WBC > 100,000/uL, large (giant) platelets
Falsely high RBC count
Autoagglutination, cold agglutinins, hemolysis, microcytosis, schistocytes, clotting
Falsely low RBC count
Autoagglutination, high WBC(>50, 000/uL), cold agglutinins, old specimen, hyperosmolar state, reduced cell deformability
Falsely high MCV
Cryoglobulin, cryofibrinogen, giant platelets, hemolysis, swollen red cells
Falsely low MCV
Lipemia, icterus, chylomicrons, high WBC, spuriously low RBC
Falsely high MCH
Spuriously low Hb, falsely high RBC
Falsely low MCH
Cold agglutinins, autoagglutination, clotting, hemolysis in vivo and in vitro, spuriously high Hb, falsely low Hct
Falsely High MCHC
High WBC, falsely low Hb, spuriously high Hct
Falsely Low MCHC
Lipemia, icterus, chylomicrons,chylomicrons, lysis-resistant RBCs with abnormal Hbs, WBC > 20, 000/uL, platelet count(>70, 000/uL), parenteral nutrition, hypergammaglobulinemia, cryoglobulin, cryofibrinogen, hemolysis, heparin, hyperbilirubinemia
Falsely High Hb
Falsely Low Hb
Dehydration, hemoconcentration, insufficient centrifugation, buffy coat inclusion, hyponatremia, plasma trapping
Falsely High Hct
Hemolysis, improper sealing of the capillary tube,tube increased anticoagulant concentration, introduction of excess tissue fluid, hypernatremia
Falsely Low Hct
Cryoglobulin, cryofibrinogen, giant platelets, high WBC, hyperglycemia
Falsely High Hct automated
autoagglutination, clotting, hemolysis, microcytic red cells
Falsely Low Hct automated
Lysis-resistant RBCs with abnormal Hbs, nucleated RBCs, megakaryocyte fragments, micromegakaryoblasts, platelet clumps, giant platelets, cryoglobulins, cryofibrinogen, heparin, monoclonal proteins
Falsely High WBC