Equipment Tags Flashcards
Weapon Tag - n ammo
counts as ammo for the appropriate ranged weapon
Weapon Tag - forceful
knocks back, or even off their feet
Weapon Tag - +n damage
Weapon Tag - ignores armor
Weapon Tag - messy
rips people and things apart
Weapon Tag - n piercing
ignores the first n armor
Weapon Tag - precise
may use Dex instead of Str for Hack & Slash
Weapon Tag - reload
after you attack with it, it takes a while to reload
Weapon Tag - stun
deals stun damage instead of normal damage
Weapon Tag - thrown
may be thrown with Volley
Weapon Range - hand
within arm’s reach
Weapon Range - close
within arm’s reach plus a foot or two
Weapon Range - reach
within a few feet away, maybe as far as 10
Weapon Range - near
if you can see the white of their eyes
Weapon Range - far
within shouting distance
Armor Tag - n armor
absorbs n damage on every attack (doesn’t stack)
Armor Tag - +n armor
absorbs n damage on every attack (stacks)
Armor Tag - clumsy
-1 ongoing while using it (cumulative)
Equipment Tag - applied
only used when applied to something
Equipment Tag - awkward
unwieldy and tough to use
Equipment Tag - +bonus
adds a bonus
Equipment Tag - n coins
costs n coins (-Cha when haggling is available)
Equipment Tag - dangerous
easy to get in trouble with it
Equipment Tag - ration
is edible
Equipment Tag - requires
has a requirement
Equipment Tag - slow
it takes minutes or more to use
Equipment Tag - touch
needs to touch the target’s skin
Equipment Tag - two handed
it requires two hands to use
Equipment Tag - n weight
counts n towards your load
Equipment Tag - worn
you must wear it to use it
Equipment Tag - n uses
can only be used n times