Equity #37 - Residual Income Valuation Flashcards
residual income
LOS 37.a
- residual income (RI):
- equivalent to “economic profit”
- RI = net inc - opportunity cost of equity capital
- accounting income will overstate returns from equity investor perspective because it ignores cost of equity
- RI explicitly deducts all capital costs–debt & equity
relation of RI to other valuation models
LOS 37.a
- residual income is related to :
- PVGO model: P = EPS1 / r + PVGO
- P/B ratio using fundamentals:
- P/B = (ROE - g) / (r - g)
- Porter’s 5 Forces model and competitive strategies
equation forms of residual income
LOS 37.a
RI = net inc - opportunity cost of equity capital
RI = NOPAT - WACC x total capital
RI = EBIT(1 - t) - WACC x total capital; t = marginal tax rate
RIt = EPSt - (BVPSt-1 * r)
RIt = (ROE - r)BVPSt-1
uses for residual income models
LOS 37.b
- measuring company management effectiveness & executive compensation
- equity valuation
- measuring goodwill impairment
intrinsic value and residual income
LOS 37.c
- RI approach: Value = BV + PV(all RI’s)
- formula similar to DDM:
V0 = B0 + (RI1/(1+r)1 + (RI2/(1+r)2+ … + (RIn/(1+r)n
B0 = BV of equity
calculating future RI
LOS 37.c
Two methods for calculating RIt:
- RIt = EPSt - (r * BVt-1)
- RIt = (ROEt - r) * BVt-1
intrinsic value calculation:
V0 = B0 + sum[(ROEt - r) * Bt-1 / (1 + r)t]
difference in value recognition: RI vs. DCF models
LOS 37.c
- value is recognized earlier under RI model than under DCF, so RI less sensitive to terminal value
value drivers of residual income
LOS 37.d
if ROE > re:
- RI will be positive
- justified MV/BV > 1
if ROE = re:
- justified MV = BV
- MV/BV = 1
single-stage RI constant growth model
LOS 37.f
assumptions: constant ROE and constant g (EPS growth)
V0 = B0 + RI1 = B0 + (ROE - r) * B0 / (r-g)
Calculating implied growth rate
g = r - [B0(ROE - r) / (V0 - B0]
assume P0 = V0 (mkt is in equilibrium)
V0 = market price of stock = P/B * B/S
B0 = book value
r = required return on equity
continuing residual income
LOS 37.h
continuing RI: expected RI beyond the estimated horizon
- depends on form’s ability to generate ROE > r, premium over BV
- relates to Porter’s competitive advantage
- depends on industry opportunities
- depends on firm able to keep competitive edge over the long term
persistence factor w
LOS 37.h
- persistence factor w, between 0 and 1
- high w ⇒ longer period in which ROE > 1
- factors suggesting higher w:
- low Div payout
- high RI industry persistence
- factors suggesting lower w:
- high ROE
- large special items
- large accounting accruals
continuing RI approaches
LOS 37.h
- drop immediately to zero (w = 0); no competitive advantage, “pure competition”
- persist at current level forever (w = 1); prepetual competitive advantage
- decline over time to zero
- decline over time to steady state “mature industry” level
multi-stage RI model
LOS 37.h
Intrinsic value = sum of 3 components:
V0 = B0 + PV(high-grow RI) + PV(cont. RI)
- calculate current BV +
- calulate RI for yrs 1 to T-1 (T=terminal year) +
- calculate cont. RI as: PV(cont RIT-1+) = RIT / (1 + r - w)
strengths of residual income model
LOS 37.j
- terminal value doesn’t dominate V0
- accounting data easily accessible
- works even without dividiends or positive CF
- works even when CFs are volatile or unpredictable
- focuses on economic profitability
weaknesses of residual income model
LOS 37.j
- account data can be manipulated by management
- requires many adjustments
- assumes “clean surplus” relation holds (assumes no direct adjustments to equity i.e. all income flows through IS:
Bt = Bt-1 + Et - Dt
accounting issues affecting RI
LOS 37.k
Point: while RI is straightforward, in practice it requires many adjustments:
- clean surplus relationship violations
- off-BS items
- nonrecurring items on IS
- aggressive accounting practices
- international accounting differences
examples of clean surplus relationship violations
LOS 37.k
- FX translation gain/(loss)
- BS adjustements to fair value
- pension liability (remeasurements)
- unrecognized gain/(loss) on avail-for-sale securities
- deferred gain/(loss) on cash flow hedges
- change in revaluation surplus of PP&E, long-life assets and intangibles (IFRS only)
- change in value of certain liabilities due to credit risk changes
effect of/solution for clean surplus relationship violations
LOS 37.k
- BV correct but NI and ROE forecast are incorrect
- issue OCI items that do not reverse over time
- calc ROE using comprehensive income (NI + d(OCI items)
- note OCI is cinsidered income under clean surplus accounting
Off-Balance Sheet item examples
LOS 37.k
- operating leases
- off-BS SPEs
- LIFO to FIFO inventory
- deferred tax assets and liabilites
nonrecurring item examples
LOS 37.k
- discontinued operations
- accounting changes
- restructuring charges
Effect: exclude nonrecurring items on the IS; RI should be based on recurring items only
aggressive accounting examples
LOS 37.k
- accelereating revenues to current period
- deferring expenses to later period
- using reserves to smooth income
- unrealistic accounting estimates