_____ used for the measurement of mass in the sub- milligram range.
analytical balance
are made with a measuring pan enclosed in a transparent covering that prevents smalls particles or air currents from getting collected on the pan.
Analytical balance
Measures bacterial culture media components
Always calibrated before every use
Analytical balance
An______ is a pressurized chamber
used for the process of sterilization and disinfection by combining three factors: time, pressure and steam
Autoclave is a pressurized chamber
used for the process of sterilization and disinfection by combining three factors:
• Use_____ as their sterilization agent.
The basic principle of an_____ is that all the items within it come in direct contact with the steam for a particular period irrespective of the nature of the material- whether it is liquid, plastic ware, or glassware.
• To be effective, the autoclave must reach and maintain a temperature of__ for at least ____by using saturated steam under at least____ of pressure.
121° C
15 minutes
15 psi
a standard tool used in laboratories, named after Robert Bunsen.
Bunsen burners
Bunsen burners are named after
Robert Bunsen
• It is a gas-fueled single open flame.
Bunsend burner
• It is commonly used for processes like sterilization, combustion, and heating.
In medical or microbiology laboratories, it is commonly used for micro-loop sterilization.
Bunsen Burner
• For the bacteria incinerator, sterilization is obtained by means of infrared rays.
A complete sterilization is reached between 5/8 seconds at 850°C.
Bunsen Burner
• For the_____, sterilization is obtained by means of infrared rays.
A complete sterilization is reached between_____ sec at _____ C
bacteria incinerator
5/8 seconds at 850°C.
A laboratory______ is motor-based and allows the rotation of a liquid sample resulting in the separation of the components of the mixture.
Separates liquid components by spinning
is used to estimate the density of a liquid culture by counting the number of CFU (colony forming units) on an agar or culture plates.
colony counter
Estimates bacterial count
Colony counter
is a stand-alone appliance used in microbiology laboratories as a tabletop heating system.
hot plate
melting agar for culture media preparation
Hot plate
• It is usually used for mixing various liquid components in a mixture in a chemical or microbiology laboratory.
• This device is used in place of other stirrers as it is noise-free and because the size of the stir bar is so tiny, there is less chance of contamination.
Magnetic stirrer
Rotating magnetic field to rotate liquid
Magnetic stirrer
A______ is an electrical device that is used for sterilization of medical equipment or samples using dry heat.
hot air oven
can be used to sterilize materials like glassware, metal equipment, powders, etc.
• It allows for the destruction of microorganisms as well as bacterial spores.
• Hot air oven
is a device that is used in the laboratories for the growth and maintenance of microorganisms and cultures.
• provides an optimal temperature, pressure, moisture, among other things required for the
growth of microorganisms.
• An enclosed, ventilated laboratory workspace for safely › working with materials contaminated with pathogens requiring a defined biosafety level.
Biosafety cabinet
• This device creates a sterile environment with the flow of sterile air through a _______ and _______that sterilizes the workstation.
High-Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filter
shortwave ultraviolet germicidal lamp
Ised for initial isolation
Class I Biosafety cabinet
E. coli and SAU
Biosafety CLASS I
Routinely used biosafety cabinet
Class II
Biosafety cabinet for anthrax, smallpox, ebola
Class III
• Is a device that encloses a working area in such a way as to protect workers from aerosol exposure to infectious disease agents.
Biological Safety Cabinet (BSC)
• Air that contains the infectious material is sterilized, either by______/______ or ________
• The air-handling system of a microbiology laboratory should, move.air.from. _____ to _____risk areas,/never.the reverse.
• Most hospital clinical microbiology laboratory technologists use _____cabinets.
heat/UVlight or by passage through a HEPAfilter - High Efficiency Parliculate Air
lower to higher
class Il
- allow room (unsterilized) air to pass into the cabinet and around the area and material within, sterilizing.(HEPA).only. the
- are open-fronted with negative pressure (ventilated cabinets).
- use for BSL2 and 3 agents.
Class I Cabinets
Class II BSC
types: Class Ila, (_______) and Glass:lIB«(________)
Used for (2) agents
variable sash,opening
BSL 2 and 3
- provide the most protection to the worker - highest level of safety.
- air coming into and, going out of the, cabinet is sterilized (HEPA) and the infectious material within is handled.with.rubbergloves that are attached and sealed to the Cabinet.
Class Ill Cabinets
can be used for the preservation of different things used in the laboratories for a very long period of time.
A deep freeze
are used in laboratories to store and preserve medical equipment, food items, blood samples, medicines, and injections, etc. for a more extended period of time.
Deep freezers
are devices that allow the observer to an exceedingly close view of minute particles.
Visualize minute organisms
Observe gran staining morphology