Equity Theory: Outline Flashcards
this theory claims that people are most comfortable when what they get out of a relationship is roughly equal to what they put in (benefits/costs)
Inequity and dissatisfaction:
people are most comfortable when they are getting roughly what they deserve
relationships that lack equity are often dissatisfying
if people feel over-benefited they may feel guilt or pity
if under-benefited, he/she may feel anger or sadness
A timetable of equity and inequity in marriages:
Schafer and Keith (1980)
wives often felt under-benefited and husbands felt over-benefited
during the honeymoon period and empty-nest stages, both partners were most likely to perceive equity and satisfaction
A timetable of equity and inequity in marriages:
Hatfield and Rapson (2011)
suggest that the concern of equity depends on the stage of the relationship
equity is most important at the early stages
this concern for equity lessons as each partner becomes more deeply committed
couples in equitable relationships are less likely to have extramarital relationships (Byers and Wang)