electrolytic loss
What is vérotoxine (shiga-toxine)?
Intefere with protein synthesis
Lyse renal and intestinal endothelial cells (#1 cause of insuffisance rénale aiguë in children and can cause ischemia by thrombosis of small vessels)
Other toxins: (3 main types)
Hémolysines, hémagglutinines, leucocidines