How many IRS ?
How long for the IRS to align?
Up to 17 minutes
How many satellites for the GPS to work?
What is FSBY?
Forced Standby Mode for the radar, prevents inadvertent radar use on the ground.
How do you override FSBY?
Both pilots must select FSBY OVRD. Or One pilot must select stab off 4 times in less than 3 seconds
What is the radar target function?
Scans 7.5° in front of airplane and warns crew of hazardous wx beyond the selected range up to 200 miles
What does SECT Function do?
Reduces radar sweep to 30° and 24 sweeps per minute
What is normal radar sweep
60°. And 12 sweeps per minute
What does the IRS do?
It interfaces with the IRU, the MAU, GPS, and the ADC to provide airplane
Position Ground speed Heading Altitude